蟠桃 Donut Peach/Flat Peach

Easy grow, sweet and juicy fruit ; 好吃又容易種植 多產的果樹

Donut Peach , The fruit is popular for its unique flattened shape and juicy, sweet flavor.

蟠桃 是一個長得很可愛的水果,它外型扁扁的,好像甜甜圈。


Springtime brings a flush of beautiful pink flower blossoms

Flower start to bloom in late Feb till March.

春天 先開花 才長出葉子來。


三月底 花兒全盛開;好美。

四月中 就會看到 一顆顆像鈕扣一樣大小的 小小蟠桃;這時候可以進行第一次 疏果。

The tiny fruits appear in Mid April like a button size, they are abundant .

time to pick some fruits off the tree to avoid over crowded and smaller fruits later .


In May, the fruits grow bigger

果實在五月中 長到像手掌大小

Trees bear heavy crops of peaches that measure 2¼-2¾” in diameter.

The tree produces lots of fruit from a young age.

種不到兩年的小果樹 就會開始結果喔,而且非常容易種植。

一棵樹小小的 就結實纍纍;果實大小像手掌心/甜甜圈的大小

Summertime fruit harvest.


They are the size and shape of a donut,and ; They have white flesh that is soft and juicy, surrounding a non-clinging, easy to remove, pit.


The skin is light yellow with a red blush. The center is sunken with a small “stone” pit.


Self-fruitful. Low Chill. 200 hours. USDA Zone 5-10.


The donut peach tree, also called the pan tao or peento peach, originated in China. Trees were imported to the U.S. and grown here in the 19th century.


Disease-resistant to bacterial leafspot.

抗病力強;基本上 根本不太需要照顧。 蟠桃樹喜陽光和充沛的水分。 冬季修剪,春季疏果,夏季豐收。

below are those too crowded and small fruits that Miloh mom pick and throw away to decompost bin. so that will encourage more bigger and healthy fruits later to pick and eat.

疏果 ; 常常一個季節就要摘下這麼多 還很青澀的小果子。丟進 堆肥桶裡

Donut Peaches are low in acid with a candy-like sweetness and notes of almond.


Their tender skins have little to no fuzz, so there’s no need to peel them unless you want to

皮也很好吃 所以不需要剝皮吃; 看看 野生動物也·搶著吃!

Donut peaches are usually palm size and easy to polish off in a few drippy, delightful bites. Donut peaches are best suited for fresh eating when eaten raw.

拿來直接當水果吃是最適合的 因為甜又多汁

They can be sliced and tossed into green or fruit salads, chopped into salsas, served over cooked meats, or blended into smoothies.

也可以拿來做沙拉;佐料 和 飲料

Have you ever wondered why donut peach has the FLAT shape ?

The peach flat fruit trait is genetically controlled by a single gene at the S locus, but its genetic basis remains unclear. Here, we report a 1.7-Mb chromosomal inversion downstream of a candidate gene encoding OVATE Family Protein, designated PpOFP1, as the causal mutation for the peach flat fruit trait. 【2】


參考 Reference:



(2)Why Donut peach is flat shape ?


種蟠桃 春天賞花,夏天吃果子,樹形也美 很適合做園藝設計。

Grow a donut peach, you can enjoy flower blossom in spring; harvet the fruit in summer. the tree itself look pretty too that fit in the landscape design too.

日曬 紅心芭樂乾 Sun-Dried Guava

Simply way to preserve your extra harvest 簡單地把吃不完的芭樂 保存下來

麥寶家的紅心芭樂 又是產量多到不知如何是好 :)

最後 這一批 ,麥寶娘親決定 拿來曬成果乾 ;讓太陽濃縮它的一身香氣,保留住這一季的美好收成,變成好喝的飲品~~

Miloh family grow Red meat guavas, they harvested over 300 fruits every year. They had been enjoyed the guava for months, so Miloh mom decided to sun dried the rest of guava from this season. (it’s such a long season…)

lovely Miloh enjoy his nap at deck … 麥寶幾乎每天都在陽台睡午覺

作法 step:


Wash the guavas, slice to thin pieces


lay them flat under the sun light


When the guava is dry and can bend freely without breaking , it’s almost ready.


Dry it at the lowest temp in the oven, let it cool; and then put it in a packaging jar or plastic bag and store it in the cool place.

