跟著 詹姆士 做 “紅燒滑蛋豆腐” Braised Tofu In Creamy Egg Sauce

簡單又好吃的 家常菜 ; Simple but delicious home cooking style dish

麥寶娘親常做 家常豆腐;看到 詹姆士 的 滑蛋豆腐 馬上跟著做了一道,實在很好吃~

A home cooked style Tofu dish, easy but yummy !

食材 Ingridients:

板豆腐 1塊,蛋 2顆 ,豬絞肉 ,蒜 ,蔥

Firm Tofu, 2 eggs, ground pork, garlic , scallion

米酒, 醬油 ,白胡椒 適量

cooking wine, soy sauce, white pepper powder

香油 少許 sesame oil

 作法  Instruction :


cut garlic and scallion white portion into fine pieces; but green scallion into small pieces.

碗中放入蔥白、蒜末、豬絞肉,加入高湯 ; 拌勻

Mixed scallion white, chopped garlic, ground pork and soup stock wll.


Fried tofu with little bit oil until golden brown; set aside

鍋 內 放入豬絞肉炒香

Stir fry the ground pork

加入米酒、醬油、白胡椒、豆腐煨煮; 大約10 到 15 分鐘

Add in cooking wine, soy sauce, white pepper powder and tofu; stew for about 10 to 15 mins


turn the heat off. add in the whipped eggs slowly.


sprinkle the green scallion pieces.

小撇步 Tip:

絞肉裡面加入蔥末 可以除腥味;再加入一些高湯 把絞肉攪勻 等下鍋炒香時 肉不會結坨,也比較軟嫩好吃。

Add soup stock into ground pork and mix well will make the meat tender

參考 Reference:

紅燒滑蛋豆腐|鹹香下飯,簡單的家常菜!|姆士流簡單做 https://www.jamestaste.com/blogs/%E5%A7%86%E5%A3%AB%E6%B5%81%E7%B0%A1%E5%96%AE%E5%81%9A/153508

翠府 聖地牙哥的粵菜餐廳 Taste of Hong Kong @ San Diego, CA

Cantonese style Chinese restaruarnt

如果不太能吃辣的菜,廣東菜 是挺合適地。 麥寶家人也愛 粵菜 但是很宅, 點了幾道外賣菜 送到家裡吃。 家裡青菜很多 所以去摘了 龍鬚菜回來炒,順手摘了 佛手瓜的葉子 來擺盤。

A Cantonese Chinese restaurant in San Diego, CA.

精美頭盤/ Appetizer

金沙雞翅 / Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Wings

用鹹蛋黃做的炸雞翅,外皮比較乾 脆脆地 那種作法;很適合 來杯啤酒

This is dry rubbed chicken wing style, the salted egg on the skin is quite special taste.. Have a beer with it… yum~~

精品燒臘 / Barbecued Dishes

澳門脆皮燒腩 / Crispy Slow-Roasted Pork Belly

這脆皮燒腩是五花肉 還不錯; 建議熱熱地就吃 冷了很肥膩。 麥寶家人覺得 小小燒臘店裡的 脆皮烤豬更好吃一點。

The crispy skin taste really good…suggest you eat it while it serve warm

牛肉 / Beef

翠府招牌牛柳粒 / House Special Pepper Steak

跟平常在 粵菜館 大多會點 法式牛柳,所以這次試試看 他們的招牌牛柳粒,有點不太一樣 。 胡椒味濃郁 牛肉也是很軟嫩好吃。

A mouthful pepper taste ,tender beef !

煲仔菜 / Claypot dish

咸鱼雞粒茄子煲 / Salted Fish, Chicken & Eggplant

這道菜 比較重口味,是那種 可以配著白米飯 吃個好幾碗飯的菜。

this is a little bit salty taste dish for Miloh family.. it is good to eat with a bowl of rice.

Fried Rice, Noodle & Chow Fun / 炒飯、炒粉、炒麵、煲仔飯

翠府炒飯 / House Special Fried Rice

這招牌炒飯 真的太好吃了!蛋白,蝦仁,小干貝,青菜,飯粒顆顆分明 好吃到可以一口接一口。

This fried rice is super delicious! egg with, shrimp, scallop and rice…all make these one so delious.

