芥菜 Mustard Greens

容易種植又不太會長蟲害的青菜; super easy to grow and pest resistant

芥菜是 十字花科芸苔属 ,一年生草本植物

Mustard Greens, Brassica juncea belongs to Brassicaceae family ; Mustard is a hardy annual vegetalbe.


There are Leaf mustard (smaller) and Giant mustard

早春或晚秋 直接在菜園土壤 灑種子就可以了,非常容易種植。

Mustard is not finicky and easy to grow, just sprinkle the seeds with proper space into soil.


but because it’s a cool-weather crop, proper timing of the planting is important.

Mustard can be planted in the spring or in the fall. Because mustard prefers cool weather, a fall harvest usually produces better quality. 

黃色的花兒 很美

It produces pretty yellow flowers that are attractive to pollinators.

開花後 就要盡量快點吃;麥寶娘親每年都會留下幾株 讓他們結種子 這樣每年菜園都會自己再長出芥菜來

harvest them before a seed stalk forms ;Miloh mom usually will leave couple plants to grow the seeds without picking them to eat.

小芥菜可以很簡單的 用鹽巴稍微抓一抓;就是美味的雪裏紅。

Saute with onions and garlic

也可以拿來做酸菜 make sour veggie too.

麥寶娘親喜歡把芥菜和小白菜這類很容易蟲害的青菜 混合種在一起;因為芥菜有種辛辣味 蟲不愛,種在一起的小白菜 也大多可以免除蟲災。你可以試試看喔。

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

自己動手做 “酸菜” 不用曬乾的簡易法 Homemade “Sour Mustard-Green”  

芝麻菜 Arugula/Eruca sativa/Rocket

增加食物味蕾層次的青菜;easy to grow green

Arugula grows all over the veggie garden even on the pathway at Miloh family backyard.

芝麻菜 正 轟轟烈烈地 在麥寶家後院 長著;到處都是!

Arugula is a vegetable with edible green leaves that have a strong, spicy, peppery flavor.

芝麻葉的葉面光滑,深綠色尖尖的像蒲公英的的葉子,富有濃烈的芝麻香氣、入口清脆,微苦、溫和的辛辣口感中還帶點甘甜,越嚼越香、相當另人著迷 ; 特殊的香氣可增加餐點風味層次。

Also known as rocket, rucola or roquette, arugula is part of the Brassicaceae family along with cabbages and mustard greens.

芝麻葉 屬於十字花科芝麻菜屬,和白蘿蔔、高麗菜等親緣關係比較近,都同屬十字花科的植物

It has a green freshness that makes it a popular addition to salad mixes. pesto and as a topping for pizza, sandwiches or soups.


used to make a peppery fresh pesto sauce. Try replacing half of the basil in the pesto recipe with fresh arugula.


Cooked, arugula also resembles the delicate texture of cooked spinach. The flavor of cooked arugula is more mellow than when raw, with a very light spicy bite.

However it may turn more bitter flavor sometimes so try not to over cooked it if you don’t like the bitter taste.

加入湯品、義大利麵或是單純的拌炒料理都行。不過芝麻葉煮熟後 雖然辛辣味變淡了 但有時候會變得更苦,所以盡量避免煮太久 或快速川燙後 擺進冷水後做冷盤

the green can be found year-round but is in peak season in the early spring and fall.


very easy to grow from seeds. and they may come back every year after you grow them once !

芝麻葉 很容易種植;直接灑菜子 就可以。 通常種了一次之後 院子裡每年都會自己在秋冬 再長出來。

You may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

芝麻菜葉 酪梨沙拉Arugula and Avocado Salad  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-112

自己做青醬 Basil Arugula Pesto  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-YA

芝麻菜溫沙拉 Arugula Warm Salad  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-7H

香干芝麻菜 Arugula Dried Bean Curd cold dish  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-fo

烤甜菜根 溫沙拉 Roasting Beetroots for warm salad   https://wp.me/p8fIi1-37D 



The History of Arugula: Peppery Plant, Storied Past


伊朗 西拉吉 沙拉 Israeli Salad – Shirazi

Easy but Flavorful salad; 簡單又有層次感口味的沙拉

This salad recipe from Israel is versatile and tasty.

