簡易免揉麵包 Simple No Knead Bread

免揉麵包 是紐約著名麵包店Sullivan Street Bakery 的師傅Jim Lahey 的獨門傑作. Lahey 宣稱這麵包的質感一流, 但簡單至極連四歲小孩都可以做.  它的含水量高達85%, 基本上是個麵糊, 不可能也不需要揉, 用手快速調勻以後擺在室溫下發酵18 小時, 麵筋自動在濕氣裡生成 .  麵糊裡含極少量的酵母, 長時間室溫發酵, 就像培養麵種一樣, 只不過這麵種不用豁入新的麵團, 直接拿來烤就好了!

Jim Lahey, the owner of Sullivan Street Bakery in Manhattan, and his clever way to produce a European-style boule at home. Mr. Lahey’s recipe calls for very little yeast, a wet dough, long rising times and baking in a closed, preheated pot.

為甚麼麥寶娘親要做 免揉麵包呢? 因為家裡有好多  麵包沾醬 紅酒醋 橄欖醬.. 麥寶哥哥 姐姐超愛的..家裡不知不覺收集 好多瓶 🙂

這次超簡單食譜不用鐵鑄鍋來烤..用水浴法就可. 輕輕鬆鬆  做 免揉麵包.


  • 高筋粉 350克 ; 3 cup bread flour
  • 鹽 1茶匙; 1 tsp salt
  • 速發酵母(instant dried yeast)1茶匙 ;1 tsp
  • 水 或 牛奶 300毫升   Water or Milk 1¼ Cup

用高筋或中筋麵粉都可.. 這次用了兩杯高筋麵粉 和 一杯全麥中筋麵粉

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast
  • 1¼ cups room temperature water



In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour, salt, and yeast together until mixed. Stir in the water until a chunky, thick dough forms. If it needs a little more water, add a few more tablespoons, just enough to get it barely wet throughout. Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let it rest for 12-18 hours at room temperature or in refrigerator.


需要的時候,拿出麵團。灑點高筋粉。此時麵團已發大,非常柔軟。表面有很多孔。不用搓揉麵團。只需把麵團捲成長桶形或滾成球形。不用很完美漂亮的。擺到烤盤上面, 灑點麵粉在麵團表面上。置室溫中發酵 1小時(麵團不會長高發大很多)。

When you are ready to bake, take the dough and simply wrap to a long roll.  let it sit for one hour.

發酵完成前的10分鐘。預熱烤箱到220C / 425 F. 置爐架在中間。底層另置一盤 擺水。

put another bake ware with water under the dough.


Bake  425F for about 25  – 30 mins.


Done.. let it cool down and cut.

With little bit Balsamic vinegar and dipping oil..you can really taste the bread itself ~

沾點醬 可以吃到麵包 濃濃的麥香味道

Lovely Miloh watch mom cooking ~~
 很 專注看娘親做料理的 麥寶~~
update 4/13/2020
Miloh’s mom added in some cured olive fruits, pickle cucumber and rosemary into the dough this time. let the dough sit overnight. let it rise again next morning.
麥寳娘親 這次加了 迷迭香,腌製的橄欖 小黃瓜。 麵粉沒有用全麥的 混。
it turn out really good this time as well. it’s crush outside, soft inside.
Cut slices…
eat with guacamole as simple lunch..yum~~~
抹上家裏盛產的 酷梨 做成的醬吃,好吃~~

Miloh’s mom make a no knead bread by using the fruit yeast water to replace the water & dry yeast ,and it turn out great !

Reference Yeast Water 參考酵母汁的做法:

自製百香果酵母 Passion Fruit Yeast

麥寳娘親 把自己做的 水果酵母液,取代了 水 和 酵母粉的部分。 做了一個隔夜發酵的 麵包。 效果很好,很香~

湯種 麵糰 Utane Dough

湯種= 熟麵糊/燙麵糊.

是先將一部份麵粉,加入熱水煮成糊狀,然後再加入主麵團拌勻,再發酵。湯種令麵包保濕性高,組織柔軟,麵包非常鬆軟美味。 湯種可預先做好,存放在冰箱數天也可!

