香草燜雞 Braised chicken with herb and wine

香草園的香草們 長得很好啊! 在超市買了走地雞 吃起來像土雞..所以想來燜雞.

so many herb in the herb garden now.. so need to think more herb recipe 🙂

雞 chicken、筍乾 dry sour bamboo , 黑木耳 Black Fungus, 薑 ginger、料酒 cooking wine、胡椒粉 pepper、鹽 salt、香草 herb。



2、鍋燒熱後,加入油,加入花椒  蔥炒出香味;放入雞塊,大火炒到雞皮變成金黃色,直到雞油煸出;

3、加入水;放入 筍乾 黑木耳  薑塊、料酒大火煮開,然後轉成中火悶煮;(剛好有高粱..所以就拿來燒菜)

4、加入香草蓋上蓋繼續中火悶煮;悶至雞肉熟的時候,開至大火收汁;加鹽調味;(因為筍乾有鹹味 所以鹽沒擺 多少)

Heat  olive oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat.  add chicken and cook until brown on all sides.  Add wine and herb; bring to boil.  Reduce heat to medium, cover, and simmer until chicken is cooked through, moving chicken pieces from top to bottom every 5 minutes (sauce will not cover chicken), about 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

這道菜 清爽 雞有咬勁..淡淡的香草味~~


In front of Miloh.. that’s rosemary and lemon verbena

麥寶前的是 迷迭香. 在最前面的是  檸檬馬鞭草