紫翼藤 Purple Wings Vine/ Dalechampia aristolochiifolia

Dalechampia dioscoraefolia, known as winged beauty from the two flattend crepe-like violet pink flower petals arranged like a wing…

blooming spring-summer-fall and a tropical vine making a lovely garden plant!


Dalechampia aristolochiifolia (Purple Wings) – A fast growing vine in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) that has light green 5 inch long rough-textured heart-shaped leaves.


Plant in full sun to medium shade and water moderately.

麥寶娘親把它種在大樹邊緣.早上全日照. 下午半日照..剛剛好很適合它.

One Year later, it grows so well.

Because it is in the euphorbia family, some people may be sensitive to the small hairs it presents on the leaves. All parts of the plant are poisonous. (1)


The “blooms” have small yellow male and reddish brown female flowers in a structure called a pseudanthia.

When in full bloom, a multitude of fluorescent purple to lavender ‘flowers’ appear along the tendril-less vines, brightly waving in the sun.

花全開時..風兒輕輕吹.花兒像翅膀一樣拍動著..難怪取名為 “紫色的翅膀” !

Miloh’s sister cat visit and stay home for the summer, however, Miloh chase her a lot!

Lovely Neith

麥寳姐姐的貓 暑假回家 麥寳常常追她 她只好坐在樓梯口 看著調皮的麥寳

因爲追貓 被娘親罵的麥寳~~

update 7/276/2020 below,

It has been amazing that purple wings bloom more than 7 flowers this summer . also it had been continuously blooming since spring ! 

今年夏天 居然一次開了超過7,8 朵! 平常能開超過3朵 就已經不多見了:)