Utane method is to mix dough into warm water to bring out the gelatinization of starch in flour and then the wheat scent can be completely released. The dough will then be cool in the fridge for several hours. Utane Starter is ready for used. When the dough is heated, the water and flour absorbed the moisture which allows the bread to remain hydrated. This made Utane Bread soft and fluffy, and can stay fresh for many days.

有不同的湯種做法..越簡單 越好! 所以用了 高筋麵粉: 水 = 1 : 1 的做法.

這種比例 可以很簡單的把原本的食譜 直接扣掉 湯種的分量 🙂

湯種 食材 Utane Starter

高筋麵粉 60g       Bread Flour 0.5 cup

牛奶 60cc             Milk 0.5 cup

把牛奶和高筋麵團拌勻至沒有粉粒,放入小鍋內,用小火煮, 慢慢會變濃稠,不停攪拌成麵糊狀. 麵糊冷卻後..冰起來. 要做麵包時再拿出來.

1. Mixed together flour and milk until no lump. Cook the mixture on low heat, stirred consistently until the mixture starts thicken up. Removed from heat .
2. Transfer to a clean bowl. Covered loosely with plastic wrap to prevent from drying up. Let the mixture cool and chill in fridge for a few hours. The Utane Starter is ready for used.



麵糰食材 Dough Recipe

湯種 Utane Starter   0.5 : 0.5 Cup

高筋麵粉 360g   Bread Flour 2.5 Cups

糖 40g                 Sugar 2 TBSP

鹽 10g                 Salt 1 TSP

奶油 25g             Butter 2 TBSP

快速酵母 6g        Dry Yeast 1.5 TSP

牛奶 240cc          Milk 0.5 Cup

蛋 一顆                 Egg 1 (optional .. 可有可無)



Dough is wetter … take half portion to make bread

拿一半做吐司 另一半做核桃餐包

The other portion dough to make Walnut dinner bun.

Wait for Dough to rise again , then put some egg on it.

等麵糰再醒過一次 就在表面塗點蛋液

小餐包 就再加些 杏仁瓦片吧`

Put in oven 375F for 25 mins.

烤箱 180C 烤 25分鐘


超 鬆軟的湯種麵包 !

Utane Bread is especially soft, and can stay fresh longer than other store bought bread.


Lovely Miloh enjoy Ocean Breeze at local beach.

麥寶很喜歡去海邊走走 吹吹海風.. 認識新朋友.

自製 酒釀 Fermented Sticky rice

Miloh family all love Fermented Sticky rice no matter eat it as dessert or soup in the morning.

自己動手做酒酿 是麥寶全家人  喜歡一塊做的.. 因為都很喜歡吃酒酿 也很容易做.

通常是 麥寶娘親煮好米. 麥寶哥哥 ,姐姐  接著做. 所以 趁著暑假有空 多做些~~

酒釀 : 是把糯米飯接種酒麴,使之部份糖化而後輕微發酵。吃起來沒有原本那麼紮實那麼Q,比較鬆軟比較「虛」,因為已經有部份澱粉被分解了。” [1]

圓糯米 ,酒麴  Sweet Rice, Brewer’s yeast

比例 Ratio

米 : 酒麴 = 600 g : 6 g = 1 杯 : 2 茶匙

Sweet rice : Yeast = 1 cup : 2 tsp

準備乾淨的玻璃瓶 Prepare very clean, no oil/greasy glass bottle or jar.


糯米飯蒸熟後取出用飯杓翻鬆,降溫 到35C/95F 或摸起來不燙了 再 裝入乾淨的玻璃瓶中

Steam/cook sweet rice then put them into the glass jar after rice cool down to 95F or just not hot.


Sprinkle the yeast and sugar on the rice. then airtight the jar and let the rice fermented naturally.

將壓成粉狀的酒麴 均勻灑在糯米飯表面 和 洞裡.. 多或少只要米的各個表面都有灑到即可. 糖  一點 或可以不加..米發酵後會自己有甜味!

蓋緊瓶蓋, 讓糯米飯自然醱酵。

wait for couple days, you will see the water come out from rice.  Summer time, it only take one to 3 days to have it ready for cooking. Winter time it may take more than a week.