在沒有芭樂的季節,泡茶時放幾片紅心芭樂乾,讓自然香甜的芭樂氣息融入茶中, 再次回味芭樂的香氣~~

When it’s not the guava season, put a few slices of dried guava when making tea to let the natural and guava flavor blend into the tea ~

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

紅心芭樂 /熱帶粉紅番石榴Tropical Pink Guava

香茅檸檬薏米水 Lemon Grass & Lemon Pearl Barley drink

A light flavor summer drink; 清涼解暑的好飲料

簡易夏天特飲——香茅檸檬薏米水。一般人可能只會煲檸檬薏米水,有香茅 可以加入香茅 更好喝喔

Lemongrass and lemon cook with pearl barley to make drink is really good for a hot summer day.

食材 Ingridients

生薏米   一杯 ; Semen Coicis 1 cup

熟薏米 /洋薏米  半杯 ; Pearl Barley 1/2 cup

檸檬      2個 ; 2 lemons

香茅      2枝 ; 2 lemongrass

清水     10杯 ; water 10 cups


Neith and Miloh sleep like a baby

做法 Instructions:

把生薏米和熟薏米沖水洗淨,瀝乾水分。 wash Semen Coicis and pearl barley


chop flat lemongrass, slice lemon and seeded.


all ingridients in a pot except lemons, cook in medium heat for 45 mins.

煲至最後15分鐘時,下檸檬;也可以稍放涼後,再加檸檬片,即可飲用。 Put in lemons after cook for 30 mins. or you can add lemons after cook and cool down.

小貼士 Tips:

  • 煮好的薏米水,放涼些後,才加檸檬片,會保持多些維生素C. 所以 麥寶娘親 留下一半的檸檬 放涼後才擺進去。
  • 生薏米帶些微寒涼,加入適量熟薏米,可作平衡。人在國外 熟薏米不太容易買到,可以買洋人的 洋薏米代替
  • 香茅分量可隨個人喜好增加至4-6枝
  • 喜歡吃點甜味的,可以加入一點冰糖;或煮好後,加蜂蜜飲用。

you can add sugar if you like sweet taste while cooking or add in honey after the drink cool down

香茅料理參考 Lemongrass recipes:

“香茅” 種植 Grow “Lemongrass “

香茅醬 Lemon Grass Paste

超簡易 香茅雞 Lemongrass Chicken


泰式香茅燒雞 Thai Style Chicken

泰式咖喱肉片 Thai Curry with Meat

枇杷 印度甜酸醬 Loquat Chutney

A delicous Indian food sauce; 好吃的印度料理醬料

Miloh’s family harvest so many loquats this year and neighbors too! Neighbor called Miloh mom to pick her loquats.. wow. so nice and kind ~~

麥寶家的枇杷吃了好幾個月了,幾近尾聲之際 以為可以休息了 。鄰居打電話來 請我們去摘她家的枇杷,那株老果樹的枇杷可是好吃極了 ;盛情難卻 就去摘了一小推車回來:)

Loquat muffins, cheesecake, heaven cake, more jam…what else ? neighbor mentioned she is making some chutney from loquats, good idea!

已經做了瑪芬,乳酪蛋糕,蛋糕,好多罐果醬;鄰居說她要做些甜酸醬麥寶娘親也來做些 印度甜酸醬吧~

Ingredients 食材:
  • 1 tablespoon oil ; 油 1 湯匙
  • ½ teaspoons cumin ;孜然粉 1 茶匙
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds ** ; 芥菜籽 1 茶匙**
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder ;咖喱或薑黃粉 1 茶匙
  • 10 loquats, peeled, pitted, chopped;枇杷 10 幾個 剝皮 去籽
  • ½ large onion, chopped ;洋蔥半個 切小塊
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced ;大蒜 2 個 切碎
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger ;薑 1茶匙 磨泥
  • red chili powder (optional) ; 辣椒粉 (可有可無)
  • ½ cups apple cider vinegar ;蘋果醋 半杯
  • 1 teaspoon Salt;鹽巴 1 茶匙
  • some dried fruits cranberry ,raisin ;果乾 一些

Directions 做法:
  • Heat the oil in a small pot and add the cumin, mustard seeds, and curry powder. Toast, stirring often about 1 minute

鍋子裡熱油,加入孜然 薑黃 或芥末籽;炒個1分鐘左右。然後擺進洋蔥和大蒜 翻炒 直到洋蔥變軟。

  • Add the onion and garlic and sauté until tender.
  • Add the loquats,dry fruits and bring to a simmer. Stir in the vinegar, chili, ginger and salt and simmer, uncovered, about 20 minutes, or until liquid is mostly absorbed and mixture is syrupy.

