做個 皮脆内軟的 法國麵包 French Bread

做個 外皮薄脆 内部柔軟的 法國麵包,適合做三明治 或 配著菜色 一起吃。

Bake a Crispy Crust, Soft Inside French bread that you can enjoy the bread itself, make sandwich or eat with some dishes.


  •  1 1/4 cups water or Milk       1 1/4杯水/牛奶
  •  1 tablespoons sugar  1湯匙糖
  • 1/2 tablespoon yeast   1/2 湯匙酵母粉
  •  1 teaspoons salt           1 茶匙鹽
  •  1 tablespoons oil (optional)  1湯匙油 (可有可無)
  •  3 cups all-purpose flour or bread flour or half /half   3杯中筋或高筋麵粉,或各半


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine all the ingredients.

mix using the dough hook attachment for a minute or two, just until it starts to combine.  until the dough forms into a ball .

Let the dough rest for 5 minutes, then knead again for another 1-2 minutes.

把所有的食材 擺入大盆或攪拌器,揉或攪拌到成圓形的麵糰。 讓麵糰休息個幾分鐘後再繼續揉或攪拌。

Transfer the dough to a large, cover it.  Let the dough rise in a warm place until doubled in size.


Roll the dough gently to the shape you like .  Turn it onto baking container after 2nd rise.

把麵糰揉好 你要的形狀, 長條 或圓形。然後擺進烤盤。


Miloh’s mom want to make a Totoro face bread, so she put the cut piece on top of the bread. Cut 4 deep gashes on each angle.

麥寳娘親是個 龍貓迷, 所以 就剪一個龍貓,擺在麵糰上面

在四個角落 用刀割畫深深的一痕, 灑些麵粉。 不小心灑太多了。 哈哈 沒關係

sprinkle some flours ..whoop.. it’s too much.. but fine.

preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Transfer the loaves to the oven and toss 3-4 ice cubes right onto the bottom of the oven floor and immediately close the oven door. The moisture trapped in the oven from the evaporating ice cubes will help create the classic crust that french bread is known for.

Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

烤箱預熱 375F.  把麵糰擺入烤箱。 在關上烤箱門的時候,丟入幾個冰塊到烤箱底下。

烤 25 – 30 分鐘。

Done. So soft inside with thin crispy crust.

烤好了。 外皮薄脆,内軟。

Cut and Serve. 切片。有點捨不得切到 龍貓的肚子:)

Some tips for making French bread 做法國麵包的幾個 小撇步:

  1. Give the dough couple minutes to rest during the mixing process.  This allows the gluten to relax before you finish kneading.   揉麵時 中間休息幾分鐘。
  2. Let the dough rise in a warm spot.  letting dough rise are on top of a warm cooktop surface or by a window if there is sunshine. 醒麵時 可以把麵糰的盆擺在 窗口太陽曬得到的地方 或是擺在溫溫的炒菜爐上。也可擺在烤箱裏。
  3. Toss a few ice cubes onto the floor of your hot oven to create instant steam.  As soon as you slide your loaves into the hot oven, just throw in a few ice cubes and shut the oven door immediately. This will help create that beautiful crust on your bread with the classic french bread texture.  開始準備烤麵包時,在關上烤箱門前,丟幾個冰塊在烤箱底部,這樣烤出來的皮比較脆 ,有傳統法國麵包的質地感。
  4. Make gashes in the top of each loaf using a really sharp knife or bread lame slashing tool.  This helps the bread cook evenly, releases some of the air bubbles, and just makes bread look pretty too. 在麵糰的幾個角落,用刀切入深痕。 這樣會烤的比較均匀,麵包也好看。

5/5/2020 update below,

Miloh’s mom tried different shape this time, and brush some egg wash to see the difference. Also, the ‘special patent flour’ just shipped.. use this flour first time.

麥寳娘親這次 做一個長條形的。 用了網購剛送來 第一次用的不同麵粉。

也要試看看 凃蛋汁的差別。

The special patent flour is super awesome delicious!

Egg wash made the crust little bit harder.

結論是: 這種麵粉 真的非常好吃。凃抹蛋汁 讓原本很脆的皮,加上一點點的硬度。

好吃 好吃 ~~

Miloh’s mom divided the dough and make 2 walnut,raisin bread:

把麵糰 分成兩個,擀平 加入堅果 葡萄乾。

So delicious!