夏天  幾天後就 出水 . 冬天 時間就要比較長一些

兩周後 發酵 完成. 因為用的是 沒有加水的方法 所以時間會久些..有耐性等.這樣的酒酿很醇~~
如果想吃更濃的 酒酿 還可以再等水更多

甜酒釀可以入菜做料理,或是加入甜點中食用. 開罐後 沒吃完的酒酿密封,放冰箱里保存。

You can cook it as a dessert or add in as an ingredient for a dish.

關鍵 : 容器,要乾淨,不可以有油。

米蒸熟後一定要晾至室溫才能夠加酒麴,否則發酵失敗或者不甜 ;

Happy Miloh

帥氣的麥寶 在院子裡 開心地看娘親 收樹葉.

update 9/6/2020 below;

麥寳娘親,拿一些玫瑰花瓣 來做玫瑰花酒釀

Miloh family made some rose petal fermented sticky rice.

soak the yeast powder with water, mixed well. try this different way this time. Then pour the yeast water into cooked rice.

這次 試著先把酒餅丸粉 擺在水裏融化。然後把酵母水 拌入煮好的糯米裏

Add in fresh rose petals.

玫瑰花瓣 拌入

Fill the rice into clean jar


Isn’t it beautiful ?

這玫瑰花酒釀,好美~ 花樣吃酒釀~~

2 days later ~ The water came out ! it’s summer time so it take less time. but will let it sit for more days before taste it.

兩天後 打開來看一下,wow~ ⊙o⊙ 已經出水..不對 是有玫瑰米酒了!還會再多等幾天 再來享用~~

It smell so good with rose petal!!!

用玫瑰花一起釀的 好香 聞起來也比較甜! 以後 玫瑰花季節 都要多做幾罐。

4 days later~ wow!

有擺玫瑰花瓣 沒有擺的 都已經出了很多水!

自製酒釀,有酒味又有甜味。 但是那種甜味 是甘醇的淡淡甜味 ,而不是像外面買的 很多都是擺糖的! 很甜。

Homemade fermented sticky rice take so delicious. you can make dessert such as yam ball fermented rice.


酒釀不僅香甜醇美,可以做甜點,還能燒菜,做紅燒肉,燉雞肉等,加點酒釀裡面更香。也可以拿來做麵包~ 自己做一罐酒釀吧!

參考食譜 Reference recipe:

地瓜圓 Yam Ball

參考 Reference:

(1)能源與材料科技系實務專題論文 修平科技大學

脆皮燒肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly

“主婦是個偉大的職業, 沒有甚麼可羞愧的. 身為主婦不代表無法專研學問.
你當然可以一 邊 煮果醬,一邊閱讀莎士比亞. “
 — 塔莎.杜朵
“I enjoy doing housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dish washing. Whenever I get one of those questionnaires and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It’s an admirable profession, why apologize for it.
You aren’t stupid because you’re a housewife. When you’re stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare.” 
― Tasha Tudor
一 邊煮飯 一 邊看偶像劇.. ~~ 來個香噴噴的 脆皮燒肉 🙂
食材  Ingredient :
鹽 和五香粉,五花肉 Salt, spice and pork belly


把鹽和五香粉拌勻 備用。用牙籤 在豬皮上插透,翻轉,用尖刀在肉面上刺數刀。目的是幫助吸收醃料,更入味。

把肉醃入 鹽, 酒和五香粉 拌勻 (喜歡蒜香的 可以擺些蒜末), 放入冰箱隔夜.

soak pork belly into salt, spice and cooking wine. store in refrigerator overnight.

隔天 把醃好的肉拿出 擺進烤箱   200C/395F 烤 30 分鐘. 再調高至220C/430F,焗約 10至15分鐘,或直至豬皮爆開起泡泡。

bake pork belly next day in oven 395F for 30 mins, then turn up heat to 430F for another 15 mins or until you see the bubble on the skin.

切片. 完成!! 香噴噴~~

一次可以多醃一些肉擺進冰凍櫃..想吃或太忙時  拿出來解凍後 就可烤來吃.很方便.

Miloh Wish you a wonderful summer.


黑色番茄「靛藍玫瑰」Indigo Rose Tomato

Purple tomato debuts as ‘Indigo Rose’

Unique, dark tomato, exceptionally high in anthocyanins.