把 枇杷,果乾 加入 開始煨燉;再擺進 蘋果醋,鹽巴 和薑末 繼續煨燉· 大約20分鐘 看到成 糖漿狀

  • Allow to cool 稍微擺涼再吃
  • refrigerate or vacuum in jars 如果沒有做成真空罐保存;剩下的擺進冰箱

**Tip 小貼士:

if you don’t have mustard seeds, you can replace with turmeric, Wasabi,horseradish powder; mango can replace loquat.

沒有芥菜籽 ,可以用薑黃粉,芥末粉 取代; 沒有枇杷 用芒果也可以喔

特別感謝好鄰居 ! 她幾乎每年都會想到我們家很愛吃枇杷,叫我們從她家側院自己走進去摘。 這株是她家的大枇杷樹,枇杷好甜好好吃~

Special thanks to Miloh’s good neighbor ! she let us go into her side yard and picked her loquat every years since we moved here. Above photo is her big loquat tree, so pretty and elegant. the loquats are super sweet and delicious~~

update 3/30/2024 below;

Red meat Guava still grow while loquat already ripe for harvest. So Miloh mom used these 2 fruits to make chutley.

It turns out delicious too !!

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

枇杷 瑪芬 Loquat Muffin

a soft fruit muffin; 鬆軟好吃嘚瑪芬

loquat harvest , so many ! Miloh mom picked so many day after day for almost 2 months long ~~ Take some to make muffin.

今年雨水多,枇杷長很多很大 很重! 把枝幹都壓垮垂到地上。 麥寶也愛吃枇杷 但是他賴皮 都要我們剝皮給他吃

Ingredients 食材

2 cups flour or Powdered Oat Meals / 2 杯麵粉或燕麥粉

2 tsps baking powder / 2 茶匙 泡打粉

¼ tsp salt / ¼ 茶匙鹽

½ cup sugar /½ 杯糖

2 eggs / 蛋 2 個

½ cup veggie oil / ½ 杯 蔬菜油

1 cup yoghurt / 1 杯 優格

1 & ½ cup peeled and seeded loquats / 1 & ½ 杯新鮮枇杷 剝皮,去籽

1 lemon (optional) 檸檬一顆 可有可無

Instructions 做法:

Preheat oven to 185C/ 375F degrees.Place muffin paper in the tray.

烤箱預熱 185C/375F, 把烤焙紙杯擺好

put the eggs, oil,sugar, lemon zest&juice and yoghurt in a big bowl, stir well.

把蛋,油,糖,檸檬皮&汁 和 優格 擺入大盆,打匀。

Then add the flour, baking powder, and salt in .Mix to combine.

然後把麵粉,泡打粉,鹽 加入後,拌匀。

Distribute half batter evenly in the cupcake tray.


put the loquats in; then pour the remaining batter in the cupcake.


sprinkle some turbinado raw sugar or /and fresh mulberry, sunflower seeds on top if you like.


Bake for 20-25 minute, checking with a wooden skewer (if it comes out clean they are done).


It taste soft and delicious

吃起來鬆軟 濕潤, 有水果濃濃的香味~

麥寶 也來聞香~ Miloh want a bite ?

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

枇杷果醬 loquat Jam

簡單好吃的果醬;easy made fruit jam

loguat harvest time at Miloh family yard , so many to pick this year. Miloh mom decided to make some loquat jam.

今年雨水多 枇杷長得更多更大更多汁;趁著枇杷大收成之際,麥寶娘親動手做幾罐果醬

Ingridients 食材:

Loquats , sugar and lemon. 枇杷,糖 和 檸檬

Loquat : Sugar : Lemon Ratio is about 2 Cups loquat : 1 Cup Sugar : 1 lemon

枇杷:糖:檸檬 比例 = 2 杯 枇杷: 1 杯 糖 :1 個 檸檬

Instructions 做法:

Peel off and take out all of seeds from loquats.

Use blender to chop the peeled loquats before you put them into the pot. Add in the sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice.

用打碎機器 把枇杷打成泥 ; 再把枇杷泥,糖 , 檸檬皮和汁 倒入鍋

Turn the high heat first to boil, then lower down to median heat .

Cook and stir about 50 mins or when you see the liquid turn thicker to jam.

