自己動手蓋 菜園圍牆 DIY Veggie Garden Fence

Miloh Family backyard veggie garden fence had been 8 years old, the bamboo sticks and chicken wire all bend down either by heavy veggie vines or by Miloh jumped in all the time 🙂 hahaha

麥寶家 8 年前搬來時很忙 又沒經驗;拿一些竹子 鐵網 就把後院菜園 東一塊 西一點地 圍了起來。 麥寶常常為了追雞 就跳進跳出,還有一些藤蔓 把圍牆都·弄得東倒西歪:)

該是時候重新把圍牆弄好;聖誕節 元旦佳節 ,麥寶姐姐回家 麥寶哥哥也放了長假,所以全家在麥寶娘親的催促下 一起來做這個重整工程

it’s time to re do the veggie garden fence; holiday season Miloh family all get together, so make this another family fun project .

第一步就是拆下舊牆,沒想到挺不容易的啊。 一堆藤蔓纏著 還有很刺的火龍果

we thought it’s tough to re do the fence but actually it’s hard to tear down the old fence with all tangle vines and thorny passion fruits ..etc…


buying some redwoods for poles; there are 2×2, 2×4 and also 4×4 wood

the old fenc torn down



borrow right tool from next door neighbor to dig the perfect size hole for pole

above picture, the tool on the right is designed to dig hole for pole. you can just twist it and it will dig hole all the way down.

上面照片 右邊的那個工具 只要在土上轉啊轉;就挖出下面這樣的洞

buy the pre mixed concrete bags

買了好多袋的 水泥

put the wood pole in the hole, pour in the concrete mix


then pour the water in . this is the tip our neighbor gave us. don’t even need to mix the concrete with water first; this way is more secure and efficient.

然後再灌水;隔壁鄰居教我們不需要先用水混水泥。 直接這樣灌水 反而更容易簡單又更堅固

tie the line to make sure they all LINE UP!

我們拉繩子 確定所有的木樁 都在一條線上

see the old gate 🙂

看看之前 麥寶娘親 弄的 門:)

the new custom gate made by Miloh sister with Miloh brother’s help

再來看看麥寶姐姐 哥哥 量身定做的門

Miloh has fun to chase and scare the chickens during the project

麥寶這些天 圍牆拆下後 他就忙著追雞;但是 雞孩子們 不太理會他 哈哈哈

wait for the concrete to dry out ; Miloh family bought the quick 8 hours dry concrete since it’s going to rain soon..

我們買了速乾 8小時的混合好的水泥;等著下雨前乾

Staple wire fence once the concrete dry and poles are all secure.


plant some more grape vines outside the fence; total 15 grape vines along the veggie fence including some old existing vines.

在外圍又加種幾株葡萄藤;包括之前種的葡萄 共15個藤蔓了

It’s a slope garden; we did it for couple levels

這裏是個緩坡;所以分了幾個段落 把圍牆慢慢下降

chickens come out to watch


the custom gate with latch ; no more jump in ..Miloh


special thanks to Miloh sister and brother spending some times during holidays for this project done before heavy rain.

特別感謝麥寶姐姐 哥哥的大力幫忙;大夥趕著在雨季之前 完工了~~