檸香芹菜烤雞腿 Lemon & Celery baked chicken leg

家裏的 檸檬很多!There are so so many lemons in the yard.

芹菜 長得跟雜草一樣快 又多~~ And Celery grow so well too ~~

看到一個 拿檸檬和芹菜烤鷄腿的料理,太好了!

Found a simple recipe to marinate chicken legs with lemon and celery, perfect !



用料 Ingredients:


6 Chicken legs, chopped celery, half to one lemon for lemon juice, olive oil,  little bit soy sauce,salt and black pepper.

做法 Instruction :

Marinated the chicken legs for about 30 mins.

茴香 好像也一直吃不完, 就拿一些切碎 灑擊退上。

so many fennel in the veggie garden too.. so add some on the legs.

Oven set 350F, baked 10 mins, then turn the sides. bake another 10 mins or until the chicken skin turn yellow.

eat the lemon flavor chicken legs.. and you can wrap and eat with those nutritional celery leaves too.  Yum..Yum…

把一些芹菜葉子 擺在盤子地下, 烤好的鷄腿擺上。 這樣 芹菜葉 就是溫沙拉了。

鷄腿 陪著芹菜葉 一起吃, 檸檬香芹味道的好滋味。 好吃!

Miloh take a nap under tree

下午在樹下 睡個午覺的麥寳… 兔寶寶的睡姿 :)

日本重瓣紫籐 “八重黑龍” Wisteria floribunda ‘Violacea Plena’ (Black Dragon)

“八重黑龍” 是紫藤中少見的重瓣品種!其花色 深紫 ,又有點夢幻色彩的藍,因而表现出一種 雍容華貴。

A very pretty double-flowered Wisteria, award -winning Wisteria floribunda “Violacea Plena” produced masses hanging clusters, packed with lightly scented, violet-blue double flowers.

麥寳娘親 4年前 在家裏前院的大門圍墻兩邊,各種下了一株 “八重黑龍” 紫藤。



Miloh’s mom planted 2 “Black Dragon” Wisteria Vine along the front gate fence.

They only had a few string flowers last year.

But the Black Dragon started to bloom in late February and it last until mid April!

今年2月底, 這紫藤開始長出很多小花苞。

花色深紫色,花長约40cm, 重瓣 。

一顆顆的花苞 ,像中國結的紫色紐扣。

Hi, Miloh…What are you doing there behind the fence ?

Then it started to have new leaves while the flower buds started to open up.

新的嫩葉 開始長出來時, 花苞也漸漸打開。 好美!


This selection of Japanese wisteria, ‘Violacea Plena’ (‘Black Dragon’), is highly variable in several respects. Flower color, at its best, is a rich deep violet;

The flower clusters are up to 15 inches long .

紫藤八重黑龍 喜歡陽光,排水良好的土壤,耐寒性强,可以用在零下十五度以下的低温下生存。

Sun, reasonably well drained soil, moderate watering during active growth. Wisterias tolerate a surprising degree of summer drought. Hardy to 0 degrees F or below.

the flowers are fully double.

Starts flowering in its third, fourth year after planting.

通常要種三 到 四年後, 才會開始開花。


這一串串的花,遠遠看 像一串串的葡萄。

This year, the vine bear so many..so many string flowers!!

Miloh say Hi~~



The vines twine counterclockwise。

這藤 反時針反向纏繞 .枝幹曲折如蟠龍,氣勢不凡,故有黑龍之名。


In Early April, the vines still bears quite a few string flowers and the leaves start to grow lot more then.

四月初時 ,葉子已經長很多很密了。 花還是繼續開著,但漸漸減少了。

It bloom from late Feb to Mid April this year!

Isn’t it so beautiful! breath taking!

是不是 美到讓人窒息呢!

update 3/29/2024 below;

Miloh family transplanted the vines to another location near pond area 2 years ago.  It started to bloom this year again now.



Climbing all the way to the top of garden arbor.

When you stand under the arbor, look up  . the strings of flower look so beautiful


Even Miloh came over here so many times with mom everyday

葱花麵包 Green Onion Bread

葱花麵包 是小時候最喜歡吃的麵包之一, 有著葱花香味的鹹麵包。

Green Onion bread is a popular savory soft bread in Chinese bakeries.


