花園 佛卡夏 Flower Garden Focaccia

Garden Focaccia is so popular now; Veggies, herbs, seeds and fruits are used to make grass, flowers, foliage, trees….

花園 佛卡夏 真是個流行啊~ 到處可見 好像人人都在做。 院子裏也有很多蔬果,香草。 看的手很癢,來做個吧!

手邊有的水果,蔬菜, 種子 都可以搞創意哦。好像摘太多了 :)

Pick what ever you have in the garden and start your own creation after the dough is ready.

麵糰的做法請參照 Focaccia dough reference:

香蒜香草佛卡夏 免揉麵包 No Knead “Focaccia Bread” with Garlic and Herbs

麵糰醒過第二次後,開始擺設。 有羅勒,茴香,番茄,金蓮花,迷迭香.

put basil, fennel, tomato, rosemary.. it’s fun.

Bake 20 mins at 400F

烤箱400F /220C 烤20分鐘就好咯。

在撒些新鮮玫瑰花瓣… 很好玩。 還會再繼續做~~

There are so many herbs and veggies that can be used to make a garden top. try one for yourself, you will love it.

麵糰的做法請參照 Focaccia dough reference:

香蒜香草佛卡夏 免揉麵包 No Knead “Focaccia Bread” with Garlic and Herbs

4/9/21 update,

Miloh’s sister want to eat garden focaccia so that mom make one today.

麥寳姐姐說 好久沒吃 花園佛卡夏,麥寳娘親今天做了一個 。 很好玩~

update 5/3/2021,

so many herbs in the garden . it’s time to make another one.

春天院子裏有不少香草,金蓮花也很多。 再來做個吧

it turn out really pretty !!

烤箱版炸雞腿 好吃到吮手指 Oven Fried Chicken Drumsticks

拿烤箱做炸鷄腿,厨房乾净無油烟 。好吃程度也是爆錶的哦~~

Oven baked fried chicken drumsticks is easier than oil fried chicken.. the taste is good too!

食材 Ingredients:

鷄腿,調味香料 :薑黃粉,孜然,海鹽,胡椒粉,辣椒粉少許

辛香料調味 可以依照自己喜歡的加入.

Chicken drumsticks

Spice: Turmeric, Cumin, sea salt, black pepper, smoke paprika

如果鷄腿比較厚大,可以拿刀子輕輕畫幾道。 小雞腿就不用了

玩的髒兮兮,很愛吃鷄肉的麥寳..一聞到鷄肉 就 聞鷄起舞~~靠過來了

Lovely Miloh Love chicken so much.. he smell the leg

Miao~~ I love Chicken too ! Lovely Neith 也喜歡吃鷄肉。

拿一個中大型夾鏈袋,放進鷄腿,調味香料,把味道搖晃均匀。或是直接在烤盤上 把調味料 輕輕的按摩均匀。

Shake chicken legs in the zip bag with all spice. or just put the legs on plate, gently message the spice on .

入烤箱前 裹麵粉 ,裹均匀一層就可以

Before baking, add in some all purpose flour on top of drumsticks.


Pre Heat oven at 400 F.

Place the chicken on buttered pan, turn it over and bake for 20 mins.

喜歡吃濃香的 又不怕油..可以在烤盤下面擺幾塊奶油,吃起來真的比較香。

中間 拿出來翻面一次。 如果喜歡有一點點甜味的 可以在翻面時 淋上一點蜂蜜。

Oven fried chicken drumsticks that bake up crispy on the outside but juicy on the inside !

外脆皮,内軟嫩多汁的烤箱版炸鷄腿…好吃的讓你吃了後 還在吸吮手指~~~

薑絲燉肉 電鍋食譜 Stew meat with shredded ginger

This is a very simple and easy dish to prepare and cook.

食材 Ingridients:

豬肉與薑 pork and ginger.

麥寳家院子 有很多野薑花,麥寳娘親就用野薑花的根 來做這道料理。

Miloh family yard plant many ginger lily, so take some fresh roots from ginger lily to replace regular ginger for this dish.


prepare shred ginger and pork.


spread salt and mix with pork . then put the ginger on top.

rice cooker outside – one cup of water.

拿出來後,記得把蒸出來的汁 跟肉絲拌一拌..這樣肉吃起來跟軟嫩 不老。

享用~ 非常簡單又好吃下飯、開胃的薑絲燉肉絲.

