蟠桃 Donut Peach/Flat Peach

Easy grow, sweet and juicy fruit ; 好吃又容易種植 多產的果樹

Donut Peach , The fruit is popular for its unique flattened shape and juicy, sweet flavor.

蟠桃 是一個長得很可愛的水果,它外型扁扁的,好像甜甜圈。


Springtime brings a flush of beautiful pink flower blossoms

Flower start to bloom in late Feb till March.

春天 先開花 才長出葉子來。


三月底 花兒全盛開;好美。

四月中 就會看到 一顆顆像鈕扣一樣大小的 小小蟠桃;這時候可以進行第一次 疏果。

The tiny fruits appear in Mid April like a button size, they are abundant .

time to pick some fruits off the tree to avoid over crowded and smaller fruits later .


In May, the fruits grow bigger

果實在五月中 長到像手掌大小

Trees bear heavy crops of peaches that measure 2¼-2¾” in diameter.

The tree produces lots of fruit from a young age.

種不到兩年的小果樹 就會開始結果喔,而且非常容易種植。

一棵樹小小的 就結實纍纍;果實大小像手掌心/甜甜圈的大小

Summertime fruit harvest.


They are the size and shape of a donut,and ; They have white flesh that is soft and juicy, surrounding a non-clinging, easy to remove, pit.


The skin is light yellow with a red blush. The center is sunken with a small “stone” pit.


Self-fruitful. Low Chill. 200 hours. USDA Zone 5-10.


The donut peach tree, also called the pan tao or peento peach, originated in China. Trees were imported to the U.S. and grown here in the 19th century.


Disease-resistant to bacterial leafspot.

抗病力強;基本上 根本不太需要照顧。 蟠桃樹喜陽光和充沛的水分。 冬季修剪,春季疏果,夏季豐收。

below are those too crowded and small fruits that Miloh mom pick and throw away to decompost bin. so that will encourage more bigger and healthy fruits later to pick and eat.

疏果 ; 常常一個季節就要摘下這麼多 還很青澀的小果子。丟進 堆肥桶裡

Donut Peaches are low in acid with a candy-like sweetness and notes of almond.


Their tender skins have little to no fuzz, so there’s no need to peel them unless you want to

皮也很好吃 所以不需要剝皮吃; 看看 野生動物也·搶著吃!

Donut peaches are usually palm size and easy to polish off in a few drippy, delightful bites. Donut peaches are best suited for fresh eating when eaten raw.

拿來直接當水果吃是最適合的 因為甜又多汁

They can be sliced and tossed into green or fruit salads, chopped into salsas, served over cooked meats, or blended into smoothies.

也可以拿來做沙拉;佐料 和 飲料

Have you ever wondered why donut peach has the FLAT shape ?

The peach flat fruit trait is genetically controlled by a single gene at the S locus, but its genetic basis remains unclear. Here, we report a 1.7-Mb chromosomal inversion downstream of a candidate gene encoding OVATE Family Protein, designated PpOFP1, as the causal mutation for the peach flat fruit trait. 【2】


參考 Reference:



(2)Why Donut peach is flat shape ?


種蟠桃 春天賞花,夏天吃果子,樹形也美 很適合做園藝設計。

Grow a donut peach, you can enjoy flower blossom in spring; harvet the fruit in summer. the tree itself look pretty too that fit in the landscape design too.

茶花 “紐西耳寶石” Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’

A true garden ‘jewel’! 像似花園寶石般的茶花

Nuccios Jewel bears peony-form flowers with white petals edged in shades of soft-pink to fuchsia pink



blooms from mid-winter to early spring;

中~ 晚花期

The center region of the flower is a glowing creamy white.


this upright shrub also boasts glossy, dark-green, evergreen foliage;


provide rich, acidic, moist, well-drained soil. This shrub does well in partial sun to full shade. 


elegant beauty ! 雍容華貴的茶花!

茶花 “粉十全十美/完人/面紅耳赤” Camellia japonica ‘Pink Perfection’

完美花型的茶花;perfect formed camellia

貝殼粉色 完全重辦的一個古老的茶花品种,

A dependable, older variety with excellent name recognition that produces perfectly formed flowers.


Pink Perfection Camellia has extraordinarily beautiful, double, medium sized, pale shell pink flowers late winter through spring.

This evergreen reaches a mature height of 8 to 10 feet and a mature width of 6 to 8 feet.

花朵大概3寸左右大小; 層層疊疊的交錯 非常美麗!

With pale pink fully double flowers that have layers of overlapping petals and glossy deep green foliage that stays evergreen all year round


It is an heirloom camellia variety that has been planted and loved for centuries!