港式兩面黄 / Crispy Pan-Fried Noodle

很正典的兩面黃。可以選 雞,牛肉或海鮮。這是海鮮 要多加$2.

you can choose your own protein, such as chicken, beef or seafood. this one is seafood.

整體而言, 翠府的菜 跟麥寶家人喜歡的 粵品; 可以說各有千秋 會是想打牙祭 放煮飯假時 的選擇之一。

update 5/2024 below;

Miloh family went to Taste of Hong Kong again to pick up order food for dinner. This time they tried some different dishes.

龍蝦伊麵 Lobster with E-Fu noodle

So delicious! 龍蝦很甜很鮮,意麵味道很好 不會太鹹。薑片有些煸乾的 好吃 很辣衝。 好吃~~

金沙螃蟹 Salty egg yolk crab

用鹹蛋黃 裹在蟹殼外 煎或炸過,好香;蟹肉甜又嫩 ! 真的吃得很過癮

梅干扣肉 Braided pork Belly with Preserved veggie

以為廣東菜館的上海菜 會不怎麼樣,但是這是主廚推薦菜之一,試試看吧。還不錯耶✌️

翠府 Taste of Hong Kong

(858) 240-2728

4428 Convoy St Ste 320 330 San Diego, CA 92111


嘉義 昭和J11 咖啡館 Showa Chiayi J11 Cafe @ Chiayi City, Taiwan

隱身嘉義美術館古蹟棟裡的咖啡館 ; A cafe hidden in the historical building of Chiayi Art Museum

麥寶娘親家離火車站不遠,每次經過美術館都很想進去看看。 上次回去時 跟麥寶阿嬤終於去美術館附近走走,當然不能錯過進去喝杯咖啡。


A beautiful cafe that is located in Chiayi Art Museum







high ceiling ; combined with modern and vintage style.





目前供應的品項 就是飲料和甜點


pick the seating area you like. go to counter and order first.


餐飲部分,那天去的時候 櫃檯裡有什麼甜點 才可以點。於是點了一個 巴斯克乳酪蛋糕 和 布朗尼。 兩個甜點 都不怎麼樣 :(

聽說他們推出一個 布丁;下次回去 試試看。


coffees are good! the desserts need to taste more for recommedation .

麥寶阿嬤 等她的 拿鐵 等了好久, 麥寶娘親開玩笑說: 搞不好會弄出一朵花喔。 送來時 真的是杯 很美的拉花咖啡。

自己也很會手沖咖啡的 麥寶阿嬤說 好看又很好喝,讚👍

嘉義市立美術館離火車站很近,從火車站走過來也不過3~5分鐘步行距離而已; 嘉義文創園區 就在對街。

Not far from Chiayi Train station. you can spend here for a relax afternoon, and a bookstore nearby too.








肉桂 葡萄乾 吐司麵包 Cinnamon Raisin Bread

鬆軟好吃的配方: soft and delicious toast bread

A yummy moist bread loaded with raisins and cinnamon; and it’s loaded with wonderful cinnamon flavor and juicy raisins.

如果 你喜歡 葡萄乾和肉桂,你一定會愛上這款鬆軟好吃的吐司。

Ingridients 食材:


  • 1 Cup Milk ; 牛奶 1 杯
  • 2 tbsp Brown Sugar ; 糖 2 湯匙
  • 2 tsp Instant Rise Yeast ;酵母粉 2 茶匙
  • 6 tbsp cooking Oil /Melted Unsalted Butter ;蔬菜油 或 奶油 6 湯匙
  • 2 Eggs ;蛋 2 個
  • 3 1/2 Cup Bread Flour ;高筋麵粉 3 1/2
  • 1 tsp Salt ; 鹽 1 茶匙
  • 1/2 cup Raisins ; 葡萄乾 1/2


  • 1/3 cup Brown Sugar ;糖 1/3
  • 2 tbsp Ground Cinnamon ;肉桂粉 2 湯匙
  • 3 tbsp Melted Butter / Oil ; 蔬菜油 或 奶油 3 湯匙

Miloh eat the carrot that mom is going to give neighbor’s horse Star. but he ended up just a small bite 🙂

麥寶很嫉妒娘親 總是拿紅蘿蔔去給鄰居的馬兒 Star 吃;所以他搶了一根 但是只吃了一口就不吃了 哈哈:)

可愛的馬兒 star 在等著吃紅蘿蔔呢

lovly Star is waiting for the treat

Instructions 作法:

Combine milk, brown sugar, and yeast in a measuring cup. Let situntil foamy.

