又見藍花楹 那一抹醉人的紫 Jacaranda Tree

有人說,夢想是藍色的,就像是廣闊的天空.  有人說,幸福是綠色的,那是希望的美麗。

能讓你感受到夢想和幸福的味道:寧靜,深遠,憂鬱靜謐,開闊 的植物——藍花楹。

Like a sea of lavender, the incomparable blooms flood the tree prior to any leaves, making their striking appearance that much more magnificent.

日子真是過得很快,怎麼感覺上一次的艷藍盛開才不久之前? 藍花楹 正渲染著聖地牙哥的天空!


Jacaranda bloom in Late Spring and Early Summer.

Jacaranda 是紫葳科藍花楹屬的植物,別名是巴西紫葳.


The incredible dome-shaped canopy makes walking along a street lined with Jacarandas an experience you’ll want to enjoy season after season.


The powerful trunk and thick branches that hoist all those lovely blooms are strong and resilient.

每到了 Jacaranda 盛開的時候,麥寶家附近的這道路兩侧的藍花楹樹的枝頭就都開满了藍紫色的花朵,地面上也被散落的花瓣铺上了一層薄薄的地毯。

“They’re pretty, but sticky. If they get on your car it’s like getting married all over again when you drive off,” [1]

這美麗的花瓣很黏,掉在地上 帶進家裏 或掉在車上 都很難處理。所以 有人對他是 愛恨交接的情仇啊……

Jacarandas look stunning on their own as a specimen tree in an open lawn, where their fallen flowers form a colourful carpet of blue.

It’s a tough tree that grows to heights of 40 feet and will thrive in a variety of soil types.

麥寶娘親 去年冬天種了樹苗 ..長很快..

Not only that, it’s drought tolerant and will do well in a diversity of planting locations throughout your garden or landscape.


壯觀的紫色 正在聖地牙哥 春天,記得要把握這賞花海的幸福日子,感受濃濃浪漫~ 而趁著這春暖紫花開的好日子,出門到處走走.




(1)Jacarandas: You either love them or hate them
