蟠桃 Donut Peach/Flat Peach

Easy grow, sweet and juicy fruit ; 好吃又容易種植 多產的果樹

Donut Peach , The fruit is popular for its unique flattened shape and juicy, sweet flavor.

蟠桃 是一個長得很可愛的水果,它外型扁扁的,好像甜甜圈。


Springtime brings a flush of beautiful pink flower blossoms

Flower start to bloom in late Feb till March.

春天 先開花 才長出葉子來。


三月底 花兒全盛開;好美。

四月中 就會看到 一顆顆像鈕扣一樣大小的 小小蟠桃;這時候可以進行第一次 疏果。

The tiny fruits appear in Mid April like a button size, they are abundant .

time to pick some fruits off the tree to avoid over crowded and smaller fruits later .


In May, the fruits grow bigger

果實在五月中 長到像手掌大小

Trees bear heavy crops of peaches that measure 2¼-2¾” in diameter.

The tree produces lots of fruit from a young age.

種不到兩年的小果樹 就會開始結果喔,而且非常容易種植。

一棵樹小小的 就結實纍纍;果實大小像手掌心/甜甜圈的大小

Summertime fruit harvest.


They are the size and shape of a donut,and ; They have white flesh that is soft and juicy, surrounding a non-clinging, easy to remove, pit.


The skin is light yellow with a red blush. The center is sunken with a small “stone” pit.


Self-fruitful. Low Chill. 200 hours. USDA Zone 5-10.


The donut peach tree, also called the pan tao or peento peach, originated in China. Trees were imported to the U.S. and grown here in the 19th century.


Disease-resistant to bacterial leafspot.

抗病力強;基本上 根本不太需要照顧。 蟠桃樹喜陽光和充沛的水分。 冬季修剪,春季疏果,夏季豐收。

below are those too crowded and small fruits that Miloh mom pick and throw away to decompost bin. so that will encourage more bigger and healthy fruits later to pick and eat.

疏果 ; 常常一個季節就要摘下這麼多 還很青澀的小果子。丟進 堆肥桶裡

Donut Peaches are low in acid with a candy-like sweetness and notes of almond.


Their tender skins have little to no fuzz, so there’s no need to peel them unless you want to

皮也很好吃 所以不需要剝皮吃; 看看 野生動物也·搶著吃!

Donut peaches are usually palm size and easy to polish off in a few drippy, delightful bites. Donut peaches are best suited for fresh eating when eaten raw.

拿來直接當水果吃是最適合的 因為甜又多汁

They can be sliced and tossed into green or fruit salads, chopped into salsas, served over cooked meats, or blended into smoothies.

也可以拿來做沙拉;佐料 和 飲料

Have you ever wondered why donut peach has the FLAT shape ?

The peach flat fruit trait is genetically controlled by a single gene at the S locus, but its genetic basis remains unclear. Here, we report a 1.7-Mb chromosomal inversion downstream of a candidate gene encoding OVATE Family Protein, designated PpOFP1, as the causal mutation for the peach flat fruit trait. 【2】


參考 Reference:



(2)Why Donut peach is flat shape ?


種蟠桃 春天賞花,夏天吃果子,樹形也美 很適合做園藝設計。

Grow a donut peach, you can enjoy flower blossom in spring; harvet the fruit in summer. the tree itself look pretty too that fit in the landscape design too.

101 公路上 好吃的西班牙 地中海料理 ;可帶狗狗 “Valentina” Restaurant @ Encinitas, C A ;Dog friendly

Valentina, A Spainish & Mediterranean-focused bar and restaurant in San Diego’s Leucadia neighborhood

西班牙菜;地中海料理 為主

天氣很好的週末,麥寶家人帶著麥寶先去家附近的濕地 走路;然後去海邊 101 公路上吃 西班牙菜餚

came here for early dinner after we took Miloh for a Lagoon walk in a nice day.

我們帶狗來,所以坐在外面的位置 ;看火車 還有來來往往的行人

We sit outside because we brign lovely Miloh here.

a big pine tree that’s so gorgeous.