使用鮮嫩的小黃瓜、蕃茄和洋蔥切丁, 用檸檬汁、香菜或芹菜、橄欖油、鹽拌合, 爽脆可口,多汁滋潤,被稱為伊朗的國菜。 可以作為配菜直接吃, 也可用烤餅包裹著吃。


食材 Ingredients

  • 1 pound Persian or Japanese cucumbers, diced;一磅 小黃瓜 切丁
  • 1 pound fresh tomatoes, seeded and diced;一磅 番茄 切丁
  • 1/3 cup minced onion ;1/3 杯 洋蔥切碎
  • 1/2 cup minced fresh parsley ;半杯芹菜或香菜 切碎
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil ;橄欖油 3 湯匙
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice ;新鮮檸檬汁 3 湯匙
  • Salt 1/2 tsp ; 鹽 半茶匙

作法 Steps:

dice the cucumbers; Place the diced cucumbers into a large mixing bowl along with all the other ingredients.

做這道菜重点在食材的準備;刀工要細。就是 把小黃瓜和蕃茄都盡量切成很小的細丁

Mix until vegetables are well coated with parsley, oil, lemon juice, and salt.


香茅檸檬薏米水 Lemon Grass & Lemon Pearl Barley drink

A light flavor summer drink; 清涼解暑的好飲料

簡易夏天特飲——香茅檸檬薏米水。一般人可能只會煲檸檬薏米水,有香茅 可以加入香茅 更好喝喔

Lemongrass and lemon cook with pearl barley to make drink is really good for a hot summer day.

食材 Ingridients

生薏米   一杯 ; Semen Coicis 1 cup

熟薏米 /洋薏米  半杯 ; Pearl Barley 1/2 cup

檸檬      2個 ; 2 lemons

香茅      2枝 ; 2 lemongrass

清水     10杯 ; water 10 cups


Neith and Miloh sleep like a baby

做法 Instructions:

把生薏米和熟薏米沖水洗淨,瀝乾水分。 wash Semen Coicis and pearl barley


chop flat lemongrass, slice lemon and seeded.


all ingridients in a pot except lemons, cook in medium heat for 45 mins.

煲至最後15分鐘時,下檸檬;也可以稍放涼後,再加檸檬片,即可飲用。 Put in lemons after cook for 30 mins. or you can add lemons after cook and cool down.

小貼士 Tips:

  • 煮好的薏米水,放涼些後,才加檸檬片,會保持多些維生素C. 所以 麥寶娘親 留下一半的檸檬 放涼後才擺進去。
  • 生薏米帶些微寒涼,加入適量熟薏米,可作平衡。人在國外 熟薏米不太容易買到,可以買洋人的 洋薏米代替
  • 香茅分量可隨個人喜好增加至4-6枝
  • 喜歡吃點甜味的,可以加入一點冰糖;或煮好後,加蜂蜜飲用。

you can add sugar if you like sweet taste while cooking or add in honey after the drink cool down

香茅料理參考 Lemongrass recipes:

“香茅” 種植 Grow “Lemongrass “

香茅醬 Lemon Grass Paste

超簡易 香茅雞 Lemongrass Chicken


泰式香茅燒雞 Thai Style Chicken

泰式咖喱肉片 Thai Curry with Meat

櫛瓜創意料理 : 蝦仁 櫛瓜片 酢 越南魚露酸甜辣醬汁 nước chấm;Vietnamese Sweet & Sour sauce with shrimp and Zucchini

好吃的冷盤;an easy cold dish for summer

又是櫛瓜盛產的季節,麥寶家菜園夏天裏 好像一直都吃不停的瓜

zhucchi harvest time ; so many in Miloh family’s veggie garden now.

麥寶娘親 把櫛瓜刨片,蝦仁用熱水燙熟 擺在櫛瓜上面;最後淋上魚露醬汁 清爽可口的 櫛瓜料理就上桌了~~

Miloh mom slice the zucchini, boil the shrimp in hot water and place on top of the zucchini.

At last step, pour the Vietnamese sweet and sour sauce on top of the shrimp.