Dough 麵包麵糰

食材 Ingredients Bun

高筋麵粉 360g     Bread Flour 3 cup
奶油 60g     Butter 4 TBSP
牛奶  250g    Milk 1&1/4 cup
糖 30g   2 TBSP
酵母 8g   Yeast 1 TBSP
鹽 1g    0.2 TSP
雞蛋 1顆    1 egg
put all the ingredient in the bowl or stand mixer to form a dough.  cover the dough, let it sit until it rise about double the size.
把所有的食材用手揉好 或用攪拌機 。 擺在盆裏 蓋上蓋子。 等到麵糰 發到一倍大左右。
You can use Utane Dough for this bun as well

Shape the Bread

把麵糰分成8個小麵包。再醒麵 30 分鐘左右。

Separate the dough into 8 pieces. then let it rise 2nd time.

Topping: green onion, salt, white pepper powder, egg and oil.
把 葱花,鹽巴,白胡椒分,半個蛋 和一點油, 拌匀
After the bun rise, cut or push down the bread.
第二次麵糰醒好後, 把麵糰中間壓出一個洞 或用刀子切一條綫
put the egg wash on, then fill in the topping.
先塗抹蛋汁, 然後把葱花擺上。
Oven Reheat to 375F, baked for 25-30 mins.
烤箱預熱 375F ,烤 25 – 30 分鐘。
Take it out and cool on the rack.
好吃 又有葱香的麵包~~


用水壺孵豆芽 簡單又方便 Easiest Way to Grow bean sprouts in a kettle

麥寳娘親 收到朋友送來的錄影示範 如何用水壺來 孵豆芽,簡單又方便。 於是 就迫不及待地 去找了 兩個水壺來實驗。

Miloh’s mom friend sent her a video that show to grow bean sprouts in a kettle.  that looks so simple and easy. so she cannot wait and started it.

首先備妥豆子和水壺,接下來依照下列步驟,約四- 五天後就能輕鬆種出豆芽菜囉!

First,you need to prepare a kettle and mung bean .

麥寳娘親 想要看豆子成長的過程,所以拿了一個玻璃的水壺 和 一個 不鏽鋼的 一起悶豆子。

Miloh’s mom used a glass and stainless steel kettle to grow green bean at same time. She want to see how the green bean grow in clear glass kettle.

But the glass one need to be covered with cloth to avoid any light. Otherwise , the bean sprout will taste bitter.

Every time after taking the photos from the glass kettle, immediate cover the cloth on.

玻璃的水壺,用布抱起來。 悶豆子時不能見光 ,豆子會變苦。 每次拍照後 就馬上把水壺又包起來。


娘親又在忙著做實驗,這次是 孵豆芽….

Lovely Miloh

【步驟一:泡綠豆 Step 1: Soak the beans】

將綠豆洗淨後,放入水壺內, 水要蓋過豆子,泡水4小時

pour quarter to half cup green beans into the kettle.

soaked beans for 4 hours or more

4/21/20220 noon time


4/21/2020 after soaked 4 hours around 4pm

Then pour the water out from the kettle spout. The lid of the kettle remain close.

Place the kettle in a warm place with lid, and never open the lid before the sprouts are ready.


Step 2: Pour water in and out twice per day】


因爲 豆子發芽時 會釋放出熱量, 這樣像是給豆子洗澡,降溫,又保濕。

Then every day, pour the fresh water in the kettle. Shake well, then pour the water out from the spout. the lid remain close!

Repeat this step every morning and night.

4/21/2020 night


The temp 63/60F for the first day. 第一天的氣溫 18/15C。

第二天 氣候 19/13C

Second Day: Temp 66/56F

In the morning

4/22/2020 morning

Only one day later, mung beans have sprouted small buds.


2nd Day at night,

4/22/2020 night

第三天 氣候 : 21/15C

3rd Day Temp: 70/58F

in the morning,

4/23/2020 morning

3rd day in the night


4th Day Temp 73/61F

in the morning,

The 4th Day at night,

How about the metal kettle ? so curious, so open it up and peek。 Nice !

