包粽子 Zongzi /Chinese Tamale

端午節快到了..麥寶娘親 很忙碌的包粽子.

Dragon Boat Festival this year is May 30, 2017.  Miloh family is so busy to prepare Chinese Tamale/Rice Dumpling now.

It is a traditional Chinese food, made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves.

cut the rope into 5 same length. then tie them.

wash bamboo leaves and cut the sharp edge.

粽葉 洗乾淨 把尖的部分剪掉.

marinated meat, mushroom, onion and raw peanut

先用紅蔥頭炒香後再炒一下醃好的肉..滷汁拌入糯米內..米沒先泡..這時讓汁泡一下米 讓味道吸入

mixed Peanut with meat and the sauce from meat










They are cooked by steaming or boiling. cook for 2 hours.

粽子 可蒸 可水煮..麥寶娘親做的是 台灣南部粽 水煮法. 大火煮2 小時

Zongzi are traditionally eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

Miloh wish you a wonderful , happy Dragon Boat Festival!

麥寶  祝你 端午節快樂!!


some history:

A popular belief amongst the Chinese of eating zongzi involved commemorating the death of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet from the kingdom of Chu who lived during the Warring States period. Known for his patriotism, Qu Yuan tried unsuccessfully to warn his king and countrymen against the expansionism of their Qin neighbors. When the Qin general Bai Qi took Yingdu, the Chu capital, in 278 BC, Qu Yuan’s grief was so intense that he drowned himself in the Miluo river after penning the Lament for Ying. According to legend, packets of rice were thrown into the river to prevent the fish from eating the poet’s body.

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

洋薏米 大薏仁 粽子 Pearl Barley Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2vG

拿玉米葉 包粽子 Corn Leaf/Husk Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3sC

拿’野薑花’葉子 包粽子 Ginger Lily leave Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3y8

古早味蜂蜜戚風/海綿蛋糕 Honey Chiffon / Sponge Cake


Sponge cake is a cake based on flour, sugar, butter and eggs, and it has a firm yet well-aerated structure, similar to a sea sponge.

「戚風」chiffon 原本的意思是「雪紡紗」是指薄紗類的絲織物。其捕捉空氣的方式是將蛋白與蛋黃分離,獨自將蛋白打發,而後再混入其餘材料,通常使用植物油而非奶油,故而香氣或許不如磅蛋糕與海綿蛋糕濃郁,但吃起來較不膩口,清新柔順,彷如飄逸的薄紗。它是改良海綿蛋糕 由一位美國賣保險的人在60年前發明的.

The chiffon cake was invented in 1927 by Harry Baker , a California insurance salesman turned caterer. Baker kept the recipe secret for 20 years until he sold it to General Mills, which spread the recipe through marketing materials in the 1940s and 1950s.

麥寶娘親做了戚風蛋糕後又做了蜂蜜海綿蛋糕.覺得戚風味道淡.鬆軟好吃但孔隙大些.海綿蛋糕味道濃郁細密.於是想想試著做個混合版..孔隙 小點,味道帶蜂蜜味 綿綿的.

戚風可以比較柔軟 是使用液體油替代奶油,因為液體油包覆了麵粉,讓水分無法與澱粉的麩質結合,不易產生筋性,吃起來口感較鬆軟。若再利用油加熱燙熟麵粉讓麵粉失去了筋性,會讓口感柔軟更好吃.

海綿蛋糕 蛋要室溫一天 ..戚風蛋糕 蛋要冰的. 又要打到濕發.  寫這麼多.是有原因的.