越南酸甜辣醬汁 Vietnamese Sweet and Sour Sauce

食材 Ingridients:

  • 蒜頭 2-4 瓣 ; Garlic glove 2 -4
  • 小辣椒 2 根 ; 2 hot pepper
  • 檸檬汁 1/4 杯 ; 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 魚露 1/2 杯 ; 1/2 cup Fish sauce
  • 冷開水 1 杯 ; 1 cup cold water
  • 砂糖 1/2 杯 ; 1/2 cup sugar

比例 檸檬汁:糖:魚露:冷開水 = 1 : 2 : 2:4

Ratio of Lemon juice : sugar : fish sauce : cold water = 1 :2 :2 : 4

大蒜和辣椒 看個人喜好,多或少

作法 steps:

nước chấm 有四大味道與口感:甜、酸、鹹和辣。首先,把檸檬汁和糖與水混合,接著加入魚露帶出鹹味,最後再加大蒜和辣椒等香料就完成。

Mix lemon juice with sugar first ; then add in fish sauce and garlic , pepper.

Let it sit for more than 30 mins. store in refriator for about 1 week.


if you like peanuts, you can toss some crushed peanuts on top of the shrimp too.

喜歡吃花生的 ,可以擺上一些碎花生在蝦仁上面。

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

櫛瓜(夏南瓜) Zucchini https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1NN

櫛瓜創意料理:瓜梗食譜 Zucchini stem recipe https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1Pi

櫛瓜創意料理: 櫛瓜餃子 Zucchini Dumpling  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1X6

櫛瓜創意料理:櫛瓜老菜脯雞湯 Zucchini Chicken Soup https://wp.me/p8fIi1-27X

櫛瓜料理:櫛瓜麵條 zucchini noodles:Zoodle  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-1Ps

櫛瓜創意料理:櫛瓜蛤蜊 Zucchini with clam  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2dS

檸檬櫛瓜蛋糕 Lemon Zucchini Bread  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2pE

適合早餐吃的 櫛瓜麵包 Morning Person Zucchini Bread  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-39i

櫛瓜麵條 烤蛋 /櫛瓜蛋巢 Baked Eggs and Zoodles with Avocado/ Zucchini Egg Nest  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3d8

蒸 櫛瓜肉丸子/珍珠丸子 蒸的好滋味 Zucchini meat ball/Pearl meat ball  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3Ab

【櫛瓜食譜】:櫛瓜檸檬 杯狀小鬆糕 Zucchini Lemon Muffins  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3AA

口感濕潤的 櫛瓜麵包 Super Moist Zucchini Bread With Yogurt  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3Bs

皮蛋地瓜葉 Fried Yam Leaves with Century Egg

ancient taste ; 古早味的好滋味

地瓜葉 越長越多,該是摘些來吃的時候了。來炒個 古早味的 皮蛋地瓜葉~~

Yam leaves grow wildly again now; Miloh , what are you looking at ?

食材 ingridients:

皮蛋2-3 個 ; 2-3 century eggs

地瓜葉1大把 ; a bunch of yam leaves

蒜頭3-5顆 ; 3-5 garlic cloves

鹽適量; salt

胡椒粉少許; pepper powder

做法 steps:


minced garlic, cut eggs to cubes

油鍋裡 先擺入蒜頭爆香,然後加入皮蛋 炒到皮蛋的表面有點白白地

Heat the oil in a wok over medium to high heat. Add the garlic and century eggs, and cook for about a minute.

再把地瓜葉加入,拌炒一下,調味 擺鹽巴,一點胡椒粉;之後加半杯水蓋上鍋蓋 燜個幾分鐘 就可以起鍋了。

Add in Yam leave, salt ;stir fry. then pour in half cup of water. cover the lip and let it cook for about 3 mins.


This is a simle & delicious dish.

種一大片的 ‘紫頂白圓 蕪菁 Purple Top White Globe Turnip’

非常快速生長 容易種植的冬季菜;A super easy and fast growing winter veggies as crop cover or just for fun

Purple top turnips are an easy to grow, short season brassica species. They grow rapidly and are an excellent choice for crop cover or just fun gardening in the backyard.

紫頂白球蕪菁, 屬十字花科蕓苔屬。可以種一整片當農業覆蓋物 或種一些在菜園裏 ,在家便可享受採收之樂。

This dual-purpose plant produces a large purple top spherical root and leafy foliage that can both be eaten and they provide a high-protein and high-energy food source.


Turnips are biennial plants, which means that their life cycle takes two years.


vegetable gardeners grow turnips as an annual, harvesting the root-like tubers at the end of the first growing season.