將紅番茄和紫番茄雜交育種,結果成功育出了這種外表黑黑,裡面果肉卻是紫紅色的奇妙黑番茄,於是人們給它起了一個神秘又美麗的稱號─靛藍玫瑰(Indigo Rose)。




Green when unripe, purple-red when ripe, the 1-2 oz., cocktail-sized tomatoes have good flavor with ‘plummy’ overtones.





Developed by Jim Myers at Oregon State University using traditional plant breeding techniques.

「靛藍玫瑰」係由美國俄勒岡大學(University of Oregon)的教授麥傑(Jim Myers)培育而成,他在一個研究項目中將紅番茄和紫番茄雜交育種,結果變成了前所未見的黑番茄。




Anthocyanins are powerful anti-oxidants. In the early stages of fruit development, Indigo Rose develops a dark purple pigment in its skin where exposed to direct sunlight.










The 2 inch round fruit have nearly blue skin that occurs on the portion of the fruit that is exposed to light, while the shaded portion starts out green and turns deep red when mature.



Inside, the flesh reveals the same rouge tone with a superbly balanced, multi-faceted tomatoey flavor.


This tomato are very fruit abundant and easily grow.  這種番茄很容易種植 只是要花比較常的時間等它們成熟.



娘親每年都會種 這種黑漆嗎屋的 番茄..我都沒興趣~~~ 還是睡個午覺吧!

洛神花-蜜排骨 Roselle Honey stew spare rib

洛神花優雅的名字, 係由英文Roselle而來. 雖名洛神”花”,實則為花謝後,農人採收含有果實的”花萼”, 去除果實後 將其曬乾而成.

洛神花有植物界的「紅寶石」之 稱 !含有果膠、花青素、維生素C、蘋果酸等成分的洛神花,有清熱解毒、抗高血壓等功效,還有美容保養效果,得到愛健康、愛美人士追捧,是有原因的。在中醫角度,它能補血。但孕婦,虚寒,血壓低人士不宜。

食材 Ingredient:

洛神花 Roselle
蜂蜜1/2大匙 Honey
排骨 spare rib
地瓜粉 corn starch
(醃料)米酒1大匙 cooking wine
(醃料)鹽少許 salt

排骨入醃料醃30分鐘。Marinate meat with wine and salt for 30 mins

把排骨沾少量地瓜粉 半煎半炸的方式,表面呈金黃色撈起備用。(不喜油 炸 這步驟省略)

wrap some starch on rib, then fried the rib.  take the rib out when they turn golden color.

放洛神花及蜂蜜、鹽 加適量水煮滾,入排骨上蓋小火燜。

put the flower,honey, salt with water. put the ribs in when water boiled.

cooked until the soup only half left. done.Simple and delicious!


夏天 來點 酸酸甜甜的菜 燒個洛神花 蜜排骨吧!


Lovely Miloh no matter how we comb his hair, he is ok 🙂

自製 酸白菜 Homemade Sour Cabbage


Homemade Sour Cabbage, only Napa Cabbage and water..then let time do its work..brew.



put into boiled water for 30 seconds.then put in cold water.



a clean jar, no oil . put those cabbage into it with water.  put a rock, small plate on top of them to avoid them floating up.

蓋上蓋子,放室溫陰涼處,就等待時間發酵囉!夏天約需10-15天的時間(此部份會受到氣溫與個人喜愛的酸度不同,而天數不同)冬天時間就 久些。如果發酵 沒腐壞 擺很久也不會壞.

Cover up and wait for 10 -30 days for nature brewing…….

剛開始幾天 因為發酵會出水 溢出. 過幾天後就不會了. 這時可以擺到儲藏室.

這是 麥寶娘親上周發現的 有半年以上了.

打開來 好酸啊.. 好棒!

取出擰乾水份,即可做料理了(炒肉絲,酸菜白肉鍋…等)。打開後 若沒有用完,放冷藏保存。

Use it for soup, or stir fry with shred pork.

Sour cabbage fish 酸白菜魚

完全沒有擺 任何添加物! 自然發酵!

秘訣 tip:

容器 不可有油! Jar need to be no oil and clean.