以時間算起來,這是三天半之後。 很好奇 鐵壺裏的豆子 如何呢?

打開蓋子看一下 就馬上蓋住。豆子也長得不錯喲~~ :)

喵~ 娘親豆子 悶的不錯。她很開心呢:)

Cute Neith

第五天 氣候 25/15C

5th Day Temp 78/59F

Four days later, when you lift the kettle, you can feel the kettle is much heavier than before. Shaking the kettle, you may feel there is not much space within. That means the bean sprouts are ready。

近看 應該可以吃了!到第五天中午 從泡豆子開始 剛好滿四天。

you can open the lid and take them out now and enjoy.

先抓一大把的綠豆芽 來吃看看。 剩下的 再繼續悶個一天看看。

Stir Fry with Chive, so delicious! crunchy and sweet !!

去菜園摘一把韭菜 , 炒一盤韭菜豆芽菜。 好脆 好甜 好滋味!!!

自己孵豆芽 ,營養 健康 又不怕吃到藥水。 拿個水壺 試試看吧~~


豆芽長得大小,胖瘦 都大致一樣。 都很不錯!

玻璃壺的豆芽 看起來比較美白。

這兩個 水壺 唯一的差別是:

鐵壺的壺嘴蓋子 怕曬到太陽,白天是蓋上 只有晚上才打開。

玻璃壺 換水後,就馬上包布。

鐵壺的水 比較不容易把水瀝乾。

One more day for the glass kettle, the bean sprouts do grow a little bit more. it’s 80% of the kettle filled. Time to harvest for sure now. Yeah~~

玻璃壺的豆子 又再多悶了一天,豆子又再長大些許。 不過 是時候收成囖!

接下來 要開始 孵黃豆芽。 沒想到那已經很久沒使用的鐵壺,接下來的日子 會是很忙碌地:)

5/5/2020 update below,

Miloh’s mom ordered some sprouting small soy bean. wow..it’s quite small.

麥寳娘親 網購了一袋 專門發豆芽的小黃豆。比綠豆大一點點而已


The second day in the morning:

The 4th Day in the morning..almost ready!

第四天早上 , 快可以吃了~~

The fifth Day in the morning, it’s ready !!


鐵壺悶的黃豆芽,把壺嘴蓋子打開來。 白天用一張紙巾蓋著 覺得有透點氣的 長得比較好。

If you don’t have problem for growing green bean sprout, but do have trouble for Soy Bean sprouting… Maybe it’s something wrong of the soy bean itself.  Try more fresh and organic soy bean to start again.  Don’t give up.

很多人反應,綠豆芽很容易發豆芽. 但是 黃豆芽 很難。 你的黃豆 可能是關鍵哦!



Reference 參考文章:




香橙燒雞腿排 Orange Chicken Leg

家裏的德州橙 今年長得不錯。 天氣漸漸變熱, 來道有水果提味的燒鷄腿排吧!

Naval oranges still grow in the yard, the weather is getting little bit warm now. Let’s add in fruit for a delicious dish.

食材 Ingredient:
去骨雞腿排 4-6 塊  Boneless Chicken Leg 4 – 6 pieces
柳丁 兩個  去皮切塊 2 peeled Naval orange, cut in chuck pieces
蔥末,薑末,蒜末 some chopped green onion, ginger and garlic
雞肉醃料 Marinate sauce for Chicken Legs
白胡椒粉  1小匙 White pepper powder 1tsp
鹽巴 1小匙  Salt 1tsp
米酒  2小匙 Cooking wine 2 tbsp
燒煮醬汁 Cooking Sauce:
醬油 1小匙 Soy Sauce 1 TBSP
糖  二分之一小匙 Sugar, half TBSP
柳丁汁 一顆量  one fresh orange juice
烏醋  1小匙 Black vinegar 1TBSP
Put the marinated chicken legs into fry pan with oil, median cook until golden brown.
then put the chicken aside.
鍋内 擺進葱姜蒜末爆香。然後加入燒煮醬汁及柳橙汁同煮
這時再把鷄肉放進去 稍微悶煮 3分鐘左右。
stir fry the chopped onion,garlic and ginger, add in the cooking sauce with orange juice.
then put the chicken leg back in.
收汁前 加入柳橙塊 稍微拌一下 就可以起鍋
put in the fresh orange before the sauce almost dry out.  Gently stir with the chickens quickly.  Done..
用柳橙與雞腿排一起燒煮,一道甜甜鹹鹹帶有果香的 香橙燒雞排 很適合天熱 或開胃菜哦。
A fruit flavored chicken leg that is good for a hot summer day.
Lovely Miloh rest under the tree


