拿玉米葉 包粽子 Corn Leaf/Husk Tamale

Miloh family plant a corn field this spring and they grow so well.

麥寳家人 早春時 種了一片玉米田,生長快速。

They move some seedlings outside the veggie garden that are over crowded there.

種子灑太多,苗長太密! 移了一些到菜園外圍種。

Even wild animal came and chew the leaves.

野生動物來吃掉了很多嫩葉! 葉子有·這麽好吃嗎?

Corn leave are so tasty ??! ? yes, they are edible and nutritional.

One of the best ways to use green corn leaves or husks is to wrap food in them before grilling.[1]

玉米葉中還含有多種胺基酸和一些礦物質,人們平時食用玉米葉以後能快速把這些營養成分吸收和利用 【3】

pick some leave to make tamales! or you can use the husk too.


也可以拿包在玉米外面的那些葉子 來包。

wrap some with meat and veggies for lunch or dinner.

cook sweet rice.. white and black one mixed.



pork with veggies stir fried..so any left over can work.

可以包任何喜歡的肉,香菇,蔬菜。 剛好冰箱有些肉絲炒毛豆 就加個紅蘿蔔一起

same like how you wrap tamale with bamboo leaves, start from the middle of the leave. turn it into a cone shape.

跟用竹葉包粽子一樣的方法。在葉子中間部分 摺成一個三角漏斗型

fill in the rice and meat/veggies.


cover the leave, wrap it and tight with rope.



put into rice cooker ,cook for 15 mins. about half cup water outside the cooker.

電鍋外鍋半杯水 蒸15分鐘左右



好清香的玉米葉子, 好吃的粽子。 肉 青菜 都有了。


把剩下的葉子 捆起來 做幾個菜瓜布 刷洗鍋碗。

Make some scouring sponge from the leaves to clean up the dishes and sink.

麥寳娘親是南部人,怎麽可以沒有包 南部粽呢!來個紅豆沙粽 當甜點吧。

Make a sweet dessert from uncooked rice.

read bean paste is ready at refrigerator, so make a red bean tamale!

冰箱有自己做的 黑糖紅豆泥, 真的太方便了~~

same way to wrap the tamale.

把生米和紅豆泥 包入葉子裏

put into boiling water pot, make sure water level can cover the tamale. cook for 40 to 50 mins.

鍋子水滾了後,把粽子擺進去。 記得水要蓋過粽子的高度。 煮個大約50分鐘。

take it out from hot water pot, serve .

chewy! and great dessert~~

因爲是生米煮熟的 所以特別Q~~ 甜度也剛好。自己調的紅豆泥 就是好吃。

Reference 參考:

(1)The Many Uses for Corn Leaves

The Many Uses for Corn Leaves

(2)Nutritive Value and Amount of Corn Plant Parts https://beef.unl.edu/632c1963-c960-4b25-bf54-2b05f12c022c.pdf

(3)玉米葉的營養價值 玉米葉的功效與作用 https://kknews.cc/health/oyjl4yo.html



you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

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洋薏米 大薏仁 粽子 Pearl Barley Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-2vG

拿’野薑花’葉子 包粽子 Ginger Lily leave Tamale  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-3y8