先來些 前菜 starters

Morcilla black pudding sausage

Morcilla is a Spanish blood sausage, popular on its own and as an ingredient in stews. It’s made with pig’s blood, rice, onions, and spices

這是個 西班牙血腸,豬血和米 但是吃不出任何的血腥味。味道平淡 很有意思

squid 小卷

oysters 生蠔

服務員還特別給麥寶送來一盆水;麥寶喝了後 就乖乖坐在地上

Lovely Miloh always so behave while we dine out.

main dishes we ordered 主餐:


這道 海鱸魚 有著濃郁的檸檬奶油香味,馬鈴薯泥也是很好吃

Chicken Palliard Chicken Breast with lemon Mustard sauce

delicious! The little side salad was great too

這薄薄的雞胸肉 很多奶油和芥末醬汁,風味獨特。沙拉也很好吃

32-ounce bone-in ribeye Steak

A tender and delicious steak is what you will say about it.


Dessert : Basque Cake

來吃西班牙菜,飯後 怎麼可以少了 經典的巴斯克蛋糕 當甜點呢~~

classical Basque cake! they serve this cake WARM…oh so yummy~

熱騰騰的蛋糕 一上桌;香香 暖暖地,好好吃。 很正典的 巴斯克蛋糕!

810 N. Coast Hwy 101
Encinitas, CA 92024



Parking: you can park across street;the open space next to train track .

停車 停在火車道旁的空地;在餐廳跨過101 公路的對面

Dining Review: Valentina https://ranchandcoast.com/dine/dining-review-valentina/

枇杷 巴斯克蛋糕 Gateau Basque Cake with Loquat

需要多出一個步驟做夾層 卻也不難 又很好吃; One more step to make filling but it’s still simple to make and delicious

A gateau basque is a fruit and cream-filled tart from the Basque regions of France and Spain. It is a cross between a tart and a cake, with layers of pastry cream and jam in the middle.

巴斯克地區 位於西歐庇里牛斯山西端的法國、西班牙的邊境一帶;

巴斯克蛋糕 是北巴斯克地方常見甜點。口感與做法上介於蛋糕與派之間的傳統甜點, 麵糰中間夾入卡士達醬安和果醬。

Miloh family harvest loquat in season, so Miloh mom pick some loquats to add in as filling.

麥寶家收成枇杷,麥寶娘親 拿些來做夾層

Ingredients 食材:

For Pastry Cream Filling 卡士達醬
  • 1 cups milk ;牛奶 1 杯
  • ⅓ cup sugar ;糖 ⅓ 杯
  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour ;中筋麵粉 2 湯匙
  • 2 eggs ;蛋 2 個
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract ;香草精 1 茶匙
For Cake 蛋糕麵糊:
  • 1 cups all-purpose flour ; 中筋麵粉 1 杯
  • ½ tsp baking powder ; 泡打粉 ½ 茶匙
  • 1 cups sugar ; 糖 1 杯
  • 3 eggs ; 蛋 3 個

Instructions 作法:

Pastry Cream Filling 卡士達醬 :

In a small bowl, beat in the eggs and vanilla ;combine with flour .this is egg mixture.

把蛋和香草精 打勻,再加入麵粉 拌好。這是 蛋糊

In a sauce pan, combine the milk and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. turn the heat down to median

小鍋子裡 大火 把牛奶和糖煮到糖融化, 轉中火。這時倒入蛋糊,慢慢攪動到變成糊糊黏稠 就可以熄火。冷卻至少一個小時。

Pour egg mixture into the saucepan with the hot milk. Continue cooking over medium heat until mixture thickens and becomes smooth. Remove from heat and let cool for 1 hour.

Cake 蛋糕麵糊 :

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9-inch springform pan. Combine and sift the flour and baking powder. Set aside.

烤箱預熱 350F。 蛋糕模 擺入烤紙,摸一點油。麵粉和泡打粉 拌勻,擺一邊。

Cream sugar and eggs until light and fluffy. Fold in the sifted flour mixture.

將糖和雞蛋 打到鬆軟;拌入過篩的麵粉和泡打粉

Put ½ of the dough into the greased pan. Spread the dough so that it covers the bottom of the pan.