75g 橄欖油 (Olive oil) 5 tbsp

90g 低筋麵粉 (cake flour) ¾ cup

60g 牛奶 (milk) ¼ cup

6 蛋黃 (egg yolk) 在室溫擺3-5小時

1 湯匙 蜂蜜 (Honey) 1 tbsp


6 蛋白 (egg white) 在室溫擺3-5小時

75g 砂糖(caster sugar) 1/3 cup

半個檸檬汁 Lemon half (用檸檬汁 穩定打蛋白的效果)


檸檬皮 Lemon Zest (墊在底盤 或 擺進蛋黃部分 都可)


  • 油加熱2分鐘 (heat oil  for 2 min)
  • 混合植物油和麵粉至無顆粒 (mix  oil and flour to no crumb)
  • 加入 蜂蜜 牛奶及蛋黃攪拌至順滑 (add in honey,milk and yolk mix to smooth batter)
  • 蛋白加入砂糖 檸檬汁打發蛋白到八分發就好..,拉起來是小的尖角或是一點點彎勾(add in sugar,lemon and beat egg white to stiff peak)
  • 加入 1/3  B 材料進 A 材料攪拌均勻 (add 1/3 of  B ingredients to A and mix well)
  • 最後小心拌入 A + B (lastly carefully combine A + B)
  • 把混好的材料 倒進過濾網 入烤模
  • 水浴法150c/305F,烤60分鐘(steam bake in 150c/305F for 60mins)

蛋.. 用這種蛋..蛋白比較多. 擺在室溫幾個小時

油加熱後(稍有紋路出現即可)熄火 ,混合植物油和麵粉至無顆粒

heat oil  for 2 min,mix  oil and flour to no crumb


Honey 麥寶娘親的秘密武器. 去看麥寶姊姊時 從 UC Davis帶回來的 超濃密 純正

  • 加入 蜂蜜 牛奶及蛋黃攪拌至順滑 (add in honey,milk and yolk mix to smooth batter)

蛋白加入砂糖 檸檬汁打發蛋白到八分發,拉起來是小的尖角或是一點點彎勾(add in sugar,lemon and beat egg white to stiff peak)

加入 1/3  打好的蛋白 進 蛋黃糊材料攪拌均勻 (add 1/3 of  B ingredients to A and mix well)

最後把剩下的蛋白 蛋黃糊拌勻  A + B (lastly carefully combine A + B)

把混好的材料 倒進過濾網 (讓蛋糕更綿密)

檸檬皮墊在底盤 或擺進蛋黃部分 lemon zest put on the bottom  or mixed with egg yolk  (不用擺也沒關係 擺了比較有檸檬味)

材料入烤模把烤盤 敲幾下敲出大氣泡.. 再拿牙籤 畫S..讓小氣泡出來

水浴法 steam bake..烤了比較不易乾掉 ..

拿個大一點的烤盤 在烤箱預熱時先擺進去.水高1cm 左右



烤了40幾分後.用牙籤戳入 如果牙籤沾到的不是濕的.就快好了.

拿出烤箱後..把紙拉開 擺涼 (不用倒扣)


鬆軟 又綿密..有蜂蜜和檸檬香..

Cutie Miloh


紫邊扁豆 Hyacinth Bean Vine Purple

Hyacinth Bean Vine is a fast growing, flowering vine, with pretty purple flowers.



Raw bean seeds are poisonous. They need to be boiled for a long time, to make them safe to eat.


Hyacinth Bean Vine are grown from seeds. Easy grow, low maintain!

麥寶娘親去年去摘柿子時 好心的主人 讓我們摘扁豆. 所以也摘了些乾的扁豆

回家後 把種子 丟進菜園裡 就長出來了.很容易 種植.


Purple Hyacinth Bean is often grown as an ornamental plant, although most of the plant is edible.

With shades of purple in the leaves, stems, flowers and showy seed pods, it is undeniably eye-catching.


扁豆蒸麵  steamed noodle

通常都拿豆角蒸麵..扁豆長好多..所以試著拿扁豆蒸麵..很好吃 !

Do you know you are sitting on veggies ? Miloh!