大火開了後,轉中火 ;慢慢攪拌大約50分鐘 或直到成黏稠狀

Pour the jam into the clean jar, tight the lip; then turn the jar upside down. Done。

趁熱 倒入消毒洗乾淨的玻璃罐,然後倒扣 就完成了!

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

澳洲胡桃樹/夏威夷果樹 macadamia nuts tree

Beautiful edible landscaping tree; 好吃營養 又美麗的果樹

澳洲胡桃 澳洲堅果屬,屬常綠喬木,雙子葉植物。原產於澳洲,是澳洲原住民的重要食物來源

The macadamia is a glossy broadleaf evergreen with leaves that resemble holly, flowers ranging from pink to white, and edible nuts that ripen at random times during the growing season.


grow new leaves in spring time

春天時 會長出很多新芽


Starting out as reddish-brown, the leaves of the Macadamia tree quickly turn into a deep, glossy green. Since this tree is an evergreen, you’ll get to enjoy the fresh colors, even in the dead of winter.

The leaves are fairly long with toothed margins.


2 Beaumont trees Miloh family planted 3 years ago both grow quite fast!

麥寶家人3年前種了兩株 Beaumont 是光殼與粗殼澳洲堅果的配種

Beaumont is a hybrid cultivar of Macadamia integrifolia and M. tetraphylla. It has bright pink blooms that appear on long racemes with vibrant, reddish leaves. This cultivar also has grape-like clusters that can end up snapping branchlets. The macadamia nuts don’t drop once they’re ripe, but this cultivar produces nuts that are easier to crack.

flowers strat with a string of tiny buds


bloom in March

flowers look very woody ; 花兒很像木頭做的

密集生長的總狀花序;花序長 15~20 公分

The bright pink flowers give this tree a tropical look. Full, thick clusters of pink flowers contrasted against the glossy green leaves will brighten up any yard.

grow into a bigger and longer string with lots flower buds


isn’t this so beautiful ! 太美了!

while its nuts can ripen throughout the year, though they primarily ripen in the fall and the spring.


harvest of macadamias within a few years of planting your tree.


nuts develop inside a round and hard woody shell.

The fruit of this regal tree is a nut with a shell so hard it takes a hammer, a vise, or a specialty tool to crack it. But don’t let this deter you; it’s well worth the trouble to have your own supply of the world’s most expensive nut.

核果中最難剝開的一種 (“The toughest nut to crack”)

peel it


use the tool to crack the super hardy shell

The nut has a leathery case that is 1 inch in diameter, containing either a spherical nut or two hemisphere nuts. They also have a smooth hard shell that encases a white kernel.

夏威夷果是可以直接生吃的堅果;沒有經過烘培的生果,味道比烤過的 還好吃!!

the nut is white and you can taste it fresh without baking it. The raw nut even taste better than the baked nut.

Full sun conditions are ideal for your tree.

喜歡全日照;不太需要太多照顧。 營養價值很高的堅果,種來吃或當園藝果樹 都是很好的投資喔

Whether you invest in a tree to brighten up a yard or you want to drown in expensive, highly nutritious nuts, the macadamia tree is a worthy investment.

The beautiful green foliage lasts through every season.

研究發現,凡是番石榴生長繁茂或可種植咖啡的地方,均適合種植澳洲堅果。麥寶家有很多番石榴 也種了咖啡,鄰居們的院子也幾乎每家都有這種果樹。 娘親去年又多種了好幾株小果苗。

Growing macadamia nuts doesn’t require tremendous amounts of time and effort; Miloh family planted couple more small tree last year.

The Macadamia tree is spectacular. Its dark green foliage is the perfect backdrop for the amazingly beautiful landscape fruit tree.


澳洲胡桃樹 ,4~5年可生產堅果,需要12~15年達到產量峰值,平均壽命可達60多年!

It begins to set fruit around 5 years old. By the age of 10 or so, it reaches maturity and produces heavy yield. Average life span is over 60 years old!


夏威夷豆品種 http://www.macadamia.com.tw/blog/%E5%A4%8F%E5%A8%81%E5%A4%B7%E8%B1%86_blog20180426.html

情人節蜜柚 Valentine hybrid Pummelo

Sweet and Juicy; 甜蜜多汁

The Valentine Pummelo is the combination of a Pummelo, a mandarin and a blood orange.


Miloh family planted one in March 2017, ever since then.. the tree grow very slow until 3 years later. it s tarted to grow much more fruits this year after 5 years planting !