Place pastry cream and fruit or jam to within ¾-inch of the edge.

把 卡士達醬 和果醬 或水果 (枇杷)倒在中間到離邊緣一點距離

Add the second half of the cake dough, making sure to enclose all of the filling.


Bake at 350 F for 30 to 40 minutes or until golden brown.

烤箱 350F ,烤 30 -40 分鐘 或 表面焦黃就可。

Serve warm is delicious

趁熱吃 非常好吃~~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

抓餅/斤餅 Flaky hand grab Chinese pancake

Crispy hand pull pancake; 可以手撕著吃的餅

抓餅的口感主要為 Q勁,軟,鬆 ,這幾種特點綜合。它沒有餡料,就是單純一張餅皮,吃起來沒有蔥油餅的蔥香及過多調味,但更能吃出更多麵香 ~~

instead of cutting them into wedges, these Chinese pancakes are designed to be pulled apart by hand. The layers make it easy to pull apart, and you get a good mix of chewy and crispy.

食材 Ingridients:

油酥 pastry

低筋麵粉 ,食用油 ; cake flour , cooking oil

比例 低筋麵粉 : 油 = 1 :0.5 杯

Ratio of Cake Flour : Oil = 1 : 0.5 Cup

麵餅 dough

高筋麵粉,中筋麵粉,溫水 ; Bread Flour, All purpose flour, Warm water

油 一小茶匙,糖 一小茶匙 ; Oil 1 tsp , sugar 1 tsp

比例 高筋麵粉:中筋麵粉:溫水 = 1 :1 :1 杯

RATIO of Bread Flour : All purpose flour : water = 1 : 1 : 1 Cup

Lovely Miloh & Daisy blossom

作法 Instruction:

油在鍋裡中 小火加熱,油熱倒入麵粉攪拌均勻無粉狀,稍微炒一下,離火裝碗放涼備用

Heat the oil in a pot over low heat. Pour the flour into the hot oil and mix well until it becomes powdery. Fry for a while. Remove from the heat and place in a bowl to cool. Set aside.

在盆子裡 把所有材料放進攪拌盆,溫水慢慢加,把所有粉攪拌均勻,成麵糰; 麵糰挺濕的

mix all the ingridients until it form a wet and sticky dough

蓋著麵糰,讓麵糰休息15分鐘 let the dough rest for 15 mins

麵糰切成 4 – 8個小麵糰,再鬆弛10分鐘。

divide the dough into 4-8 equal pieces. rest for another 10 mins.


Lightly brush some oil on a clean work surface.

把麵糰擀平 擀成薄長方形

Roll each piece of dough into a long thin flat dough


Brush a thin layer of the pastry oil all over the dough

抹上油酥的面皮用摺扇子的方法折起 折好盤成蝸牛殼狀。

Spread the pastry and fold it into a snail shell shape.


rest for another 10 mins

再一一擀成圓形薄餅。 roll them to round flat bread.


Heat a pan over medium heat and add a tablespoon or two of oil. Place the pancake in the pan.

To finish, uncover the lid again, turn up the heat slightly, and brown both sides while flipping the pancake occasionally. When it’s golden brown, use a pair of chopsticks to squeeze and pinch the pancake a couple times to loosen the layers , because you ideally want to see the layers when you hand-pull it apart. The cooked pancake should be crispy and slightly chewy.

這個餅,除了有層次的酥脆外,還有嚼勁,配著炒肉絲吃; 好吃 好吃

eat it alone or serve with shred pork dish. yum~~

也可以拿來做 炒餅 you can stir fry the pancake too !

日曬 紅心芭樂乾 Sun-Dried Guava

Simply way to preserve your extra harvest 簡單地把吃不完的芭樂 保存下來

麥寶家的紅心芭樂 又是產量多到不知如何是好 :)

最後 這一批 ,麥寶娘親決定 拿來曬成果乾 ;讓太陽濃縮它的一身香氣,保留住這一季的美好收成,變成好喝的飲品~~

Miloh family grow Red meat guavas, they harvested over 300 fruits every year. They had been enjoyed the guava for months, so Miloh mom decided to sun dried the rest of guava from this season. (it’s such a long season…)

lovely Miloh enjoy his nap at deck … 麥寶幾乎每天都在陽台睡午覺

作法 step:


Wash the guavas, slice to thin pieces


lay them flat under the sun light


When the guava is dry and can bend freely without breaking , it’s almost ready.


