平凡的浪漫: 蕾絲金露花 Golden Dew Drop Lilac / Duranta Repens

金露花類 Duranta repens L. (馬鞭草科常綠灌木)

Golden dewdrop is a beautiful tropical flowering shrub offers gardeners a spectacular show of beautiful blue or white flowers all summer long.

金露花的屬名Duranta 是為了纪念十五世纪意大利植物學家 Castore Durante, 種加詞 erecta 在拉丁語中表示 “直立的(upright)”。金露花還有一个學名是D. repens,源于拉丁文的“匍匐状(creeping)”,該名稱原来是用于識别該物種的小葉品種。

常綠性灌木,可供綠籬樹,株高3至5公尺,分枝多。小枝柔軟而下垂,幼嫩的部分有毛;葉對生或叢生,全緣; 春至秋季開花,總狀花序腋出頂生,花冠藍紫或白色;核果球形,成熟後橙黃色,聚生或串,內含種子4到8粒 。果實有毒。 中毒症狀: 誤食會造成腹痛、昏睡、發燒、腹瀉、痙攣等症狀產生。



It has spiny and drooping four-angle branches with ovate leaves. The small flowers are either white or lilac-blue, cylindrical and spreading, followed by orange-yellow berries, hence the name “Golden Dew Drop”.

金露花之得名大概源于其橙黄色果實,金露花的核果球形,直径约 0.5cm,橙黄色,有光澤,聚生成串,猶如串串金色露珠。

Though the flowers are lovely, golden dewdrop earned its common name from its fruits; the golden-yellow berries hang from the stems like earrings (or drops of golden dew if you’re in a poetic mood).

金露花除了觀赏之外,花還可作為 興奮劑,是一種中藥材。



Grow golden dewdrop in full sun; this flowering shrub blooms best when it gets lots of light. It tolerates partial shade just fine, though blooming is decreased. And if you want to grow it just for its foliage, you can even grow golden dewdrop in the shade.


If you live in the South, golden dewdrop thrives in full sun or part shade and can grow into a large shrub to 6 feet tall or more. Many gardeners use it as a hedge and shear it back to keep it contained.


這是 麥寶娘親3年前從 蕾絲金露花 小苗 種到現在 長大成樹.還須常常修剪.

性耐修剪而分枝力強,因此常用作綠籬樹。 金露花很容易栽培。如果種植在花園或花台上,通過修剪,可以長成獨立主干的小喬木狀或普通灌木狀。如果種植在容器中,可以修剪成球形或獨立主干的小樹型。


Lovely Miloh, sleep tight.

睡很熟的麥寶. 頭髮被姊姊梳起來都不介意…