野薑花的根 比較不辛辣,所以喜歡吃薑的,可以多擺一些.

Done! simple but delicious.

參考 reference:

野薑花 Ginger Lily

古早味 碗粿 Savory Rice Pudding (Wa Gui)

麥寳娘親 小時候的早餐,常常是碗粿, 有素的 有肉的。 那種帶著肉燥的 真的讓人很懷念呢! 想念 就不如行動,自己動手做吧~~

Miloh’s mom grew up in Southern Taiwan where she ate rice pudding for breakfast. Miss the rice pudding so much, why not just make it at home。

食材 Ingridients:

在來米粉 1&1/2 杯 Long grain rice powder 1&1/2 Cup

玉米粉 1/4 杯 Corn starch 1/4 Cup

水 4 杯 water 4 cup

肉燥 Braised pork

肉燥 請參考 Refer to Braised Pork blog

手切滷肉 Hand Cut Braised Pork Belly

lovely Neith and Miloh~~~

做法 Steps:


Mix rice flour and corn starch together, add in water and mix it well.


Put some braised pork into the liquid, pour into a big pot. low heat and continue stir the batch.


until the batch thicken up. turn off the heat.

在碗底先擺好滷蛋 肉燥 put egg and braised pork on the bottom of bowl.

再裝入煮好的粉漿團 Add in the cooked batch.

將裝填好的碗粿放入電鍋內,外鍋加1杯水,蒸。或是 擺入蒸籠,大火30分鐘 即可。 Put the bowl into rice cooker, add 1 cup of water outside. or you can put them in the steamer, high heat steam for 30 mins.

Done. take it out.

you can eat it softer while it’s still hot, or wait for cool down little bit. it taste firmer.


可以煮點蒜泥醬汁 — 蒜泥,糖,醬油加水煮滾就可以了。

You can also prepare sauce — garlic paste, sugar, soy sauce & water.. cooked.


參考食譜 reference recipe:




茶香配種玫瑰 -海王星 “Neptune” Hybrid Tea Rose

Neptune has an exquisite color, huge flower size, and powerfully sweet fragrance.

大花 強而甜的香味 淡紫色玫瑰花 海王星

Big blossoms of luscious lavender tinged with just a touch of purple.

abundant blooms arrive on a praised-worthy plant with large glossy green leaves, good vigor and strong vitality.


Rich lavender kissed purple color !

An intense, sweet & citrus fragrance


花朵碩大 花瓣數量多


sturdy, upright plant

very good disease resistance 抗病力強

美麗的 海王星 玫瑰!

A lovely, fragrant and hardy Rose.

手切滷肉 有口感的滷肉燥 Hand cut Braised Pork Belly


Hand cut small slice of pork belly, stewed long time with rock sugar and soy sauce. Yum! Yum~

食材 Ingredients:

五花肉 ,冰糖,醬油,蒜頭,油葱/紅葱頭,米酒,香菇 (可有可無)

調味料 依照個人喜好的鹹味.. 蒜頭一個就夠了

Pork Belly , rock sugar, soy sauce, garlic, dry shallot, cooking wine,dry mushroom(optional)

做法 Steps:

把紅葱頭,蒜頭切碎。 香菇切條。 剛好蒜頭收成,所以拿整株蒜 葉子 來做料理。

Chopped shallot, garlic and mushroom.


hand cut pork belly to small slices.

炒鍋內放冰糖 幾小塊就好,開火煮到糖變色,然後加入油和紅葱頭

in a fry pan, put couple small rock sugar in. heat up until sugar turn brown, add in oil and shallots.

再下豬肉炒香 Add in pork belly, stir fry

加入蒜頭,香菇 add in garlic and mushroom

豬肉炒香後,再加入醬油,米酒. 炒勻後加適量水,中小火煮20-30分入味就好了

At this time, pour soy sauce and cooking wine. stir and mix well. add in some water. median heat and cook 30 mins.

白煮蛋後面才加的~~ If you want to add in some boiled eggs, put them in the last step.

