繡球花 Hydrangea

繡球花 Hydrangea




The colors of some hydrangeas—especially mophead and lacecap—can change color based on the soil pH, which affects relative availability of aluminum ions. Acidic soils with a pH of less than 5.5 produce blue flowers; soils with a pH greater than 5.5 product pink flowers. White flowers are not affected by pH.

繡球花為八仙花科八仙花屬植物,學名:Hydrangea macrophylla,英名:Hydrangea,別名:八仙花、洋繡球、紫陽花、雪球花,原生於中國、日本,於18世紀末傳入歐洲後才開始發展出許多新品種,後來再傳回日本,日本人為了與當地的繡球花有所區隔,因此稱它作「洋繡球」。

「紫陽花」這別名,則是日語發音 (Azisai,意即繡球花) 而來。據說日本原無它的漢文名字,但在唐朝詩人白居易詠一株招賢寺裡不知名花時,吟道:「何年植向仙壇上,早晚移栽到梵家,雖在人間人不識,與君名作紫陽花」,就因當時日本平安時代 (西元794 至1192 年間) 崇尚唐朝文物,於是「紫陽花」這漢字就被套在這花名上。

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Sonmarie’ features strong stems and lime-green buds that become rich pink or lavender flowers.

大繡球花是八仙花的變種之一, 葉大,  全為不孕花, 初為白色, 後變為淡藍色或粉紅色。

With immense flower heads, hydrangeas flaunt an old-fashioned charm that is hard to resist. Colors also beguile with clear blues, vibrant pinks, frosty whites, lavender, and rose—sometimes all blooming on the same plant!


They prefer full sun in the morning, with some afternoon shade; however, many will grow and bloom in partial shade.





Hydrangea Starfield Bigleaf has a diminutive, well-kept form, fitting into small spaces nicely

This variety of reblooming bigleaf hydrangea is one of the heaviest flowering hydrangeas you’ll ever encounter. Its bountiful blooms are a lovely shade of pink. Even though this shrub is compact, it’s vigorous and fills a pot quickly.

Hydrangea is a genus of about 100 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia (from Japan to China, the Himalaya and Indonesia) and North and South America.


繡球花屬有許多品種含有兩種花型,即較小、長於花序中心的孕性花 (Fertile flowers),及較大、環繞於花序週邊的不孕花、不育花、或裝飾花 (Sterile flowers)。

銀邊繡球花(Hydrangea macrophyllavar.maculata):葉緣為白色。


麥寶娘親 幾年前冬天 在花圃打折時買到這 銀邊繡球花. 那時沒 花.但看到葉緣白色很好看

就收集到大樹下的 繡球區.晚春時開花了.才知道花是這麼特別!

Hydrangea aspera D. Don

The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs)Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid and very alkaline soils.
It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade.

beautiful leaves and flowers too

The rough leaved Hydrangea is one of the less commonly grown examples of this important genus in our gardens, but makes an excellent addition to the garden. The large velvety leaves provide an attractive display all summer covering this medium sized bush. And come June and July this is topped with dark lilac “lacecap” flowers. As is typical of Hydrangeas Hydrangea aspera D.Don is easily grown and need a shady location, making it ideal in front of a north facing wall or fence, or in the shade from trees.

The variability of Hydrangea aspera D.Don, probably due in part to its wide geographical distribution, has lead to a degree of confusion regarding the different subspecies, cultivars, etc. An oriental species it is found growing wild in the Himalayas, West and central China,Taiwan and Myanmar (Burma). It was first described by the Scottish botanist David Don in his 1825 flora of Nepal, placing it in Linnaeus’s genus Hydrangea L. In gardens it is often represented by Hydrangea aspera D.Don ‘Macrophylla’ a sterile selection with large leaves and flowers.

Full bloom

繡球花開花期很長 麥寶家的繡球花 已經開了快兩個月了. 大多種在大樹旁..早上有日曬下午陰暗處.  麥寶下午時 常在樹下乘涼.坐在繡球花旁.

Miloh sit and rest under the big tree beside Hydrangea.