Dry it at the lowest temp in the oven, let it cool; and then put it in a packaging jar or plastic bag and store it in the cool place.

在沒有芭樂的季節,泡茶時放幾片紅心芭樂乾,讓自然香甜的芭樂氣息融入茶中, 再次回味芭樂的香氣~~

When it’s not the guava season, put a few slices of dried guava when making tea to let the natural and guava flavor blend into the tea ~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

在家動手做 Q彈好吃的麵條Homemade noodle

delicious springy noodle you will make it again and again ; 好吃的手擀麵

在家自己做手工麵,可以嘗試以冰水和麵 製成的手工麵條,Q彈有勁;成品可以煮也可以炒,天氣熱拌成涼麵也適合。

Homemade noodle for stir fry is delicious. Use ice cold water to make the dough will turn the noodle springy and chewy !


食材 Ingridients:

麵粉,冰水 和 一點點鹽巴。

Flour, ice cold water and little bit salt.

麵粉:水 的比例 = 5 : 2 杯

Ratio for Flour : Water = 5 : 2 Cup

Lovely Miloh take a nap 麥寶睡個午覺 zzz….

作法 instuction

大盆子裡 ,加入麵粉 冰水、鹽拌勻。

In a big bowl, add in all ingridient and mix well to form the dough.

慢慢將麵粉揉成麵糰,用保鮮膜封起來 大約擺半小時

let the dough rest for about half hour.


split the dough into 6-8 smaller doughs. let them rest for another 10 mins.



roll the dough flat.


Fold the dough three times and sprinkle with a little flour; start cutting with a kitchen knife and cut out noodles according to your preferred thickness.


sprinkle a little flour and spread the noodles.


If you don't want to cook it immediately, you can put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it.

【手工麵的煮法】How you cook homemade noodle:

起一鍋滾水,擺入幾滴油 ;再將麵條稍微抓散開後下鍋。

Bring a pot of boiling water and add a few drops of oil; spread the noodles slightly before placing them in the pot.


After cooking for a few more minutes, the soup will boil again. At this time, pour in 1 bowl of cold water and continue cooking.

Continue this for 2 times.



At last , bring the soup to a boil again, immediately scoop out the noodles, soak them in cold water, drain, and then mix with sauce or stir-fry.

也很適合做涼麵 good for cold noodle dish too

reference 參考:

燙麵、冷水麵、溫水麵?認識中式麵點 4 種水調麵


古早味鹹蛋糕 /電鍋版 戚風蛋糕 Savory Chiffon Cake in Rice Cooker

用電鍋蒸蛋糕 Q彈~ Rice cooker cake is chewy

台式傳統的鹹口味蛋糕,戚風蛋糕鬆軟綿密加上油蔥酥 或肉燥的鹹香。用電鍋來做蒸蛋糕,Q彈又保濕!

savory chiffon cake is a Taiwan ancient taste cake ; Miloh mom try to make this cake in rice cooker , not bake it in the oven instead.

部落格 已經有好幾個 用烤箱做 戚風蛋糕的食譜;所以這個部落格 直接跳過做麵糊的步驟

Will skip how to make the batter since there are already quite a few recipe in Miloh’s blog.

Let’s start.

蛋糕模型內鋪上烘焙紙; 麥寶娘親這次把檸檬皮擺在模型底層。

Miloh mom decdied not to put the lemon zest inside the batter ; she put on the bottom of cook ware instead.

倒入一半麵糊後 ; pour half of batter

撒上適量蔥花、油蔥酥 或是 肉燥 ,肉鬆

put a layer of savory sauce such as oily scallion and meat or dry meat anything you like.