菠蘿麵包~ Pineapple Bun

麥寳娘親 很喜歡 菠蘿麵包,麥寳也很愛:)

如果你會基本的麵包 ,那麽菠蘿麵包只要再多一個 菠蘿外皮的步驟了。

Miloh and Miloh’s mom all love Pineapple Bun! Sometimes, Mom eat the top portion, Miloh eat the bottom.

Dough 麵包麵糰

食材 Ingredients 

高筋麵粉 360g     Bread Flour 3 cup
奶油 60g     Butter 4 TBSP
牛奶  250g    Milk 1&1/4 cup
糖 30g   2 TBSP
酵母 8g   Yeast 1 TBSP
鹽 1g    0.2 TSP
雞蛋 1顆    1 egg
put all the ingredient in the bowl or stand mixer to form a dough.  cover the dough, let it sit until it rise about double the size.
把所有的食材用手揉好 或用攪拌機 。 擺在盆裏 蓋上蓋子。 等到麵糰 發到一倍大左右。
You can use Utane Dough for this bun as well

Bun Topping 菠蘿外皮
Ingredient 材料:

  • 雞蛋1/2個   half egg
  • 無鹽奶油60g   Unsalted Butter 1/4 Cup
  • 糖40g   Sugar 1/4 Cup
  • 高筋麵粉120g    Bread Flour 1 Cup

(Bread flour ,crispy . cake flour, soft 外皮用高筋麵粉會較酥,用低筋麵粉會較軟)

Make the Pineapple Bun Topping 做菠蘿外皮

Soften the butter , add in sugar and mix.
無鹽奶油放置室溫軟化, 加入糖 用打蛋器攪打

Add in half egg, mix well.


Then add in flour, mix well until it form a dough shape


Wrap with plastic wrap and put into refrigerator for an hour


菠蘿外皮從冰箱拿出來,分成幾等份。 用保鮮膜 包著擀平。 拿出來。

Take out the topping , separate to couple small pieces. take each piece and put into plastic wrap. roll it to flat.

Shape the Bun

把麵糰分成12個小麵包。 也可以做成8個中型的麵包。

cover each bun with the topping

將桿好的菠蘿外皮包裹住整個 或 上半部麵團

Egg Wash 塗抹蛋汁

1/2 Egg mixed with 1 TBSP water. 半個蛋 一點水 攪匀

Bake 350F,30 mins

烤箱 350F, 烤30分鐘左右

This bun .. crispy outside, soft inside. a perfect breakfast or afternoon tea dessert.

Miloh wait patiently for a bite

外皮酥脆 麵包鬆軟~~ 真的很好吃!

大師 Gordon Ramsay 的 超鬆軟 法式鄉村麵包 SOFT COUNTRY FRENCH BREAD – by Gordon Ramsay

法式鬆軟鄉村麵包 是一個快速發酵,在比較短時間内 就可以烤個剛出爐很香的麵包。

Make a soft country french bread for dinner or breakfast is simple and quick.

Ingredients 食材

  • 2 TBSP yeast   — 2 TBSP 酵母粉
  • 1 cup warm water  — 1 杯 溫水
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar — 1/4 杯糖
  • 1/3 cup canola oil – 1/3 杯油
  • 1 egg — 1 個蛋
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt — 1 1/2 tsp 鹽
  • 3 cups flour — 3 杯麵粉 (all purpose or bread flour 中筋或高筋麵粉)
  • 1 egg whisked with 1 TBSP water for textured top 蛋汁 –一個蛋 一點水


  • In a large bowl, dissolve sugar in warm water. Add yeast; let stand for 5 minutes.

把糖擺進溫水裏,攪匀 。 加入酵母粉。等5分鐘後

把糖水,油,蛋,鹽 加入麵粉裏,攪拌大約5分鐘 。或用手揉麵糰。

  • Add the canola oil, egg, salt and enough flour to form a soft dough. Knead for 5 minutes.