The flower color faded after months bloom. Look so cool ~

花開了好幾個月,顔色後來變淡了。 也很美耶~

Make nice flower arrangement!

update 6/21/2021:

Miloh family old hydrangea plants all bloom so well again this year.

麥寳家裏種了許多年的綉球花 ,今年也是盛開的一年。

Bumble bee visiting….

The flowers are so many and huge, we take Neith , the black cat, to the yard and she is quite curious

今年的綉球花開的很多又很大,把 喵小姐帶到院子大樹下 一起賞花。

ok. Miloh too 🙂

Miloh’s mom collect new species this year .

Hydrangea Macrophylla Seafoam

This hydrangea is a mophead with it’s sterile florets all but covering the fertile flowers in the center.

Seafoam Hydrangea is drought tolerant!

這美麗的繡球花,葉子小 花兒也不大,但是好美啊~
更值得一提的 這品種是省水的!

麥寳娘親 今年網購了一些新品種

want to plant white color ball like flower around olive orchard corner to light up the area. here is the Annabelle Hydrangea.

種了白色的大綉球 “安娜貝爾“,但是剛開始是綠色的,藍藍的 ??

The Annabelle start with greenish/blue color flower buds.

later on it finally turn into White Ball !

Annabelle only grow on OLD wood so be careful not to prune down too many wood in winter for next year’s blooming.

這繡球花 可以種在大太陽下。

秋冬修枝時 不要修掉太多老枝幹,這繡球花開在老枝幹上!

後來 這花慢慢變成了 白色的大花球,真的把橄欖園的邊角落 弄的熱鬧多了。

Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea has stunning white flowers, often producing heads over 10″ in diameter. you can grow it under sunny spot too!

Add some Hydrangea in your shady garden, you will enjoy them from late Spring to all summer long ~~

在院子裏的大樹下或陰暗處 ,種上幾株綉球花吧!

Bumble Bee love them too ~~

update 6/23/2023 below;

Miloh mom collected more hydrangea last year and they started to bloom now in the summer garden.

The LA Dreamin Hydrangea is gorgeous with its whimsical, multi-colored blooms. This hydrangea can have pink, blue, and purple all at the same time!

這是 藍粉紫色 可以同時開花的一種很有趣的繡球花

To get the multi-colored look there is no need to amend the soil.

不需要靠改變土壤的酸鹼 就可以有不同顏色。

Below is the Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blaumeise’

The flower is very wide with darker colored tiny flowers in the center with large sterile flowers facing up around the outer edge.

布朗梅絲 繡球花;平面開花 像個盤子

their flowers grow on the old wood. 花包會開在老枝幹上,所以 冬天修剪時 記得要留下一些老枝幹。

Hydrangea Macrophylla Sister Theresa has slender stems and sport healthy dark green leaves and paper white flowers.

白色(德蕾莎修女) 繡球花;中型大小的繡球植株,深綠色葉子把白色的花 襯托的很美!

This macrophylla is a delicate looking but strong medium sized plant. In the fall the flower heads become green tinted with red when ready to dry.

HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA ´ROSE SUPREME´ with enormous deep rose-pink globe-shaped flowers

blooms on old wood so
protection of the flower buds in winter may be necessary

“Limelight” Panicle Hydrangea – football-shaped flowers.

Starting in mid-summer, flowers first develop showing off a truly unique celadon green, which slowly changes to bright white.

這種圓錐繡球花 從橄欖綠開刀純白色;美極了! 但是 麥寶娘親覺得以前在東岸時 氣候比較適合,容易種。在南加州卻不太普及。

you may also interest 你或許也有興趣其他的部落格:

大葉繡球花 “星空” “Starfield ” Bigleaf Hydrangea  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5zl

“安娜貝爾“ 喬木繡球花 Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-41n

繡球花 ‘德蕾莎修女’ Hydrangea Macrophylla “Sister Theresa”  https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5Bt

大葉繡球花 “L.A. Dreamin ” Hydrangea https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5BY

繡球花 ‘Rose Supreme’ Hydrangea macrophylla https://wp.me/p8fIi1-5CV

The Dos (and a Big Don’t) of Pruning Repeat-Blooming Hydrangeas