麥寶娘親 因為院子有一大片地被土撥鼠給毀了! 所以她買了好大一袋的種子 種下一整片當作農業覆蓋物,可以吃 又可以先解救荒地長雜草的困境

Miloh mom bought a huge bag seeds to do a crop cover field after gophers destroyed a big area in the yard that nothing grow but weeds!!

種子非常小! 麥寶娘親直接把種子灑在地上 就長出一大片,相當容易種植的蔬菜。秋季灑種子播種,晚冬到早春 就可陸續收成

purple top turnip seeds are very small; direct-seeding turnips for best results. Start the seeding in fall, you can harvest them in late winter and early spring.

麥寶喜歡在冬季蕪菁田裏 做日光浴 打盹 zzz

Miloh loves to take a nap on top of the turnip field… z.z.z.

With purple tops, the part of the tuber that grows below ground is white, while the upper part that sticks out of the ground is purple.


根部可以長到大約6 寸;麥寶家的 有的長很大! 不過真的還是中等大小的 好吃些。 那些很大的 或老了的, 娘親拿去曬蕪菁乾(菜脯)

Turnip lovers cherish these deliciously sweet and tender white roots. the root may grow as large as 6″ in diameter. But flavor is best when harvested around 3-4″ wide.

yellow flowers

開黃色的花兒,麥寶娘親留下幾株開花 準備收種子

Turnips have a crisp white flesh and a zesty mustard-like flavor with raw turnips. The flavor intensity will decrease somewhat during cooking.

跟白蘿蔔比起來,蕪菁水分較少,口感偏硬,但是煮熟後口感鬆軟 ;自己種的 當天採收就煮 吃起來好甜 好好吃!

The greens, which are also edible, grow from the purple part. Leaves have the best flavor when pick them while still young or pickling salt the mature leaves.

葉子的部分也可以吃,拿鹽巴稍微抓一抓 就切成丁 炒大蒜吃;像吃雪裏紅那樣。

Raw turnip roots make a flavorful addition to any salad or raw vegetable mix.

根部 可以拌沙拉 或切片炒,煮湯也很美味喔~

large turnips that are excellent sautéed or boiled.

take some to do sweet and sour pickle turnip

醃製幾罐 酸甜蕪菁,像吃韓國炸雞給的那種。 用 白醋:水 1:1 ,加入一點糖和鹽巴 幾天後就可以吃了。

一次收成太多時 就拿來曬菜脯

drying turnips when harvest over 200 at a time!!


Wartime food shortages in Germany in the winter of 1916–1917 were terrible. The civilian population called it the “turnip winter,” a bitter nickname, given the indignity of having to eat turnips, normally considered to be food fit only for cattle. [3]

娘親叫麥寶不要再睡了 菜摘好了 回家煮飯囉~

Miloh , wake up… Mom already pick today’s veggies


(1)「最美中草藥」蕪菁:不是蘿蔔卻像蘿蔔! https://kknews.cc/news/p2g68lz.html

(2) 蕪菁有哪些營養成分? https://read01.com/mzPE5RR.html

(3) Starvation and Propaganda as Weapons of War, 1917 https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anecdotes-from-the-archive/starvation-and-propaganda-as-weapons-of-war-1917/

自己動手蓋 菜園圍牆 DIY Veggie Garden Fence

Miloh Family backyard veggie garden fence had been 8 years old, the bamboo sticks and chicken wire all bend down either by heavy veggie vines or by Miloh jumped in all the time 🙂 hahaha

麥寶家 8 年前搬來時很忙 又沒經驗;拿一些竹子 鐵網 就把後院菜園 東一塊 西一點地 圍了起來。 麥寶常常為了追雞 就跳進跳出,還有一些藤蔓 把圍牆都·弄得東倒西歪:)

該是時候重新把圍牆弄好;聖誕節 元旦佳節 ,麥寶姐姐回家 麥寶哥哥也放了長假,所以全家在麥寶娘親的催促下 一起來做這個重整工程

it’s time to re do the veggie garden fence; holiday season Miloh family all get together, so make this another family fun project .