Pour the rest of batter on top of the meat

蛋糕上蓋上鋁箔紙,鋁箔紙上用牙籤刺幾個個小洞 (洞 不要太大)

wrap foil on top, polk some small holes

電鍋內倒 1.5 – 2杯水, 按下開關加熱,鍋蓋留一個小細縫不要全蓋緊(如果電鍋會一直把鍋蓋震動再蓋上 ;在鍋蓋插一支筷子,讓鍋蓋保留小縫隙),加熱約25 – 30分鐘,跳起後再悶個五分鐘,完成

put 1.5 – 2 cup water into the rice cook, puah cook . try to leave the cover untight by placing a chopstick

蒸好了,拿出來; take it out and set aside

稍微冷卻後再切 ; cut to pieces after cool down

用電鍋蒸的蛋糕,濕度高一點 ,沒有烤的香氣 ,但是比較Q彈一些。

Using rice cooker to make chiffon cake that will turn the cake more dense (less fluffy ) but chewy.

不加料,只用單純的麵糊來蒸就是 電鍋版的 戚風蛋糕~

If you decide not to add any savory sauce, it will be the chiffon cake using rice cooker to steam.


小撇步 Tips:

一定要加上錫箔紙,不然蛋糕會太濕 ;但是戳洞不能太大,所以拿牙籤刺幾個洞即可。

you need to cover the cake by wrapping foil on top,othewise, the cake will be too dense or even not fluffy at all.

Try to use toothpaste to polk the small holes, the holes cannot be too big.

電鍋的鍋蓋也可以不需要留小縫隙,外鍋擺的水可以減少到1 – 1.5杯左右。這樣的口感稍微更濕一點,也不錯。可以自己決定 哪一種比較喜歡。

There is no need to leave a small gap in the lid of the rice cooker, if you do so, you can reduce the water amount you put into the rice cooker.  the cake may taste more dense . try which way you like the cake to turn out. 

鹹的料 也可以直接擺在全部麵糊的最上面;這樣蓬鬆度高一些。麥寶娘親覺得夾層的鹹蛋糕 ,看起來比較好吃的視覺效果:)

you can simply pour all the batter in the cookware, then put a layer of savory sauce on top. this will make the cake litte bit fluffier.

How to prepare the batter reference 做麵糊的過程 請參考如下:

古早味蜂蜜戚風/海綿蛋糕 Honey Chiffon / Sponge Cake

自己動手做 印度烤餅 ‘饢餅’ Homemade ‘Naan’ Bread

Soft, pillowy, homemade naan is easier to make than you think ; 自己烙的烤餅 好吃 也沒有你想的那麼難做喔

愛吃印度料理的人,對饢餅肯定不陌生。饢餅是麥寶家人很愛的印度麵餅;愛那外皮酥脆、內心鬆厚柔軟、越嚼越香的滋味。 再配上 印度甜酸醬 或 咖喱,真是美味極了!

Naan is characterized by its light and slightly fluffy texture and golden-brown spots from the baking process. Eat it plain or with curry / chutney.

饢餅是發酵麵餅 ;主要是以麵粉、酵母、油、鹽、糖揉捏而成,發酵後再以爐烘烤,口感蓬鬆柔軟。

naan recipe is made with basic bread ingredients : flour, oil,sugar,salt and yeast

饢餅的食譜很多;有用奶油的 橄欖油的;有加入牛奶的 還有優格的。到底那個好吃呢? 麥寶娘親 做了兩種不同的食譜

so many recipes ; Miloh mom choose 2 different recipes to try and taste a slight difference.