把 牛奶,糖和酵母粉 混合好;等個幾分鐘 等到起泡泡

Pour the yeast liquid into the bowl of a stand mixer, and add oil and eggs. Whisk to combine the wet ingredients

把 起泡泡的牛奶 酵母粉 倒入攪拌機,加入蛋和油。 打勻

add flour and salt. Use the dough hook or a spatula to roughly combine the wet and dry ingredients into a shaggy dough.

加入麵粉和鹽。 混合到一個很濕軟的麵糰

Add the raisins,and mix well. cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and let the dough rise until doubled in size.

最後把葡萄乾擺入,混合好。 保鮮膜蓋上 讓麵糰發到一倍大左右

spread and stretch the dough into a rectangle that is the length of your loaf pan, about 9 inches by 18 inches.

把麵糰拉開成 長方形;大約是 9 x 18 寸

Make the cinnamon filling by stirring together brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter.

混合好 糖,肉桂和軟化好的奶油

Spread this mixture all over the top of the dough rectangle, then roll the dough up as tightly as you can, rolling the long way. Place the roll seam-side down into a greased loaf pan, then cover with plastic wrap to let rise for 30 minutes.

抹在麵糰上,然後捲起;再擺入吐司烤模裡, 再次醒麵糰 大約半小時

Preheat oven to 375ºF, then bake bread for 40 – 45 minutes

烤箱 375F· 烤40 – 45 分鐘

Let the bread cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.

等麵包稍微涼了 脫模



鬆軟 好吃;肉桂香氣撲鼻!

Tips 小撇步:

Warm the milk before you add in yeast that will make the dough rise faster

牛奶加熱到溫水 再加酵母粉;這樣發麵糰會比較快

You can use All purpose Flour to replace Bread flour 可以用中筋麵粉取代高筋麵粉

Miloh’s mom add some lemon zest into the dough;麥寶娘親 擺入 檸檬皮屑屑到麵糰裡 增添了一些香氣

巴斯克 乳酪蛋糕 “Burnt” Basque Cheesecake

步驟簡單在家就可以輕鬆做~ You’ll be amazed how easy this recipe is

“Burnt” Basque cheesecake is made by baking the cheesecake in a very hot oven to deliver a beautiful, dark exterior there’s the “burnt” surface, with the distinct caramel flavour. Combined with the vanilla cheesecake underneath

The original recipe was developed in the 1970s, at a cafe in San Sebastian called La Vina.



Ingredients 食材:
  • 24 ounce cream cheese (3 packs of 8 oz) ; 奶油乳酪 24 盎司
  • 1 cup sugar ; 糖 1 杯
  • 3 TBSP all-purpose or cake flour ; 低筋麵粉 3 湯匙
  • ½ TSP salt ; 鹽 ½ 茶匙
  • ½ TSP vanilla extract ; 香草精 ½ 茶匙
  • 4 jumbo eggs ; 大顆的蛋 4 個
  • 1 cups heavy cream ; 動物性鮮奶油 1 杯
Directions 作法:

Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C). 烤箱預熱 400F

Butter a 9-inch springform pan. Cut a sheet of parchment paper large enough to line the inside of the pan by a few extra inches. Butter the paper and press it into the pan

在 9 寸的彈簧扣模烤盤 ;將烘焙紙仔細沿著模具內部鋪緊備用,抹上奶油

Combine cream cheese, sugar, flour, and salt in a bowl; stir together until very smooth and creamy.


Add vanilla and 1 egg; whisk to combine. Whisk in remaining eggs, one at a time. Pour in heavy cream and mix until smooth.

加入香草精,和一個蛋 ,完全攪拌均勻後,才放下一顆。最後下鮮奶油,攪拌均勻。

Pour batter into the prepared pan. Tap the pan against the counter to burst any excess air bubbles.

倒入蛋糕糊; 輕輕輕敲櫃檯 把多餘的空氣泡泡消除

Bake in the preheated oven until puffed, very well browned, and nearly burned on the edges, 50 to 55 minutes.