  • Form dough into a smooth ball. Keeping the dough in the bowl cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place for 15 minutes.

把麵糰擺入盆裏,蓋上蓋子。 大約 15 – 30 分鐘就會發好。


wow.. 發得很快 沒想到麵糰都把蓋子 撐開來:)

  • form into a loaf by rolling it into loaf pan.

把麵糰擺進 土司的烤盤裏, 刷上蛋汁。

烤箱預熱 大約等個5-10分鐘。


Brush thoroughly with egg mixture.

  • Let loaf sit while oven is preheating to 350 degrees F, or about 10 minutes.

沒想到 又一直發高!


  • Bake for 30-35 minutes, until outside is golden brown and internal temperature of loaf registers 195-200 degrees. Let cool.

350F 烤30分鐘。 好大! 好鬆軟 好吃。

Miloh’s mom try another one that put the dough into a bigger baking pan this time.

很好吃。 再烤一次時 學乖了,這次 換個比較大的烤盤。

在等烤箱預熱時,把蛋汁塗上。一下子 麵糰又長高一些了~~

烤好了。 還是很大! 不過這次 形狀比較正常了 :)

Miao~ I smell something good downstair.


Miloh: I think dinner is ready! but I still enjoy digging in the yard.

這種麵包 因爲酵母粉 和 糖 的量 比較多,所以是很快速發酵完成的麵包。 也很鬆軟。

This fluffy soft bread is simple and quick to bake.


SOFT COUNTRY FRENCH BREAD – Butter with a Side of Bread by Gordon Ramsay

SOFT COUNTRY FRENCH BREAD – Butter with a Side of Bread by Gordon Ramsay

法式老奶奶檸檬優格蛋糕 French Grandmother’s Lemon Yogurt Cake “Gâteaux de Mamie”

老奶奶檸檬蛋糕 用全蛋打發方式,把每樣材料加入攪拌而已,真的非常簡單!
吃起來的感覺 介於戚風蛋糕和磅蛋糕之間。口味清新 吃了不膩。
So many lemons in the yard, Miloh’s mom asked Miloh sister to make a cake with lemon.
They found the simple Lemon yogurt cake and it turn out very delicious!

Ingredients 食材
For the cake 蛋糕:
  • ½ cup plain yogurt or Greek yogurt —   ½杯優格
  • half or 1 cup sugar ( I used half cup only, it still taste really good) —½杯糖
  • 3 large eggs — 3 顆蛋
  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour —1 ½ 杯中筋麵粉
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder — 2 tsp 泡打粉
  • ½ teaspoon salt —½ tsp 鹽巴
  • grated lemon zest from 1 medium-size lemon  檸檬皮
  • ½ cup neutral-flavored oil — ½ 杯油 葡萄籽或芥花油

Tip: you can use Cake Flour to replace All Purpose Flour for more fluffy texture.

小撇步: 可以用 低筋麵粉 取代 中筋麵粉,吃起來更加鬆軟。

For the glaze 糖霜:
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice  ¼杯新鮮檸檬汁
  • ¾ cup of powdered sugar (sugar can be reduced to half cup only) 半杯糖粉

Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175˚C). Spray an 8-inch round cake pan with baking spray, rub inside surface of pan with butter. Line bottom of pan with parchment paper and spray parchment paper lightly. Set aside.

圓形的蛋糕烤盤,地下擺好烤盤紙。 四周用油或奶油 塗抹。


In a large bowl, combine the yogurt, sugar, and eggs – stirring until well blended.

把濕的食材 蛋,優格,糖 一起攪拌均匀

Add the flour, baking powder, salt and zest, mixing to just combine.
把麵粉、泡打粉、鹽混進去 ,再加入檸檬皮 , 最後加入油  一起攪拌。
Add the oil and stir well until smooth.

Pour the batter into prepared pan.


Bake for 25-30minutes or until the cake feels springy to the touch and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean

Cool cake on a wire rack for 10 minutes; then turn it out of the pan onto the rack.

Combine the lemon juice and powdered sugar in a small bowl and stir until smooth. With a pastry brush, gently pat the glaze all over the cake.


Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired and serve.