A very tasty Braised Pork that is worthy to try


拿’野薑花’葉子 包粽子 Ginger Lily leave Tamale

麥寳娘親院子種了一些野薑花,但是花一直都沒開多少。 去挖一些根來做料理時,看到葉子長得很好呢! 端午節就快到了,餡料都準備中…那麽不如 就拿 野薑花的葉子來包粽子吧~~

Miloh family plant some ginger lily in the yard. It’s dragon boat festival coming up. Miloh mom try to wrap Chinese Tamale by using some fresh ginger lily leave.

Ginger lily’s roots.. not that spice as regular ginger, but taste good too.


you need some ginger leave , meat you like. some mushroom or whatever you like to wrap in.

Instead of just using white sweet rice, add in some black one and some wild rice.

麥寳娘親 用了白和黑的糯米,也加了一些五穀野米。


stir fry ginger lily root with meat, the flavor is good.

把野薑花的根片 和包粽子的餡料炒好。

把米擺入剛剛炒好 盛出肉來的鍋裏,收汁

Are you ready to wrap the tamale ?


Put 2 leaves together, create a cone shape from the middle bottom of the leaves.

米擺進 put some rices in

餡料擺入一半的地方 Add in meat and mushroom,etc… around half way

再把米加滿 put more rice until it reach the top of cone shape.

Cover the leave, wrap it up with tight rope.


野薑花的葉子比較厚,包起來不易破。 但是 葉子比竹葉短 所以最後蓋上葉子包緊時 ,要小心點。

Unlike Bamboo leaves, ginger lily leave tend to be thicker so it’s not easy to break. However, the leaf is shorter so do plan to cover the rice carefully at last step before you tighten the tamale.

大鍋煮水,水滾了後 把粽子擺入。 水要能蓋住粽子。 中大火 煮50 – 60 分鐘。 中間不時要加水。

In a big pot, boiling the water. then put the tamales in. the water need to cover the tamales. cook for about one hour. add in some water in between when needed.

麥寳娘親是南部人,怎麽可以少了 花生素粽呢!

Wrap some vegetarian tamale , just adding in rice and soaked fresh peanuts.

Miloh, do you smell the tamale from kitchen ?

The meat one


No meat but only rice & peanut one.


Cooking with ginger lily root and leaves add slight aroma of ginger lily.

有種野薑花的朋友,可嘗嘗這清雅香氣的 野薑花粽子。

Happy Dragon Boat Festival !


參考 reference:

野薑花 Ginger Lily

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

包粽子 Zongzi /Chinese Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-22v

洋薏米 大薏仁 粽子 Pearl Barley Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2vG

拿玉米葉 包粽子 Corn Leaf/Husk Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3sC

自製 蒸餾 玫瑰花柔膚水 Homemade Rose Water Toner -Steam Distillation

用蒸餾這個方法可以說是類似最傳統製作花水的蒸氣蒸餾法 ,收集得來的水蒸氣其實就是花水

Rose water is created by distilling rose petals with steam.

材料 what you need :

新鮮玫瑰花瓣 Rose petals
礦泉水/蒸餾水 Spring water or distilled water

兩層的蒸鍋 2 layer steamer

步驟 Steps:


Start by removing the petals from the roses, only use petals.


place a mason jar or glass container in the middle.


spread rose petals around the mason jar.


Add in water in the lower pot, start to boil the water.


Once the water boiling, put the upper layer on top of the boiling water. Turn the lid upside down so the steam water can drip into the jar.


Turn the heat to median.


put some ice cubes on top of the lid to help and speed up to collect the steam water.


About 30 – 45 minutes, turn off heat.

小心不要煮乾下層水份,約 30 – 45 分鐘後就可以關火


you will see the rose petals turn yellowish. The water in the jar is the Rose Water !

下層的蒸水 會變黃色,不要丟棄,可以拿去洗澡

The lower layer pot, water turn yellow. you can use it as bath .


The small steamer set only collect about 1 oz rose water, so Miloh mom take a 5 quart steamer set. same way to collect rose water.

用小小蒸鍋 只收了一點點玫瑰水。

麥寳娘親就拿 5 Quart 的蒸鍋,同樣的方法蒸餾玫瑰水

Bigger pot..more petals.

This time.. yes! collect around 4oz rose water ~~

這次蒸餾出 4oz 的 玫瑰水~~

很精華蒸餾出來的透明~~.👍 Crystal clear rose water !