第一步就是拆下舊牆,沒想到挺不容易的啊。 一堆藤蔓纏著 還有很刺的火龍果

we thought it’s tough to re do the fence but actually it’s hard to tear down the old fence with all tangle vines and thorny passion fruits ..etc…


buying some redwoods for poles; there are 2×2, 2×4 and also 4×4 wood

the old fenc torn down



borrow right tool from next door neighbor to dig the perfect size hole for pole

above picture, the tool on the right is designed to dig hole for pole. you can just twist it and it will dig hole all the way down.

上面照片 右邊的那個工具 只要在土上轉啊轉;就挖出下面這樣的洞

buy the pre mixed concrete bags

買了好多袋的 水泥

put the wood pole in the hole, pour in the concrete mix


then pour the water in . this is the tip our neighbor gave us. don’t even need to mix the concrete with water first; this way is more secure and efficient.

然後再灌水;隔壁鄰居教我們不需要先用水混水泥。 直接這樣灌水 反而更容易簡單又更堅固

tie the line to make sure they all LINE UP!

我們拉繩子 確定所有的木樁 都在一條線上

see the old gate 🙂

看看之前 麥寶娘親 弄的 門:)

the new custom gate made by Miloh sister with Miloh brother’s help

再來看看麥寶姐姐 哥哥 量身定做的門

Miloh has fun to chase and scare the chickens during the project

麥寶這些天 圍牆拆下後 他就忙著追雞;但是 雞孩子們 不太理會他 哈哈哈

wait for the concrete to dry out ; Miloh family bought the quick 8 hours dry concrete since it’s going to rain soon..

我們買了速乾 8小時的混合好的水泥;等著下雨前乾

Staple wire fence once the concrete dry and poles are all secure.


plant some more grape vines outside the fence; total 15 grape vines along the veggie fence including some old existing vines.

在外圍又加種幾株葡萄藤;包括之前種的葡萄 共15個藤蔓了

It’s a slope garden; we did it for couple levels

這裏是個緩坡;所以分了幾個段落 把圍牆慢慢下降

chickens come out to watch


the custom gate with latch ; no more jump in ..Miloh


special thanks to Miloh sister and brother spending some times during holidays for this project done before heavy rain.

特別感謝麥寶姐姐 哥哥的大力幫忙;大夥趕著在雨季之前 完工了~~

佛手瓜 成長記 Grow “Chayote” squash

Chayote is a fast-growing climbing vine with characteristic tendrils.

佛手瓜是長很快的爬藤蔬果; 佛手瓜為果實,龍鬚菜則是佛手瓜的嫩梢部位

麥寶娘親 試著拿買來的佛手瓜,等著它發芽後 拿去菜園種植。 試過好多次!通常種下後 長高到兩尺高 ,然後就枯萎不見了! 今年夏天 她努力不懈,找到一個有大樹半陰的地方,終於 終於 皇天不負苦心人啊~~ 種成功 也吃了幾個瓜。

Miloh mom tried to plant this from a squash she bought from supermarket, she plante the one with sprout coming out of the squash. tried so many times, not sucessful.

She didn’t give up. Decided to plant the sprouted squash in a semi shady spot this summer. finally this time the vine grows!!

今年夏天,李子樹下不知為何有個大坑。 麥寶娘親覺得又是個有樹木 半陰的好地方來種佛手瓜,於是她丟了兩個外面買來的瓜到坑裏。 台灣娘家有事,她回去了快要兩個月,回美國後 看到

After 2 months … see how the vines grow so wild and climb up the entire plum tree .

瓜藤爬滿了李子樹 和 整個 咖啡田的地面。wow!這是 無心插柳柳成蔭嗎?

some vines craw on the coffee field ground too.

不是的!麥寶家人終於學會了 佛手瓜 其實不喜歡太陽光日照太強 太熱的地方。

半陰暗 但是水分充足的地方— 才是種植佛手瓜成功的關鍵喔~~

Chayote vine like to grow under big tree or semi shady spot with plenty of water. This is the key to grow this vine.

See how big the vine 看看瓜藤靠近根部的地方有多麼粗

瓜藤多又長,今年第一次 既可吃瓜 ,還可已摘下嫩鬚葉子的地方 來吃 龍鬚菜。 這樣是不是太美好了呀:)開心~~


the leaves and tendrils are edible and a delicous veggie dish too.

由於龍鬚菜屬於短日照的作物,在有一定營養的生長量以後,會開始生殖與生長,每月日照溫度約為22度,一個月日照的時長約為170h (2)


It bears small white unisexual flowers and green pear-shaped fruits with furrows.


