搭配種植:菜園三姐妹 Companion planting:Three Sisters Garden



Miloh’s mom planted corn, bean and zucchini together every year.

麥寶娘親把 玉米,豆夾和櫛瓜 種在一起.


Corn, beans, and squash are called the “three sisters.” Native Americans always inter-planted this trio because they thrive together, much like three inseparable sisters.

By the time European settlers arrived in America in the early 1600s, the Iroquois had been growing the “three sisters” for over three centuries. The vegetable trio sustained the Native Americans both physically and spiritually.

在這個組合中,玉蜀黍擔任棚架的角色,供四季豆攀爬,而四季豆的根菌能吸取空氣中的氮,轉化為養分,提供給玉蜀黍和瓜。同時,四季豆的藤蔓纏繞在玉蜀黍的莖稈上,可以產生強化作用,使玉蜀 黍受強風和大雨侵襲時減少折斷的機會。玉蜀黍和四季豆都需要充足的日照,但根部又必須保持陰涼和溼潤,在這種情形下,瓜扮演覆蓋地面角色,為玉蜀黍和四 季豆的根部土壤遮蔭,而且還能防止雜草滋生。

Each of the sisters contributes something to the planting. Together, the sisters provide a balanced diet from a single planting.

Corn provides a natural pole for bean vines to climb. Beans fix nitrogen on their roots, improving the overall fertility of the plot by providing nitrogen to the following years corn. Bean vines also help stabilize the corn plants, making them less vulnerable to blowing over in the wind.

Shallow-rooted squash vines become a living mulch, shading emerging weeds and preventing soil moisture from evaporating, thereby improving the overall crops chances of survival in dry years. Spiny squash plants also help discourage predators from approaching the corn and beans. The large amount of crop residue from this planting combination can be incorporated back into the soil at the end of the season, to build up the organic matter and improve its structure.

Corn, beans and squash also complement each other nutritionally. Corn provides carbohydrates, the dried beans are rich in protein, balancing the lack of necessary amino acids found in corn. Finally, squash yields both vitamins from the fruit and healthful, delicious oil from the seeds.

Together, the three sisters provide both sustainable soil fertility as well as a healthy diet. Perfection!

Miloh’s mom went to volunteer at San Diego Botanic Garden and help in Edible Garden.  saw their “three sister garden”.. growing so well.

Photo taken at San Diego Botanic Garden/Edible Garden

麥寶娘親上周去植物園當志工時 看到那的菜園三姊妹也長的很好呢!

「搭配種植」(companion planting),而適合搭配種植的植物則稱為「共生植物」,用來搭配種植的蔬菜則不妨稱之為「共生蔬菜」。這種共生配置的方法,可以讓兩種以上不同種類的蔬菜或花卉彼此為鄰,使它們截長補短,達到收成的最佳效果。




Plant marigolds and garlic: Long-trusted home remedies, these two plants have been known to deter rabbits when grown in a garden.

Marigold 金盞花

Miloh’s mom planted lots garlic chive, green onion, basil , dill around each veggie box that does help for less bugs and bad worms.

麥寶娘親種許多蔥..韭菜..蒜苗.茴香 在菜盒四周..真的菜蟲少了很多. 還有 也用了 蚯蚓糞.

蚯蚓糞 也是可 驅除菜園害蟲 蚜虫 ,蜘蛛螨  又是很好的肥料.  生物學之父達爾文將蚯蚓奉為地球上最有價值的動物,牠們吃進腐爛有機物,再消化排出的糞便,富含氮、磷、鉀等養分以及微生物,對環境有益,也是最天然的肥料。 Costco, some nursery carry worm castings here.

Adding worm castings manure to the soil aerates and improves its overall structure while providing beneficial nutrients to plants. They are also effective for repelling many pests that feed on plants, such as aphids and spider mites.

Lovely Miloh sit at gate of veggie garden ..