來杯下午茶 ~~




蛋糕背後的故事:法國老奶奶用優格的玻璃罐 當作量杯 來使用, 這真的是有經驗的 才會這麽做的。 食譜開始 用優格玻璃罐 1 罐子的優格,2罐子的糖,3罐子的麵粉,1罐子的油……

Miloh’s sister made this delicious cake for her brother’s birthday last week.

It’s very simple but Delicious so Miloh’s mom make the cake again today.  Try it ! you will love how it taste and most of all…. it’s very simple.

Reference recipe:

French Grandmother’s Lemon Yogurt Cake


lovely and calm Neith

Neith hate citrus smell..but Miloh doesn’t care. he just want to play outside.

Naughty Miloh

update: 3/26/2021

This is the one Miloh mom use “Cake flour“, the texture is lighter and fluffy.

這是麥寳娘親用 低筋麵粉做的,吃起來比較鬆軟~ 也很好吃哦!

自己動手 鋪花園的走道 DIY Garden Pathway

Miloh sister came back for Lunar New Year get together and she came up with an idea that she suggested we do a pathway around our front yard so that we don’t walk on bumpy grass area with so many gopher’s holes .

麥寳姐姐 今年過中國年回家聚在一起,娘親煮了好吃的。 飯後 姐姐忽然提議,爲何我們不做個走道 圍著前院 我們常常走路的地方。 到處都是 土撥鼠挖的洞 走起來很不方便。

心動不如行動,飯後 我們真的就去院子 動工!

starting… all kind of tools

工欲善其事 必先利其器

先大概圍一下 然後就開始把雜草 路道打平。

we used the border edge to define the pathway, then put on weeding paper and nail the edge down.

You may need some staples to secure the weeding paper.

鋪上防雜草的紙 拿花園訂書針 固定

we adjust the border edge same time when we set up the weeding paper.

邊固定時 還可再次調整圍的邊邊到比較適合的位置。

After we get some step stone back, we put them on for the first portion of pathway.

去賣園藝石頭的店 買回一些很大塊的走道石片,先把已經打平的走道 鋪上幾塊固定好


crushed rock we got from Dixieline

put it on the bottom between each step stone. the construction crushed rock is cheaper than garden rock. for cost down purpose.

我們買了很多袋的 建築用的小碎石,先鋪在大石塊之間 當作墊底的石頭。

Miloh’s mom continued working on the rest of pathway after Miloh’s sister went back school.

done with level

麥寳姐姐回去學校後,麥寳娘親 繼續加油 把剩下的一部分 完成

Working so hard until it’s almost dark in the late evening.

辛勤地工作 每天都忙到天黑才收工。

more step stones. Miloh’s Dad love stones 🙂 we chose the stone we like and the cost count by piece not by weight so we can cut down our cost.

我們選了喜歡的大石板 ,這種價錢是計件 不是稱重算錢的。 我們挑了喜歡的形狀 還有大一點的,這樣比較省錢:)

Almost finished….

Miloh’s mom and dad bought 50 big step stones, 60 + bags of crushed rock and they made many trips to carry those back home. This is the biggest challenge of this project.

Isn’t it beautiful ?!

Miloh is very curious and walk on the pathway.

麥寳 很好奇地 走上去

繞著前院大半圈,麥寳爸爸和娘親 前前後後 共搬回來 50幾個 大石板,60幾袋的小碎石

Final step, we went to buy some garden small rocks and put them on top of crushed rock.

我們去買了好幾袋子的 園藝小石頭 鋪在建築用的小碎石上 ,點綴。

Jelly bean small rocks

the small garden rocks as a nice finish touch. Love it!

The area around veggie garden, pathway are full of plants and flowers already after a month.

才一個多月後. 金蓮花,白蘿蔔花 在走道邊 爬滿了。 是不是很美呢!

自己動手 鋪花園的走道,確實蠻費力的。 前前後後 花了好幾周才完成。但是 辛苦是有代價地,現在每天去前院 可以很安心 舒服地 走在走道上 賞花 或做工~~ 前院看起來也比較有規劃,接著就要沿著走道 種些花。

Summer time, Gladiolus along the pathway

Hi, Miloh…what are you looking at ?

Reference/ Where we get the stone and rock:

RCP Block&Brick


Dixieline Lumber & Home Centers