If you don’t have 2 layer steamer set, you can take a pot, put the jar in the middle. then spread petals around jar. pour water just enough to cover the petals.


Turn the lid upside down, put ice cubes on top of lid.


median to low heat for 30 mins or until you see the rose petal fade the color.


右邊的是 玫瑰泡在水裏直接煮,沒有兩層蒸鍋的玫瑰水。比較不透明 :(


the jar on the right is from 2nd method. the rose water is NOT clear as first one.

注意事項: 火力的控制也是比較重要的事項,太大火丶水蒸氣太強的話會來不及冷卻就跑掉太多水蒸氣,太小火的話又會蒸不出玫瑰花的精華,保持在水能剛剛好滾,又不會太強水蒸氣的程度就剛剛好。




保存方法 Store the rose water in cool place .


Refresh up your skin, make a bottle of your own rosewater !


奥斯汀玫瑰 ‘克莱爾 ‘ David Austin Rose “Clarie”

克莱爾奥斯汀 : 大衛奧斯丁培育出的白玫瑰系列 ,奥斯汀對她的評價非常高,被評爲英國最美麗的白色玫瑰

Claire Austin. English Rose – bred by David Austin. Highly Recommended by David Austin Roses


white roses – they are all purity and light – and yet really good white roses are rare among English Roses and Hybrid Tea Roses alike. This is because white roses are very difficult to breed. Claire Austin is truly outstanding white flowered rose.

  Vigorous and particularly healthy with elegant arching growth.

白色或接近白色的混合的 杯狀花型

The buds of Claire Austin are a pale lemon opening to large, creamy white flowers.



 Claire Austin is a 2011 introduction with a superb, distinct scent of myrrh and vanilla.

their petals perfectly arranged in concentric circles, with a few more loosely arranged in the center.

開放後的花朵 形成典型的英國麝香美味的大型奶油白色花朵: 花瓣完美地排列成同心圓,中心有點鬆散。

    Bears large, cupped, creamy white blooms with a strong fragrance of myrrh, meadowsweet and vanilla.

富含美味的 沒藥,繡線菊和香草味

多季 重複開花

Repeated flowering

 以大衛奥斯汀的女兒 克莱爾奥斯汀 名字命名。

This rose was named after David Austin’s daughter. 


The bush has an arching habit and can be trained as a climber.

軟枝幹的玫瑰 也可以把她修成爬藤玫瑰。 細軟的枝條,花朵多又大時,容易垂下來,但這樣也是十分好看地~

See how beautiful all different color of roses bundle together.

Good for disease resistance 抗病力強

One of the most desirable wedding flowers – Claire Austin Rose.

Romantic and elegant !

美麗的婚禮捧花首選,名貴 又浪漫的 克萊爾奧斯丁玫瑰!

one of the wedding favoriate flowers

Then will I raise aloft the milk-white rose. For whose sweet smell the air shall be perfumed. —- William Shakespeare

-  -  威廉·莎士比亞

(特別謝謝作家好友 Laura 幫麥寳娘親修改莎士比亞這句子的翻譯 )

檸檬蒸雞 清香爽口不油膩 Steamed chicken with Lemon

夏天是不是想吃點清淡爽口的呢? 而且還要很簡單的! 做 檸檬蒸鷄吧~

Do you want to eat something light and refreshing in summer time ? try the simple ,easy but delicious steamed chicken leg with Lemon !

做法 Steps:

無骨雞腿用檸檬汁、少許海鹽 胡椒粉 醃至少15分鐘

Cut the bone off the chicken legs, massage the meat with salt and pepper. then marinated with lemon juice or simple using Preserved salted lemon.

如果有鹽漬檸檬 更是方便 美味! 用鹽漬檸檬醃無骨雞腿。不用擺鹽巴。

放上薑絲、檸檬片/檸檬絲。 如果有香茅 可以擺在盤底。

put the ginger and lemon piece on top of meat. you can put some lemon grass on the bottom if you have some at home.


put the plate into steamer, high heat 5 mins, then median heat 10 mins.

Cut the chicken legs, pour the chicken sauce on the chicken. and serve.


參考鹽漬檸檬 做法 Reference how to make Preserved Lemon:

鹽漬檸懞 Preserved Lemon


香茅檸檬薏米水 Lemon Grass & Lemon Pearl Barley drink