木蘭王 茶花 Camellia Magnoliaeflora

像木蘭花般 仙氣十足的茶花; early bloomer camellia

Magnoliaeflora is so named due to its off white magnolia formed semi-double flowers.

美麗的 木蘭王茶花 喜愛淡粉色茶花的最佳選擇

Magnoliaeflora Camellia has been chosen for its true pale pink flower.


blush pink, semi-double blooms.

深色葉子 和淡色的花朵 ,形成強烈對比

Flowers make a great contrast with the glossy, dark green, foliage.

美麗的花朵 有著金黃色的花蕾

flowers with golden, yellow stamens

花瓣捲捲的;像 星星✨

It’s petals have a distinctive curl and can sometimes resemble a star.

是比較耐寒 早開花的茶花品種

Its buds and flowers are resistant to cold temperatures, thus flowering is able to occur in mid January, a tad earlier than many other japonicas.


a compact, smaller-growing Camellia with a nice dense and compact habit.


Plants are slow-growing but can reach six feet tall and four feet wide after several decades.

聖誕 茶花 ‘Yuletide’ Camellia

Liven up your garden with colorful Christmastime camellias. 用色彩繽紛的聖誕山茶花讓您的花園充滿生機

Camellia sasanqua ‘Yuletide’;This compactly camellia shrub has glossy, dark green leaves which remain throughout the year.

聖誕茶花;小小的植株,深綠色的葉子 常綠。

Bright red single blooms with contrasting yellow stamens are formed during the winter.


花季相當長 好幾個月

hese flowers stick around longer than any other camellia blooms… up to four months!

The show starts in September;fall blooming Camellias.

少有在秋季開紅色的茶花;花開時 相機了 美麗的煙火!

Its like fireworks in the fall!

This plant is easy to grow, and very popular among beginner gardeners.


“杏粉色陽台”多花玫瑰 ‘Cream Veranda’ Floribunda Rose

適合陽台種植,花型俏麗,顏色鮮豔動人 的 杏粉色陽台多花玫瑰。

This Cream Veranda® Floribunda Rose was developed to be offered in containers as a gift rose and then planted out in the garden in autumn.

The Cream Veranda Floribunda Rose flowers are fully double, packed with cream-colored petals and boasting a lovely apricot center.


Cream Veranda® Floribunda Rose is only about 2 feet tall and wide, with a dense habit clothed in dark green, healthy foliage.


Expect Cream Veranda® Floribunda Rose to begin in mid-spring in most climates and to continue into mid-fall, repeating frequently.

從早春一直開花到晚秋;花季長 也常開花

Cream Veranda® Floribunda Rose is very disease resistant


container beauty and also can plant easily into the garden for years of enjoyment.


繡球花 ‘Rose Supreme’ Hydrangea macrophylla

vivid Rose Red color ; 很美的深色玫瑰粉色大花

A very showy summer-blooming garden shrub with enormous deep rose-pink globe-shaped flowers, somewhat coarse leaves;

深玫瑰粉色的球形花朵 在夏季裡開放

The flower start with greenish and light pink color

花朵剛開始是 淡綠色,淺粉色系;很清新

Rose Supreme Hydrangea features bold balls of hot pink flowers at the ends of the branches from mid summer to fall.


blooms on old wood so protection of the flower buds in winter may be necessary

花會開在去年的老枝幹上 所以如果有必要 冬天要保護好老的枝幹

should only be pruned after flowering to avoid removing any of the current season’s flowers.

不太需要修剪,如果要修剪的話 在花都謝了再剪

A very Showy big mophead! 顏色相當鮮豔奪目;尤其在大樹底下

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

繡球花 Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2eV

大葉繡球花 “星空” “Starfield ” Bigleaf Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5zl

“安娜貝爾“ 喬木繡球花 Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-41n

繡球花 ‘德蕾莎修女’ Hydrangea Macrophylla “Sister Theresa”  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5Bt

大葉繡球花 “L.A. Dreamin ” Hydrangea https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5BY

大葉繡球花 “L.A. Dreamin ” Hydrangea

show-stopping Vivid and colorful BigLeave Hydrangea; 色彩繽紛的大葉繡球花

The LA Dreamin Hydrangea is gorgeous with its charming , multi-colored blooms.

同一株花可以同時開放好幾種颜色,粉色 藍色 紫色和中間過渡色;好熱鬧!

This hydrangea can have pink, blue, and purple all at the same time! To get the multi-colored look there is no need to amend the soil.

而要這些不同顏色的花 ,你並不需要調色;就是說土壤的酸鹼度 不需特別調整。就讓著繡球花自己變魔術吧~

This bigleaf mophead Hydrangea can exhibit different colors on the same plant but note that in more acidic soils you will see more blue and purple, and in a more neutral soil pH you will see more pink mixed in.