放入預熱好的烤箱,以400F /200℃烘烤50 到 55分鐘,

Increase oven temperature to 425 F (220 C) for the last 10 minutes.

轉425F / 220℃續烤10分鐘


Let the cake cool fully before taking it out of the springform pan. Lift out onto a plate and peel back parchment paper


Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, 4 hours to overnight.

Cut to slice with your favorite fruits on top. 切片

可以親手試試看這道美妙甜點,製作過程沒有難度,烘烤時廚房飄著焦糖香味; 是一款甜點初學者也能輕鬆上手的蛋糕。

With a mousse-like creamy vanilla texture and gorgeous golden “burnt” surface; Try it, it’s quite simple to bake this delicious cheesecake.

小撇步 Tips:

To cut the cheesecake in a clean look, you can put the knife on top of hot stove for a second. then cut the cake.

切乳酪蛋糕時,可以把切刀在爐火上烤一下。熱熱的刀子 切入冷的蛋糕,就可以把蛋糕切的很乾淨利落。

you can use brown sugar for this recipe. 可以用 紅糖/黑糖 來烤這個蛋糕

101 公路上 好吃的西班牙 地中海料理 ;可帶狗狗 “Valentina” Restaurant @ Encinitas, C A ;Dog friendly

Valentina, A Spainish & Mediterranean-focused bar and restaurant in San Diego’s Leucadia neighborhood

西班牙菜;地中海料理 為主

天氣很好的週末,麥寶家人帶著麥寶先去家附近的濕地 走路;然後去海邊 101 公路上吃 西班牙菜餚

came here for early dinner after we took Miloh for a Lagoon walk in a nice day.

我們帶狗來,所以坐在外面的位置 ;看火車 還有來來往往的行人

We sit outside because we brign lovely Miloh here.

a big pine tree that’s so gorgeous.

先來些 前菜 starters

Morcilla black pudding sausage

Morcilla is a Spanish blood sausage, popular on its own and as an ingredient in stews. It’s made with pig’s blood, rice, onions, and spices

這是個 西班牙血腸,豬血和米 但是吃不出任何的血腥味。味道平淡 很有意思

squid 小卷

oysters 生蠔

服務員還特別給麥寶送來一盆水;麥寶喝了後 就乖乖坐在地上

Lovely Miloh always so behave while we dine out.

main dishes we ordered 主餐:


這道 海鱸魚 有著濃郁的檸檬奶油香味,馬鈴薯泥也是很好吃

Chicken Palliard Chicken Breast with lemon Mustard sauce

delicious! The little side salad was great too

這薄薄的雞胸肉 很多奶油和芥末醬汁,風味獨特。沙拉也很好吃

32-ounce bone-in ribeye Steak

A tender and delicious steak is what you will say about it.


Dessert : Basque Cake

來吃西班牙菜,飯後 怎麼可以少了 經典的巴斯克蛋糕 當甜點呢~~

classical Basque cake! they serve this cake WARM…oh so yummy~

熱騰騰的蛋糕 一上桌;香香 暖暖地,好好吃。 很正典的 巴斯克蛋糕!

810 N. Coast Hwy 101
Encinitas, CA 92024



Parking: you can park across street;the open space next to train track .

停車 停在火車道旁的空地;在餐廳跨過101 公路的對面

Dining Review: Valentina https://ranchandcoast.com/dine/dining-review-valentina/

枇杷 巴斯克蛋糕 Gateau Basque Cake with Loquat

需要多出一個步驟做夾層 卻也不難 又很好吃; One more step to make filling but it’s still simple to make and delicious

A gateau basque is a fruit and cream-filled tart from the Basque regions of France and Spain. It is a cross between a tart and a cake, with layers of pastry cream and jam in the middle.

巴斯克地區 位於西歐庇里牛斯山西端的法國、西班牙的邊境一帶;

巴斯克蛋糕 是北巴斯克地方常見甜點。口感與做法上介於蛋糕與派之間的傳統甜點, 麵糰中間夾入卡士達醬安和果醬。

Miloh family harvest loquat in season, so Miloh mom pick some loquats to add in as filling.