The tiny squash is so cute and cannot imagine they will grow to a large squash later in just a week.

A jubmo one 看看 超級巨大的一個瓜 超過1磅

現摘下來的瓜 很甜,脆脆的 ;涼拌 或切片直接生吃 ,就好吃極了!

Chayote can be eaten raw, mild in taste and crunch in texture

也可以切絲,炒肉 或 切塊燉湯

The fruits are boiled, baked, used in soup or sautéed as a vegetable and taste similarly to cooked cucumber or zucchini.

it’s so sweet and juicy that even wild animal want to eat them.


麥寶娘親在入冬前 留下一個瓜 掛在藤上,慢慢地 長出一些紋路來。

Miloh mom saved one sqush on the vine before the winter, it hanged there for a while . when it dropped, Miloh mom found it already had sprout!!

後來掉到地上 麥寶娘親撿起來後 才看到, 居然已經發芽了。 把它種下 希望春天過後又會再長出新的瓜藤來

planted it in another semi shady spot and hope it will grow into another huge vine when weather turn warmer.

參考資料 Reference:


(2)龍鬚菜栽培 https://read01.com/yyB3DnB.html

(3)吃佛手瓜「正對時」!營養師曝營養價值高 還能增加智力、降血壓 https://health.tvbs.com.tw/nutrition/329466

(4)龍鬚菜就是佛手瓜! 農委會教選購祕訣 https://health.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/3625826

“香茅” 種植 Grow “Lemongrass “


Lemongrass is an herb with a lemony scent. The culinary herb is produced from the stalk of the lemongrass plant

Miloh’s mom grow Lemongrass by cutting the bottom part of lemongrass she bought from supermarket, simply plant them in ground. The family enjoy lemongrass years after years….

麥寶娘親把超市買回來的香茅,直接切下根部的一節 種下土裏,沒多久就發芽長出葉子。現在家裏好多香茅 都不用出去買。

過一陣子 冒出小葉片來,很快就會抽高了

they will start to grow fast once you see the small leaves shoot up.

Lemongrass imparts a flavor of lemon with hints of ginger.

香茅味道吃或喝起來 除了有檸檬味 還帶著一點點的薑味。

通常 麥寶娘親會把整個香茅連跟拔出來,根部繼續種;中間白色這段拿來做料理;葉子捲起來煮水或煮湯喝。健胃 助眠。

use stalk for cooking or tea.

flowers; 花穗

The Lemongrass plant is known to be an excellent mosquito repellant;Commonly known as the Citronella oil

香茅是天然的防蚊蟲的植物,麥寶家人除了種在菜園裏,也會種在盆裡 擺在房門口;夏天可以防蚊蟲進家裏。

plant for growing in-ground, as you would with ornamental grasses, or in containers. Lemongrass likes it hot, so grow it in an area with full sun


take some existing stalks’ roots , plant it in ground or container

Lemongrass will naturally propagate itself, once it is established. Small stalks of new plants will begin to grow off the side of existing stalks

香茅會自己長分株出來,然後擠在一起;太擁擠時 就可以扒開一些拿來料理或種植。

Growing lemongrass isn’t that hard. Once you get a thriving bunch established, you’ll have more lemongrass than you know what to do with.


香茅料理參考 Lemongrass recipes:

香茅醬 Lemon Grass Paste

超簡易 香茅雞 Lemon Grass chicken

香茅檸檬薏米水 Lemon Grass & Lemon Pearl Barley drink


Here are 7 science-backed reasons why lemongrass tea must be a part of your diet https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/here-are-7-science-backed-reasons-why-lemongrass-tea-must-be-a-part-of-your-diet-101619609835635.html

香茅營養 https://www.hk01.com/%E6%95%99%E7%85%AE/612509/%E9%A6%99%E8%8C%85%E7%87%9F%E9%A4%8A-%E6%8E%92%E6%AF%92%E6%B6%88%E8%85%AB%E5%8A%A9%E6%8A%97%E7%99%8C9%E5%8A%9F%E6%95%88-%E9%81%8E%E9%87%8F%E5%82%B7%E8%82%9D%E8%85%8E2%E7%A8%AE%E4%BA%BA%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%9C%E6%97%A5%E9%A3%9F%E5%B9%BE%E5%A4%9A