參考食譜 reference recipe:
蒸麵 steamed noodle

櫛瓜創意料理: 櫛瓜餃子 Zucchini Dumpling

zucchini season is starting and that means Miloh’s family will cook so many zucchini dishes now and through fall 🙂

櫛瓜 正開始了生長的季節.麥寶家又開始幾乎天天要吃櫛瓜囉~~

櫛瓜餃子 吃起來很清爽 又 甜.

把櫛瓜 刨絲 灑鹽 然後擰乾

Shred the zucchini with salt, then  wring dry

chop the fish meat or use ground pork

剁魚肉 或 用絞肉

mix the meat and shred zucchini

把肉和瓜 攪勻


餃子皮的做法 請參考 Dumpling wrap recipe :

自己擀餃皮 Make your own Dumpling Wrap

use those left over zucchini to steam prawn

把刨絲剩下的塊.. 拿來悶明蝦..甜!

把沒用掉的餃子餡 隔天混進麵粉..做烙餅.

use the left over meat&zucchini , add in flour to make pan cake.


Lovely Miloh in veggie garden.

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

櫛瓜(夏南瓜) Zucchini https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1NN

櫛瓜創意料理:瓜梗食譜 Zucchini stem recipe https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1Pi

櫛瓜創意料理:櫛瓜老菜脯雞湯 Zucchini Chicken Soup https://wp.me/p8fIi1-27X

櫛瓜料理:櫛瓜麵條 zucchini noodles:Zoodle  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1Ps

櫛瓜創意料理:櫛瓜蛤蜊 Zucchini with clam  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2dS

檸檬櫛瓜蛋糕 Lemon Zucchini Bread  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2pE

適合早餐吃的 櫛瓜麵包 Morning Person Zucchini Bread  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-39i

櫛瓜麵條 烤蛋 /櫛瓜蛋巢 Baked Eggs and Zoodles with Avocado/ Zucchini Egg Nest  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3d8

蒸 櫛瓜肉丸子/珍珠丸子 蒸的好滋味 Zucchini meat ball/Pearl meat ball  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3Ab

【櫛瓜食譜】:櫛瓜檸檬 杯狀小鬆糕 Zucchini Lemon Muffins  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3AA

口感濕潤的 櫛瓜麵包 Super Moist Zucchini Bread With Yogurt  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3Bs

櫛瓜創意料理 蝦仁 櫛瓜片 越南魚露酸甜辣醬汁 nước chấmVietnamese Sweet & Sour sauce with shrimp and Zucchini  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5×2

[省水植物】水蠟樹 Texas Privet – water wise

水蠟樹 正 如火如荼的在麥寶家院子盛開著

Texas Privet are blooming now in Miloh family’s yard.

Ligustrum japonicum ‘texanum’

  • Full Sun or Some Shade – Evergreen Shrub
  • Regular Water. Low-Moderate Once Established

這樹叢 可以種在全日照 或半日照的地方.

Dense, compact growth habit to 6-9 ft. but can be kept lower by trimming. Roundish oval leaves 2-4 in. long, dark to medium green and glossy above, distinctly paler to almost whitish beneath; have thick, slightly spongy feeling.

這樹 很省水 又不需照顧 很容易種植

Excellent plant for hedges or screens, or for shaping into globes, pyramids, other shapes. Best hedge if you can wait for it to fill in. Very minimal root, insect, or disease issues.

 比較需要做的是….要修剪..麥寶家會等花都謝了 就動手.
(Ligustum japonicum ‘Texanum’)- One of the most popular hedges of all time. What makes it so popular is its durability. It seems to grow without any care, except pruning to shape if you are growing it as a formal or clipped hedge.
 It is a #waterwise plant, but does better with deep infrequent waterings, especially in the heat of summer. The spring flowers are massed in clusters all over the edge of the branches and then followed by a small dark blue berry.  The foliage is a beautiful glossy green.
 Flowers will attract bees if you let it bloom.

白色花兒們 吸引很多蜜蜂 蝴蝶來.. 也很清香~~

A fire-resistant plant

這樹在南加州 尤其聖地牙哥很受歡迎的圍牆樹.

