超簡單免手揉的牽絲小餐包 Soft bread / Dinner Bun

麥寶娘親  很久沒做這小餐包..今晚 又想到做這當晚餐 配幾道菜吃.

Making some softer fresh baked dinner bun for dinner or breakfast.

食材 Ingredients 

高筋麵粉 450g / Bread Flour 3&1/2 cup
奶油 42g / Butter 3 TBSP
牛奶  220g / Milk 1 cup
糖 30g / 2 TBSP
酵母 8g / Yeast 1 TBSP
鹽 1g / 0.2 TSP
雞蛋 1顆 / 1 egg
可以擺進一點蜂蜜,小孩會很喜歡。 有甜味~
Add in a small spoon of honey, it will taste sweeter. Young children will love the flavor~
    加入所有的食材 ,慢慢攪拌成團.這時候的麵團非常黏手,蓋上保鮮膜後,發酵約莫1小時,等麵團呈現2倍大.
 Mix all ingredients into the bowl
After one hour, separate the dough into couple small pieces
 put into bake pan and wait for 30 minutes
 Reheat oven to 350F, bake 15 – 20mins
or divide the dough into more bun, put some almond flake on top of it.
撕開真的一絲一絲的  簡單做又好吃
Simple but delicious bun
update 2/12/2020 below,
Recently Miloh’s mom created couple different flavor of this bread.
最近 又試做了幾個不同口味的餐包。
put chopped veggies, olive or even pickle cucumber into the dough.
出爐, 香~
Soft and delicious!
Purple Yam bread 紫薯麵包
when you add in purple yam or pumpkin into the ingredient, you need to reduce the water amount. no sugar needed.   and the dough will be super sticky. that’s normal.
拿紫薯做麵包 很好吃的。連糖都不用擺了。 但是 水的量要自己拿捏 要減量。
麥寳和娘親 都很愛吃紫薯,這樣的麵包 他們兩你一口我一口 一下子可以吃掉半條:)
Lovely Miloh waited at deck to catch rabbits.. but got so bored while waiting.
麥寶在等兔子跑出來 但等了半天也沒等到..好無聊啊~~~~