麥寶家 在2017年3月買了一果苗;種了好多年 終於去年開始才盛產。

The Valentine pummelo acquired its name in part because it ripens around Valentine’s day in Riverside, California, where it was bred and evaluated.

情人節蜜柚 名字來自於 它在加州大學 河濱分部 也是配種孕育出這柚子的地方 ,會在情人節時 成熟。

In Nov.. the fruits are still in green skin.

11 月中時;果子還是綠色的皮,有些開始轉黃了

When ripe, the Valentine also resembles a heart when cut open.

當成熟時,把果子對著切 會像心型一樣

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The rind is moderately easy to peel when fruits are mature. ‘Valentine’ combines large size and low acidity from its pummelo parent, complex, floral taste from ‘Dancy,’ and juicy red pulp from ‘Ruby.’ [1]

金黃色的皮很容易撥開,酸度低, 甜又多汁!

The fruit had the beautiful red color and was sweet, juicy, and very delicious.

‘Valentine’ reaches complete pigmentation in February when the solids:acid ratio is an average of 16:1. A ratio of this level produces an extremely sweet and delicious fruit.[1]

二月時的酸比例是 16 : 1, 平均完成了色素沈著; 這個級別的比例 會產生極為香甜可口的水果

吃了甜甜蜜蜜,觸動味覺的甜蜜滋味!情人節快樂 ~~

Happy Valentine ~~


(1) Valentine pummelo hybrid,UC RIVERSIDE


【省水植物】黃檸檬番石榴 [WaterWise Plant] Yellow Lemon Guava

小卻甜的芭樂 Tiny but sweet guava you will love

The Lemon Guava, also commonly called Cattley Guava, is a small sub-tropical fruit tree.  It abundantly produces sweet lime-green to golden-yellow guava fruit.

麥寶家人去年種了一株 黃色檸檬番石榴/芭樂,葉子跟草莓芭樂幾乎是一樣的 都很像榕樹

春天時 開白色的花兒;White flowers appear in spring

The petite fruit, range in size from 4-8cm, and have a delicious blend of lemony guava flavor and aroma. 

果實 檸檬味道濃郁~~

Lemon guava fruits are small, round and yellow with very thin skin and fragrant yellow flesh. The lemon guava flavor is well balanced; sweet and tropical with a touch of tang. Lemon guava fruit is very fragile and difficult to transport successfully, so it is rarely found in grocery stores.

皮很薄,聞起來很香 吃起來 好甜!!! 因為運輸過程很容易弄壞,所以超級市場很少看到

The fruits are small in size, though it is larger than the petite strawberry guava.

果實雖小 但是跟草莓番石榴比起來 可是大多囉~

果皮從綠色 到成熟時是金黃色地;果肉像果凍一般 有不少黃色的種籽。 可以整顆吃下去

The skin ranges in color from a lime green to a golden yellow when mature. The Lemon guava has a jelly-like inner flesh that is perforated with small yellow seeds.

跟草莓番石榴一樣,都是省水植物 也都不太需要照顧

Lemon guava trees grow well in most soil conditions and once well-established they are drought-resistant.

See how fast it grows just in a couple months

長得很快 ;才幾個月就長大了一倍!

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

參考資料: 草莓番石榴與檸檬番石榴


院子裏 種一片 咖啡園 Growing Coffee trees in the backyard

Coffee plants are woody evergreens that can grow up to 10 meters tall when growing in the wild.


麥寶姐姐2018年從學校帶回幾株小咖啡苗給 麥寶娘親,娘親就先把苗種下。

Miloh sister bougt some coffee seedlings from college plant sale at Davis in June 2018

Miloh mom heard there are some avacado farmers are growing coffee trees in San Deigo. She bought some plants from Armstrong nursery on Nov 6, 2019 and want to start a coffee orchard.

麥寶娘親聽說有不少種植酪梨的果農在聖地牙哥也開始種植咖啡樹。 於是隔年 2019年 她去附近的花店,又買了一些咖啡苗回來種

There are couple small plants in one pot.


split them and started the coffee orchard on Oct 12,2019




Coffee plants prefer dappled sunlight or full sunlight in weaker latitudes. They are actually understory plants and do not thrive in direct, harsh sunlight. Coffee plants that are exposed to too much direct sunlight will develop leaf browning.


Miloh family planted coffee trees closer to a big pine tree at front yard for some shade.

Oct 28,2019 Miloh brother set up the drip system

之後 麥寶哥哥幫忙把滴水系統設好

March 2020, Miloh family try to put some bricks as pathway for the coffee orchard.