水臘樹盛開時 插盆花..淡淡的香味~~

古早味蛋糕(戚風蛋糕) 水浴法 STEAM BAKE Chiffon CAKE

古早味蛋糕其實就類似戚風蛋糕..早些日子 有個大姊烤了一個送了照片來 很可口的樣子

My friend made this sponge cake and show me the picture.

Look really delicious.. I didn’t try it until today.

今天我終於也來試做看看  採用 燙麵法+水浴法



75g 橄欖油 (Olive oil) 5 tbsp

90g 低筋麵粉 (cake flour) ¾ cup

60g 牛奶 (milk) ¼ cup

6 蛋黃 (egg yolk)


6 蛋白 (egg white)

75g 砂糖(caster sugar) 1/3 cup

1g (salt) 0.07 tsp


  • 油加熱2分鐘 (heat oil  for 2 min)
  • 混合植物油和麵粉至無顆粒 (mix  oil and flour to no crumb)
  • 加入牛奶及蛋黃攪拌至順滑 (add in milk and yolk mix to smooth batter)
  • 蛋白加入鹽 ( add salt into egg white)
  • 慢慢加入砂糖打發蛋白至濕性發泡 (slowly add in sugar and beat egg white to stiff peak)
  • 加入 1/3  B 材料進 A 材料攪拌均勻 (add 1/3 of  B ingredients to A and mix well)
  • 最後小心拌入 A + B (lastly carefully combine A + B)
  • 水浴法150c/300F,烤60分鐘(steam bake in 150c/300F for 60mins)

橄欖油加熱後(稍有紋路出現即可)熄火 heat oil  for 2 min

加入已過篩低筋麵粉拌勻 mix  oil and flour to no crumb

加入牛奶拌勻 add in milk and yolk mix to smooth batter

加入6顆蛋黃拌勻  Add in Egg Yolk

自己加入檸檬皮..add some lemon zest


6顆蛋白先用電動打蛋器慢速攪打至些許泡泡 加入鹽  再將糖加入 打至鋼盆倒立蛋白霜不會流動即可 add salt into egg white  slowly add in sugar and beat egg white to stiff peak

挖約1/3 B 材料的蛋白霜至完成的麵糊中用刮刀以切拌方式攪拌均勻加入 (add 1/3 of  B ingredients to A and mix well)

最後小心拌入 A + B (lastly carefully combine A + B)

倒入蛋糕模中 表面稍抹平 進烤箱前在桌上震一下 讓空氣震出來

水浴法150c/300F,烤60分鐘(steam bake in 150c/300F for 60mins)

準備一個比蛋糕模大的烤盤 將已加入麵糊的蛋糕模放入 注入熱水約至蛋榚模的1公分高

烤箱 ,此為水浴法.  採用水浴法 蛋糕表面不會裂.

用牙籤叉入不沾黏 關掉電源 打開烤箱門一小洞  悶約5分鐘即可出爐

出爐後先在桌面震一下讓空氣跑出來 然後拉一下兩旁的烘焙紙將蛋糕拉起 放在架子上(不用倒扣)

將四週的烘焙紙攤平  讓蛋糕放涼

橄欖油可改用任何植物油 改用無鹽奶油也可以, 烤箱溫度及時間也請依個別烤箱為主.

好啦..第一次做的戚風蛋糕 好吃.. 沒烤成 氣瘋蛋糕ㄡ~~

鬆軟好吃 不油不很甜 清爽可口的檸檬戚風蛋糕!

Miloh ran into weeds and play there today again!

麥寶今天又在雜草堆裡玩瘋了 !