Butter milk recipe 奶油 牛奶版本

Ingredient 食材:

  • 1 tsp instant yeast ; 速發乾酵母 1 茶匙
  • 1/2 cup warm tap water ;溫水 1/2 杯
  • 1 tbsp sugar ; 糖 1 湯匙
  • 2 tbsp milk ; 牛奶 2 湯匙
  • 1 egg ; 蛋 1 個
  • 1/2 tsp salt ;鹽 1/2 茶匙
  • 1 3/4 cups bread flour , or all-purpose; 高筋/中筋麵粉 1 3/4 杯
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter ;無鹽奶油 1 湯匙

Yogurt and olive oil recipe 優格 橄欖油 版本

Ingredient 食材:

  • 2 tsp instant yeast ;速發乾酵母 2 茶匙
  • 1 tsp sugar ; 糖 1 茶匙
  • 1/2 cup warm water ;溫開水 1/2 杯
  • 2 1/2 cups flour ; 麵粉 2 1/2 杯
  • 1/2 tsp salt ;鹽 1/2 茶匙
  • 1/4 cup olive oil ; 橄欖油 1/4 杯
  • 1/3 cup plain yogurt ; 優格 1/3 杯
  • 1 egg ; 蛋 1 個

Miloh sit so well and cannot wait to taste the one with butter

很喜歡吃奶油的麥寶 已經迫不及待地 坐得好好的 ;等待吃個奶油食譜的烤餅

Instructions 作法
  • Bloom yeast: Mix yeast with warm water in a small bowl. leave for 10 minutes until foamy.

先把酵母粉 跟 溫開水 攪拌;等個 大約10分鐘 看到開始發泡 就可以加入食材裡

  • Add wet ingredients into dry ingredients to form the dough: Mix together by hand and bring it together into a ball. No kneading is required. (you can use stand mixer to knead but don’t over knead)

把濕的食材 加入乾的粉食材;手揉材料成麵糰 (也可以用機器攪拌 但不要攪拌太久)

  • Proof 1: Cover the bowl with a wrap, then leave the dough in a warm place until it doubles in size.

麵團擺進去大盆, 盆子上用保鮮膜或蓋子;然後靜置開始進行第一次發酵 直到大到一倍左右

  • Cut into 6 – 8 pieces: Place the dough on a lightly floured surface. Cut into equal pieces, then shape into balls

拿出來 切成 6-8 等分;揉成小球狀

  • Proof 2: Place balls on a tray or plate. cover loosely with a lightweight tea towel or plastic wrap. Put in a warm place to rise until it increases in size by about half.

擺盆裡;第二次醒麵 直到漲大一半左右

  • Roll out: Place a ball on a lightly-floured work surface, flatten with your hand. Roll out into round flat shape

平面上灑一點麵粉;然後 手壓扁小麵團 再拿桿麵棍桿平

  • Heat skillet: Rub a cast iron skillet with a very light coat of oil using 1/2 tsp oil on a paper towl . turn to Medium heat. no need to add any oil later.


  • Cook naan: Place a naan dough in the skillet and cook until the surface get bubbly. Flip then cook the other side until the bubbles become deep golden brown.

放到鍋上烙,表面開始出現大大小小的泡泡時,就可以翻面了; 泡泡烙成金黃/咖啡色 就好了。

先烙了幾個後 可以分一些給麥寶吃的;再烙幾個 加上蔥花 奶油香蒜的

  • Cook garlic/scallion naan: springkle the scallion and roll into the dough flat. If you like some garlic with butter, grind some garlic into butter then add on top of the roll bread before you cook it.

在桿好的麵皮上,灑上蔥花 再桿一次;然後把蒜泥和奶油混合好 刷在麵皮上 就可以入鍋烙了。 香~~

Serve hot 趁熱吃 好好吃

fluffy and chewy, so delicious even just eat it plain .


小撇步 Tips:

這麵糰是濕度比較高的; 可以先把手弄溼 拿出發酵後的麵糰 才不會太黏手;然後在桿麵時 灑上一些麵粉 比較好桿麵平。

用高筋麵粉會比較好吃;Bread flour taste better than all purpose

奶油 牛奶的食譜 : 泡泡比較大,比較鬆軟綿密一點

Buter Milk recipe: the bubble is bigger and fluffy

優格的食譜:吃起來 比較紮實一點

如果沒有鐵鑄鍋 ;一般的平底鍋也可以。 火候自己做個幾片 應該就可以拿捏。 蔥餅 因為桿得比較薄, 所以用 中小火就可以 免得燒焦。

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

枇杷 印度甜酸醬 Loquat Chutney  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5tq