要壓緊! 如果浮起來就容易壞.  Cover the veggie tight and not allow to float up.

麥寶姐姐最會塞酸白菜  且壓很緊她幫忙做的酸白菜幾乎零 失敗! 所以 麥寶娘親暑假  姐姐在時 多做些存起來 ~~~

When Miloh met turtle Naruto~~

油飯 Taiwanese Sticky Rice

油飯 是麥寶哥哥的最愛~ 蒸或炒到顆顆分明又Q又彈牙的油飯  一口接 一口 🙂

Sticky rice is one of Miloh’s family favorite dish.


糯米435g(約3杯),豬肉絲 ,香菇,紅蔥頭, 菜圃(蘿蔔乾)

Sweet Rice 3 Cup
Dried mushrooms  soak in  water
Dried Shrimp  soak in  water (or skip this if you don’t like this smell)
Shallot  , Dried turnip (option)
Soy sauce 
sesame oil 

沒加蝦米..會滯銷 😦 小孩都不吃.. 喜歡蝦米的 可以加入爆香.

麻油,醬油,鹽,米酒,冷水 看糯米而定. 鹹淡請自己斟酌.

1 sticky rice : water roughly  1 : 0.5
(3 Cups sticky rice  add only 1.5 cup water.)
2 Heat up sesame Oil, fry chopped Shallot until soft
3.add Dried mushrooms without the water
4.Add dry shrimp or dried turnip
5.Add pork, stir fry it until is cooked
6.Add water (from Step1) until is boiled
7Add soysauce and salt, cooking wine
8 Add Sweet Rice and mixed together.

put those mixture into rice cook or steam it with bamboo steamer.



4.依序加入香菇, 菜圃拌炒

6.最後將米酒及冷水加入煮滾後 把水收乾就關火 乘入容器..內鍋, 蒸籠 或 不關火..改小火

7.如果用大同電鍋,則外鍋放2杯水 煮第一次

如果用竹蒸籠 大火蒸30 – 50  分鐘 米粒 熟了就可關火




用鍋子小火蓋鍋慢慢蒸  每隔一陣子翻一次.再蓋鍋悶.多翻幾次 再悶 直到米粒熟了.顆顆分明.又有乾乾香香的鍋巴噢~

用 竹蒸籠大火蒸的


用電鍋煮油飯最大的問題就是水的比例不好控制, 用竹蒸籠就很好拿捏. 用鍋子慢炒..悶 是最好吃最Q彈的 但比較費工.建議邊做邊準備其他的菜

圓糯米與水的比例是1:0.5 ,一杯圓糯只要0.5杯水,長糯與水的比例是1:0.6,一杯長糯要配上0.6杯水,糯米皆不需浸泡

用生米拌料再蒸或炒的方式 比把米先煮好再拌的煮法 好吃多了.米很入味 又Q.


Miloh love to go everywhere Mom goes~~

很黏娘親的麥寶 比 糯米還黏  走到哪都要跟~~

杏仁瓦片Crispy Almond Tuile

這是很容易又好吃的餅.但網路上有些食譜 搞得很複雜.真的沒那麼難.

This is a very simply dessert, and not time consuming.

食材 Ingredient :

雞蛋1個  1 Egg 

細砂糖35g / Sugar 3 TBSP

鹽1小撮  Salt a little bit

低筋麵粉30g   Cake Flour 1/4 cup

無鹽奶油20g   unsalted butter 1 TBSP

美國大杏仁片 75g  Flaked Almond 3/4 Cup

說是純蛋白做出來的口感會比全蛋做的成品更酥脆..但是 經過實驗結果 都一樣.所以不用麻煩了 把整顆蛋擺進去就好 🙂  麥寶娘親又簡化了些不需要的步驟.

將細砂糖 鹽 低筋麵粉 融化的奶油 加入全蛋攪拌均勻

Mixed all the ingredient except the almonds.