5號公路旁 好吃的 意大利菜 Cucina Enoteca – Del Mar, CA

Located in the Flower Hill in Del Mar, Just East of Highway I-5 exit Via Del La Valle.
這在5號公路旁的一個義大利餐廳 有賣很多酒
附近有加油站..超市 Whole Food.. 還有購物商店 .
Cucina Enoteca is both a restaurant and wine shop!
Enoteca in English means: Wine Shop!
Cucina in English means: Kitchen!
Cucina Enoteca is a contemporary Italian cuisine and Happy Hour seven days a week.
 Miloh family love this restaurant and eat sometimes especially during San Diego Restaurant Week.
麥寶家人喜歡這家餐廳 偶爾會來打個牙祭.
 They offer some special event brunch.. Mother’s Day brunch buffet is one of them.
母親節 這餐廳有特別的菜單 吃到飽的早午餐..所以 接下來的都是母親節特餐的菜色
Salad  沙拉
藜麥  Quinoa
 Smoky Salmon
Hummus  鹰嘴豆泥
  Cheese… 起司
baked veggies.. 烤蔬菜
Carving station… 切肉片
Bacon and potato 培根..馬鈴薯
 Veggie Lasagna  千層麵

歐姆蛋 Omelet
 自己調配 選擺進去的東西.然後他們幫你現做
 very delicious.. 很好吃..
 Blueberry Yogurt 藍莓優格
有空可以來這餐廳附近 吃個飯 然後 買買菜.. 方便又省時. 來聖地牙哥玩..在5號公路附近也可繞進來..就在高速公路旁
Miloh had so much fun to play with his dog friends today..
麥寶 跟朋友們 玩得很開心~~

CUCINA enoteca Flower Hill Promenade, Del Mar CA


五月初的玫瑰 芳香迷人 Roses in Early May..Smell Good

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – William Shakespeare


Gertrude Jekyll

Lots Roses blooming in Miloh’s Family Rose Garden.  Some are collections, some are adopted.. all beautiful.

五月初 玫瑰盛開.有些是麥寶娘親收集的品種 有些是認養來的..都很漂亮迷人~~

Mother’s Day is coming, Share some rose photos and celebrate this special day.

母親節快到了.. 分享院子裡的玫瑰照片..慶祝這特別的日子




Blue Girl

Miloh is 86 lbs dog.. see how big this rose is!

這朵 玫瑰 快跟我的臉一樣大!





Grandiflora rose: LOVE


Lemon Splash




Gertrude Jekyll



Claire Austin


















Mustard & Ketchup




Mustard & Ketchup


















David Austin Rose




My lovely “Blue Girl”




微微 一開 很迷人~~~





This rose start with light pink color, then turn into WHITE color. so beautiful.

這玫瑰 從淡粉紅開到白色…


Gertrude Jekyll


Happy Mother’s Day! 母親節快樂!


What’s Up .. Miloh.

麥寶..那裏到底有甚麼東西..一直看呢?  猜是有很多蜥蜴..在考慮要先追哪隻:)

Lego-land 附近好吃的: 德國超市German Market: Tip Top Meat @ Carlsbad, CA

Tip Top Meat in Carlsbad,CA closer to Lego Land is a Butcher shop & a sit-down delicatessen with breakfast, lunch & dinner eats, plus draft beer & wine.

這家在智高樂園附近的 德國超市, 有餐廳 有超市..可以買菜又可吃頓飯的好地方.

Big John Breakfast is all you can eat breakfast.

吃到飽的早餐 有3個蛋…馬鈴薯還有肉..德國香腸

Coffee refill.. 咖啡可續杯..也有生啤!

Pork chop

肉餅 German Rostbraetl

Egg Benedict  班尼迪克蛋

Steak and Eggs 牛排和蛋

Three pancakes

After you eat.. you can do some grocery shopping..


German Sausages.. 德國香腸

Ham, Bacon ….

Frozen meats.. many variety.


德國啤酒..這是麥寶娘親最愛的..Weihenstephan.. 好喝ㄡ~~~

Bone for dogs too…


Ground pork .. 餃肉..品質很好.

Pork Belly is really good too..

五花肉 也很棒..麥寶娘親 請他們切好..