June 2020, this field grow so many weeds!


During pademic, Miloh family ordered some bricks to put some garden pathway and clean up the area in July 2020.

疫情期間 麥寶家人訂了一些磚塊,想把咖啡園稍微整理好打理

setting up the bricks going on in Aug, 2020 and almost finished

快鋪好時 連貓小姐都出來看了

Even Neith came out to check it out , Meow~~

很好奇呢 curious

Miloh too


almost there


The best environment in which to grow coffee plants is to mimic its natural conditions found on a tropical, mid-elevation mountainside: plenty of water with good drainage, high humidity, relatively cool temperatures, and rich, slightly acidic soil.


Add some small pebbles to fill in the gaps

oversee the avacado tree rest area

Sep 2020

Nov 2020

Coffee plants have branches that are covered in dark green, waxy leaves that grow in pairs.

長得挺慢地 ,三年後 終於長大了

Aug 2022, the trees grow quite slow. it fianlly grow bit taller after 3 years.

Nov 2022

The coffee plant is an attractive little specimen with glossy green leaves and a compact growth habit. they like acid soil.


The coffee trees start to shoot up higher to almost 2 feet tall now. finally !

三年後 他們長太密集了,於是麥寶家人決定移植一些到廚房外的小山坡地

and they grow too close and cloudy, so Miloh family split out some plants and transpant them to a slope area


Jan 2023

Even though coffee plants are vigorous growers, it will typically take a few years before your plant produces flowers and subsequent fruits.


Native to Ethiopia, the coffee plant (Coffea arabica) will flower in the spring with small white flowers and then bear half-inch berries that gradually darken from green to blackish pods.



See How tiny those beautiful white flowers

看看這些花兒有多小! 但是很美~~

coffee flowers bloom in Oct 2021 first time in Miloh family yard, very excited!!

After 3-4 years small white fragrant blooms


Small, fragrant white blossoms (similar to a jasmine flower) will grow where the leaves and branches meet. These flowers house the plant’s sex cells and are what help the plants reproduce over time. About 6 weeks after the flowers are pollinated, the coffee cherry will develop where the flowers were located. These cherries will eventually turn red, orange, yellow, or pink, depending on the coffee varietal.


green cherry appear in April 2022 ! 四月 看到綠色的果子

 成熟的果實外皮呈紅色,由於形狀和顏色與櫻桃相似,很多地方稱成熟咖啡果實為咖啡櫻桃(coffe cherry)。在鮮紅的外果皮下,是果皮、果肉及一種甜甜的黏黃物質包住咖啡豆。

It produces colorful cherries against a background of glossy dark green foliage. They go from green to yellow, to orange, then finally to deep red. Each cherry will produce two coffee beans. And you’ll get hundreds of these cherries!

The cherry turn red and ripe in late July . 7 月底 變紅色的了

Coffee tree is quite pretty with dark glossy leaves that is quite popular for indoor plant these years. Plant an indoor coffee tree if you don’t have space for growing coffee trees in the yard.

Miloh family hope they can harvest more coffee beans this year to have a homemade coffee bean.

咖啡樹很美 這幾年也很流行種在家裡 做室內植物。 如果沒有地方種咖啡 要不要也種盆美美綠綠的室內咖啡盆栽呢?

麥寶家人 期待今年的咖啡可以多收成一些 來曬手工咖啡豆。待續………

update 8/30/2023 below;

Miloh famaily’s coffee plants survived the frozen/frost damage from last winter and grow taller and bigger this year.

串串含苞待放的花朵 string of flower buds

there are so so many flowers blooming in late August now.

麥寶家的咖啡樹苗 去年冬天受了凍傷,但是經過一番照顧後,在八月底 看到開了好多花

一串串的白花 太美了;白得令人窒息 香得讓人陶醉啊~~

At the End of Nov 2023, coffee plants grow so many berries! Expecting to have a cup of coffee in 2024

11 月底 那些白色的花兒 結了好多果子!


Except for the bean, all parts of the plant are toxic to humans. Small kids that ingest the leaves or bark can become very ill. What’s more, all parts, from the bark to the cherries, are toxic to animals. If you have a cat, dog, or other pet that is fond of chewing on the green, leafy household members, the coffee plant may not be the best idea.


reference reading:

Coffee Is Growing, Thriving In San Diego’s North County


Coffee (Coffea Arabica): A New Plant/Crop for Southern California

Coffee from California? Sip happens!