麥寶家收成枇杷,麥寶娘親 拿些來做夾層

Ingredients 食材:

For Pastry Cream Filling 卡士達醬
  • 1 cups milk ;牛奶 1 杯
  • ⅓ cup sugar ;糖 ⅓ 杯
  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour ;中筋麵粉 2 湯匙
  • 2 eggs ;蛋 2 個
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract ;香草精 1 茶匙
For Cake 蛋糕麵糊:
  • 1 cups all-purpose flour ; 中筋麵粉 1 杯
  • ½ tsp baking powder ; 泡打粉 ½ 茶匙
  • 1 cups sugar ; 糖 1 杯
  • 3 eggs ; 蛋 3 個

Instructions 作法:

Pastry Cream Filling 卡士達醬 :

In a small bowl, beat in the eggs and vanilla ;combine with flour .this is egg mixture.

把蛋和香草精 打勻,再加入麵粉 拌好。這是 蛋糊

In a sauce pan, combine the milk and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. turn the heat down to median

小鍋子裡 大火 把牛奶和糖煮到糖融化, 轉中火。這時倒入蛋糊,慢慢攪動到變成糊糊黏稠 就可以熄火。冷卻至少一個小時。

Pour egg mixture into the saucepan with the hot milk. Continue cooking over medium heat until mixture thickens and becomes smooth. Remove from heat and let cool for 1 hour.

Cake 蛋糕麵糊 :

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9-inch springform pan. Combine and sift the flour and baking powder. Set aside.

烤箱預熱 350F。 蛋糕模 擺入烤紙,摸一點油。麵粉和泡打粉 拌勻,擺一邊。

Cream sugar and eggs until light and fluffy. Fold in the sifted flour mixture.

將糖和雞蛋 打到鬆軟;拌入過篩的麵粉和泡打粉

Put ½ of the dough into the greased pan. Spread the dough so that it covers the bottom of the pan.


Place pastry cream and fruit or jam to within ¾-inch of the edge.

把 卡士達醬 和果醬 或水果 (枇杷)倒在中間到離邊緣一點距離

Add the second half of the cake dough, making sure to enclose all of the filling.


Bake at 350 F for 30 to 40 minutes or until golden brown.

烤箱 350F ,烤 30 -40 分鐘 或 表面焦黃就可。

Serve warm is delicious

趁熱吃 非常好吃~~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

抓餅/斤餅 Flaky hand grab Chinese pancake

Crispy hand pull pancake; 可以手撕著吃的餅

抓餅的口感主要為 Q勁,軟,鬆 ,這幾種特點綜合。它沒有餡料,就是單純一張餅皮,吃起來沒有蔥油餅的蔥香及過多調味,但更能吃出更多麵香 ~~

instead of cutting them into wedges, these Chinese pancakes are designed to be pulled apart by hand. The layers make it easy to pull apart, and you get a good mix of chewy and crispy.

食材 Ingridients:

油酥 pastry

低筋麵粉 ,食用油 ; cake flour , cooking oil

比例 低筋麵粉 : 油 = 1 :0.5 杯

Ratio of Cake Flour : Oil = 1 : 0.5 Cup

麵餅 dough

高筋麵粉,中筋麵粉,溫水 ; Bread Flour, All purpose flour, Warm water

油 一小茶匙,糖 一小茶匙 ; Oil 1 tsp , sugar 1 tsp

比例 高筋麵粉:中筋麵粉:溫水 = 1 :1 :1 杯

RATIO of Bread Flour : All purpose flour : water = 1 : 1 : 1 Cup

Lovely Miloh & Daisy blossom

作法 Instruction:

油在鍋裡中 小火加熱,油熱倒入麵粉攪拌均勻無粉狀,稍微炒一下,離火裝碗放涼備用

Heat the oil in a pot over low heat. Pour the flour into the hot oil and mix well until it becomes powdery. Fry for a while. Remove from the heat and place in a bowl to cool. Set aside.

在盆子裡 把所有材料放進攪拌盆,溫水慢慢加,把所有粉攪拌均勻,成麵糰; 麵糰挺濕的

mix all the ingridients until it form a wet and sticky dough

蓋著麵糰,讓麵糰休息15分鐘 let the dough rest for 15 mins

麵糰切成 4 – 8個小麵糰,再鬆弛10分鐘。

divide the dough into 4-8 equal pieces. rest for another 10 mins.


Lightly brush some oil on a clean work surface.