雖不需要特別調整土壤酸鹼度,但土壤偏酸 藍色和紫色的花會多一些;中性土壤 則會看到多一些粉色的花兒。 很有趣吧!

It is a sturdy Hydrangea with an upright mounded habit. It blooms heavy on new and old wood.


LA Dreamin’ starts blooming in early summer on wood from last year.


Flower continues on new growth from this season.


Dark green, textured foliage casts a marvelous contrast for the large blooms. Healthy, shiny, bright green foliage is the perfect backdrop for the colorful flower show.

深綠色的大葉 更是把彩色大朵的繡球花 襯托出她的美

Given its relatively compact size, pruning will probably not be necessary; however if pruning is desired, time any pruning after the first flush of flowers.

植株不大 所以並不需要太大的修剪;如果需要修剪的話 在開第一批花後修

The blooms are signature large, round blooms. This lovely hydrangea begins to bloom in the summer, and it will last through fall.


Plant the Hydrangea macrophylla ‘LA Dreamin’ in full sun to partial shade.


This beauty is looking great in both the garden and in a container.

不論是種在地上或盆栽 都很美

花褪色時 也是挺美麗的 faded color still look pretty

Turn your yard into a fantasy haven that everyone will be DREAMIN about!

種一些 LA DREMIN ;把院子打造成一個夢幻的夢想花園!

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

繡球花 Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2eV

大葉繡球花 “星空” “Starfield ” Bigleaf Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5zl

“安娜貝爾“ 喬木繡球花 Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-41n

繡球花 ‘德蕾莎修女’ Hydrangea Macrophylla “Sister Theresa”  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5Bt

繡球花 ‘Rose Supreme’ Hydrangea macrophylla https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5CV

繡球花 ‘德蕾莎修女’ Hydrangea Macrophylla “Sister Theresa”

雪白的大葉繡球花;Snowy white flower head show under the shady garden

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Soeur Therese’, also known as Hydrangea Sister Theresa, this hydrangea has slender stems sport healthy dark green leaves and paper white flowers.

白色(德蕾莎修女) 繡球花;深綠色葉子把白色的花 襯托的很美!

Prefers shade.

喜歡在 半陰暗處生長;

The margin of each leaf is tooth edge.


Moderately salt tolerant and prefers well drained soils. 


This macrophylla is a delicate looking but strong medium sized plant.


The large clusters of mophead flowers are crisp paper white regardless of the soils PH

白色花頭 不會因為土壤的酸鹼值而改變顏色

‘Sister Theresa’ is a wonderful heirloom that produces large, spherical clusters of pristine white flowers, even in full shade.


the flowers fade to an attractive pale green with mauve-pink overtones.

花快謝時 慢慢褪色到 淡淡的綠色,有些粉色的點。

The flowers are quite large and the individual sepals are very big making the blooms more striking, and perfect for long-lasting cut flowers.


An outstanding landscape shrub for border edges, containers, and foundation plantings in partial to full shade.


This beautiful plant makes a season-long show in your garden.

陪伴著你 一整個夏天的美麗繡球花~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

繡球花 Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2eV

大葉繡球花 “星空” “Starfield ” Bigleaf Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5zl

“安娜貝爾“ 喬木繡球花 Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-41n

大葉繡球花 “L.A. Dreamin ” Hydrangea https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5BY

繡球花 ‘Rose Supreme’ Hydrangea macrophylla https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5CV

玫瑰 “童話魔法/極樂芬芳 Parfuma® Bliss” Floribunda Rose

Exceptional Disease Resistance • Delicate, Creamy Pink Color 高雅 花季長

From the Kordes Parfuma Collection comes this outstanding Floribunda, Bliss.


Her very double, 3 1/2″ blooms are clustered in a romantic cupped bloom form with a light fragrance.


Bliss, appropriately named, is a delicate, creamy pink blend rose infused with an apricot center. Bliss will bloom for you in flushes throughout the season and offer exceptional disease resistance. [1]


The rose perfume of BlissParfuma® is one with fruity notes of apricot, apple and quince. Hints of vanilla and cream complete the scent.


Bliss Parfuma® Hybrid Tea Rose bears panicles with 1 to 6 creamy pink flowers with an apricot center.

Parfuma® Hybrid Tea Rose has a compact and bushy growth habit, a moderately vigorous rate of growth, and excellent disease resistance to common rose diseases.


‘Bliss’ is another great rose bred by Kordes. 

‘Bliss’ can be used either as a small border planting or in containers.


高温下花很快褪成白色。 Flower color fade to almost white during hot weather.


beautiful and elegant !

Reference ;

(1) Parfuma® Bliss, Kordes