再加入杏仁片用刮刀輕輕翻拌 ,蓋上保鮮膜將麵糊放入冰箱冷藏約30分鐘

Carefully add in flaked almond, then store in refrigerator for 30 mins

烤箱預熱160度 烤盤上鋪烘培紙 use parchment paper (not wax paper) Reheat Oven 300F

用湯匙舀起適量杏仁片麵糊抹片於烘培紙上(選擇不沾烤布)  再用叉子 或用手沾點水 將重疊的杏仁片輕輕推開 (抹的越薄口感越好 越脆)

using a small palette knife or pork spread the mixture thinly , the thinner the better.

放入烤箱以160度烤約15分鐘 關火再悶10-15分鐘 300F

Oven bake 15 mins, turn off heat and remain in oven for another 15 mins


Then remove them to a wire rack


As soon as the biscuits are cool, store straight away in an airtight tin to keep them crisp

但是…大多時候 還沒擺罐冰起來前..就被吃光了….

However, most of time they are all gone before storing them 🙂

Lovely Miloh watch mom cooking

可愛的麥寶 坐在客廳遠遠的看著娘親做料理


為了生活,我們可以每天勤勞工作,但不能失去生活的樂趣。— 塔莎 杜朵

平撫不安情緒 的 檸檬馬鞭草 Lemon Verbena

If you love lemon flavor, make room for lemon verbena in your garden. Grown in a pot, this fragrant beauty will maintain a tidy size. In the ground, it forms a luxuriously lemony shrub.


這是馬鞭草開花的樣子 , 是不是很可愛.


The lemon verbena plant (Aloysia citrodora) is native to the countries of Chile and Argentina. The lemon verbena herb is an aromatic shrub, its leaves holding their fragrance even after being dried for years. The lemon verbena plant has a fragrant, lemony smell, small white flowers and narrow leaves.




Pick leaves as needed throughout the growing season. Fresh stems release their lemony fragrance when cut and placed in water. Harvest entire stems to use in flower arrangements or to create a lemon bouquet to scent air indoors. You can preserve leaves by hanging stems upside down in the dark and air drying, but this method diminishes the flavor somewhat.


The plant itself is a perennial shrub that has a powerful lemony scent that intensifies when the leaves and flowers are touched or bruised. The shrub can stand 2-3 meters high and has small purple and white flowers. Its initial widespread use was as a food and flavoring additive, particularly adding leaves to poultry and fish dishes, as well as salads, dressings, jams, and various beverages.


Lemon verbena uses include human consumption both medicinally and as an herb, and that it is safe for human consumption. Lemon verbena plants are very versatile, so when you include it in an herb garden, know that you have included a very useful plant indeed.

Growing lemon verbena isn’t too difficult and requires very little work. The lemon verbena herb is a sensitive one, preferring warmth to cold and having a high water requirement.

麥寶哥哥  兩年前在一個花圃看到這香草聞起來有檸檬香 . 所以我們就種了一小株苗.現在已經長成5尺高的小樹叢了! 很容易種植 也可種盆栽. 全日照 多水.

Use lemon verbena in recipes in place of lemon zest. Leaves are tough and leathery; mince them very fine with a food processor for consumption. Many times it’s easiest to use a whole leaf to season a dish and remove it before serving. Steep lemon verbena in hot water to brew tea or in milk to create a flavored base for ice cream, sorbet, or pudding.  You can also use leaves to flavor vinegar, salad dressing, or marinades. Add dried, crumbled leaves to rice just before serving or blend into quick bread batters.

檸檬馬鞭草 很適合入菜調味做料理 ,切碎後加在雞肉、白魚肉裡烹煮調味, 或在蛋糕、水果料理、果汁、沙拉裡增加風味, 也可用在洗手盆裡添加香味. 想要鬆弛身心時, 將檸檬馬鞭草泡茶喝.

將葉子洗淨擦乾後放入茶壺內熱水沖泡. 沖泡前建議先輕輕地揉碎更能散發出檸檬的芬芳,溫和甘醇的口感特別適合剛開始接觸花草茶的人飲用。

Lemon Verbena Tea

檸檬馬鞭草幾乎和所有的花草茶都非常搭配,沖泡好檸檬馬鞭草茶,氣味十分芳香,帶有清新的檸檬香味,因此是日常DIY調配複方花草茶不可或缺的材料之一 。

Sleepy Miloh

正吹著海風 睡午覺 好像聽到娘親在叫麥寶~~