雞肉 馬鈴薯 大盤烤 Sheet Pan Lemon Garlic Chicken and Potatoes

簡單的大盤烤雞肉 忙的日子也可以好好吃飯 ;simple one step baked chicken for a super busy day

簡單好吃的 一鍋到底的大盤烤雞

Beautiful sheet pan lemon garlic chicken with tender potatoes, and herbs

Ingredients 食材:

For the marinade 醃料醬汁

  • 2 tablespoos olive oil ; 橄欖油 2 湯匙
  • 1 lemon, zested ; 一個檸檬皮
  • 2 lemons, juiced ;檸檬汁 大約半杯
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced;6 個大蒜瓣 剁碎
  • 1 ½ teaspoons dried herb such as oregano ;乾的香草 1.5 茶匙
  • 2 teaspoons salt ;鹽 2 茶匙
  • freshly ground black pepper ; 現磨的黑胡椒粉

  • 2-4 potatoes, cut to cube ; 2-4 個馬鈴薯 切小塊
  • 4-6 pieces chicken thighs and legs ;雞腿肉塊 4-6 塊

麥寶 午後 打個盹 ;lovely Miloh took a nap Zzzz..

Instructions 作法:

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 烤箱預熱 400F


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the ingredients of the marinade until well combined: olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, dry herb , salt and pepper.

  • Add the potatoes, chicken to a large sheet pan. Pour the marinade over the potatoes and chicken with your hands to coat, then spread out the potatoes and chicken evenly on the sheet pan. Roast in the oven for 15 minutes.

把雞肉 馬鈴薯 平均分攤擺在大烤盤上,醬汁倒在雞肉 馬鈴薯上,用手裹勻。烤箱烤15分鐘

15分鐘後;把雞塊 馬鈴薯翻面。再繼續烤個15 到 20分鐘 ,雞肉完全烤熟 焦黃的皮。馬鈴薯軟嫩 皮脆脆地

  • After 15 minutes, turn the chicken another side
  • Return the baking sheet to the oven and bake for 15 to 20 more minutes until the chicken is fully cooked and potatoes are tender.

上桌前 灑上喜歡的青菜 像香菜;芹菜或 芝麻菜葉。

  • Garnish with parsley or arugula . Enjoy!


香草可以用自己喜歡的 ;麥寶娘親用自己曬乾的 檸檬馬鞭草

家裡如果沒有大烤箱;小烤箱的溫度無法到400F ,就開到最高溫 然後烤的時間加長,也可以做這道很簡單好吃的大盤烤雞

芥菜 Mustard Greens

容易種植又不太會長蟲害的青菜; super easy to grow and pest resistant

芥菜是 十字花科芸苔属 ,一年生草本植物

Mustard Greens, Brassica juncea belongs to Brassicaceae family ; Mustard is a hardy annual vegetalbe.


There are Leaf mustard (smaller) and Giant mustard

早春或晚秋 直接在菜園土壤 灑種子就可以了,非常容易種植。

Mustard is not finicky and easy to grow, just sprinkle the seeds with proper space into soil.


but because it’s a cool-weather crop, proper timing of the planting is important.

Mustard can be planted in the spring or in the fall. Because mustard prefers cool weather, a fall harvest usually produces better quality. 

黃色的花兒 很美

It produces pretty yellow flowers that are attractive to pollinators.

開花後 就要盡量快點吃;麥寶娘親每年都會留下幾株 讓他們結種子 這樣每年菜園都會自己再長出芥菜來

harvest them before a seed stalk forms ;Miloh mom usually will leave couple plants to grow the seeds without picking them to eat.

小芥菜可以很簡單的 用鹽巴稍微抓一抓;就是美味的雪裏紅。

Saute with onions and garlic

也可以拿來做酸菜 make sour veggie too.

麥寶娘親喜歡把芥菜和小白菜這類很容易蟲害的青菜 混合種在一起;因為芥菜有種辛辣味 蟲不愛,種在一起的小白菜 也大多可以免除蟲災。你可以試試看喔。

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

自己動手做 “酸菜” 不用曬乾的簡易法 Homemade “Sour Mustard-Green”