把麵糰擀平 擀成薄長方形

Roll each piece of dough into a long thin flat dough


Brush a thin layer of the pastry oil all over the dough

抹上油酥的面皮用摺扇子的方法折起 折好盤成蝸牛殼狀。

Spread the pastry and fold it into a snail shell shape.


rest for another 10 mins

再一一擀成圓形薄餅。 roll them to round flat bread.


Heat a pan over medium heat and add a tablespoon or two of oil. Place the pancake in the pan.

To finish, uncover the lid again, turn up the heat slightly, and brown both sides while flipping the pancake occasionally. When it’s golden brown, use a pair of chopsticks to squeeze and pinch the pancake a couple times to loosen the layers , because you ideally want to see the layers when you hand-pull it apart. The cooked pancake should be crispy and slightly chewy.

這個餅,除了有層次的酥脆外,還有嚼勁,配著炒肉絲吃; 好吃 好吃

eat it alone or serve with shred pork dish. yum~~

也可以拿來做 炒餅 you can stir fry the pancake too !

日曬 紅心芭樂乾 Sun-Dried Guava

Simply way to preserve your extra harvest 簡單地把吃不完的芭樂 保存下來

麥寶家的紅心芭樂 又是產量多到不知如何是好 :)

最後 這一批 ,麥寶娘親決定 拿來曬成果乾 ;讓太陽濃縮它的一身香氣,保留住這一季的美好收成,變成好喝的飲品~~

Miloh family grow Red meat guavas, they harvested over 300 fruits every year. They had been enjoyed the guava for months, so Miloh mom decided to sun dried the rest of guava from this season. (it’s such a long season…)

lovely Miloh enjoy his nap at deck … 麥寶幾乎每天都在陽台睡午覺

作法 step:


Wash the guavas, slice to thin pieces


lay them flat under the sun light


When the guava is dry and can bend freely without breaking , it’s almost ready.


Dry it at the lowest temp in the oven, let it cool; and then put it in a packaging jar or plastic bag and store it in the cool place.

在沒有芭樂的季節,泡茶時放幾片紅心芭樂乾,讓自然香甜的芭樂氣息融入茶中, 再次回味芭樂的香氣~~

When it’s not the guava season, put a few slices of dried guava when making tea to let the natural and guava flavor blend into the tea ~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

在家動手做 Q彈好吃的麵條Homemade noodle

delicious springy noodle you will make it again and again ; 好吃的手擀麵

在家自己做手工麵,可以嘗試以冰水和麵 製成的手工麵條,Q彈有勁;成品可以煮也可以炒,天氣熱拌成涼麵也適合。

Homemade noodle for stir fry is delicious. Use ice cold water to make the dough will turn the noodle springy and chewy !


食材 Ingridients:

麵粉,冰水 和 一點點鹽巴。

Flour, ice cold water and little bit salt.

麵粉:水 的比例 = 5 : 2 杯

Ratio for Flour : Water = 5 : 2 Cup

Lovely Miloh take a nap 麥寶睡個午覺 zzz….

作法 instuction

大盆子裡 ,加入麵粉 冰水、鹽拌勻。

In a big bowl, add in all ingridient and mix well to form the dough.

慢慢將麵粉揉成麵糰,用保鮮膜封起來 大約擺半小時

let the dough rest for about half hour.


split the dough into 6-8 smaller doughs. let them rest for another 10 mins.



roll the dough flat.


Fold the dough three times and sprinkle with a little flour; start cutting with a kitchen knife and cut out noodles according to your preferred thickness.


sprinkle a little flour and spread the noodles.


If you don't want to cook it immediately, you can put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it.

【手工麵的煮法】How you cook homemade noodle:

起一鍋滾水,擺入幾滴油 ;再將麵條稍微抓散開後下鍋。

Bring a pot of boiling water and add a few drops of oil; spread the noodles slightly before placing them in the pot.


After cooking for a few more minutes, the soup will boil again. At this time, pour in 1 bowl of cold water and continue cooking.

Continue this for 2 times.



At last , bring the soup to a boil again, immediately scoop out the noodles, soak them in cold water, drain, and then mix with sauce or stir-fry.

也很適合做涼麵 good for cold noodle dish too

reference 參考:

燙麵、冷水麵、溫水麵?認識中式麵點 4 種水調麵