高粱+五花肉片 = 醃 臘肉 囉~~~




有空到 Lego land附近玩 可去吃飯 物美價廉.. 想帶點優質肉類回家 更好!

Miloh… your nose is too close to the dinner food.. 🙂

麥寶..有需要這樣聞香嗎? 🙂



Tip Top Meats Menu,



堆肥食在很重要 Compost

Composting is a simple way to add nutrient-rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. It’s also free, easy to make and good for the environment.


好朋友去了台大實驗農場給我送了些照片 .我覺得堆肥真的很重要..所以著手寫起 部落格分享

Food scraps and yard waste currently make up 20 to 30 percent of what we throw away, and should be composted instead. Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

· 茶葉、咖啡渣 、栗米衣、花生殼 – 可直接採用於園藝作護根
· 薑、蒜頭及洋蔥的皮,可作有機驅蟲劑
· 蛋殼,可直接用於園藝作肥料
· 洗米水,可稀釋後肥用作液肥

碳氮比”  “碳”可以降低臭味,減緩發酵(這不確定) ,”氮”味道重,促進發酵。

了解各種堆肥材料的碳氮比(C:N ratio),小心計劃材料的混合比例能促進有機物之分解。一般最適合堆肥的碳氮比為25-30:1


堆肥的物料 碳氮比 堆肥的物料 碳氮比
木糠 400-500:1 果皮及果心 30:1
紙碎 150:1 紅蘿蔔 27:1
報紙 150:1 野草 25:1
紙張 150:1 草木灰 23:1
樹皮 125:1 咖啡渣 20:1
稻草 100:1 草碎 20:1
枯草 80:1 海藻 19:1
松針 66:1 白飯 15:1
粟米穗軸 60:1 洋蔥和辣椒 15:1
乾樹葉 60:1 菜莢 12:1
新鮮樹葉 45:1 蕃茄 12:1
豆莢 30:1 豆渣 5:1
What to Compost
 table scraps
 add with dry carbon items
 fruit & vegetable scraps
 add with dry carbon items
 best when crushed
 leaves break down faster when shredded
 grass clippings
 add in thin layers so they don’t mat into clumps
 garden plants
 use disease-free plants only
 lawn & garden weeds
 only use weeds which have not gone to seed
 shrub prunings
 woody prunings are slow to break down
 straw or hay
 straw is best; hay (with seeds) is less ideal
 green comfrey leaves
 excellent compost ‘activator’
 pine needles
 acidic; use in moderate amounts
 flowers, cuttings
 chop up any long woody stems
 seaweed and kelp
 apply in thin layers; good source for trace minerals
 wood ash
 only use ash from clean materials; sprinkle lightly
 chicken manure
 excellent compost ‘activator’
 coffee grounds
 filters may also be included
 tea leaves
 loose or in bags
 avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
 shredded paper
 avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
 shred material to avoid matting
 corn cobs, stalks
 slow to decompose; best if chopped up
 dryer lint
 best if from natural fibers
 sawdust pellets
 high carbon levels; add in layers to avoid clumping
 wood chips / pellets
 high carbon levels; use sparingly
You can also add garden soil to your compost. A layer of soil will help to mask any odors, and micro-organisms in the soil will accelerate the composting process.

其實 上面那些甚麼比例的 對麥寶娘親 甚麼都  隨便 隨興的.. 太複雜了..:)

每天 把果皮 茶葉 丟進桶子.如下

collect all the veggie and fruit peel

然後丟進這些堆肥桶..麥寶爸爸再加入割下的草 枯葉.. 偶爾轉一轉..

朋友教我們 擺個水桶收滴下的汁  加水澆菜.

These are our tumbler compost bin

麥寶家的菜園 都用這些肥來種菜.. these are all the fertilizer we used for veggie garden

有機肥真得很重要..也可環保! 如果地方不夠大 也可用小小有蓋子的桶子收集果皮噢~~






Home Composting Made Easy
