糖醃玫瑰花瓣「玫瑰花醬」Rose Petal sugar preserve jam

玫瑰花園的玫瑰 正盛開著, 每天都有很多花。

Rose garden in Miloh’s family start to bloom lately.  so many roses everyday!

If the rose smell good, then it tastes good too ~~

Pick some fruit scent David Austin roses and some light scent Easy Spirit roses.

ready to make the Rose Petal sugar preserve jam ?

麥寳娘親種了許多有水果香味的,有清香的玫瑰。 聞到很舒服的,喜歡的玫瑰,那就會是好吃的。 來做些 糖醃玫瑰花瓣醬吧!

Ingredients 食材:

fresh rose petal, sugar, honey


If you prefer measurement, then the ratio of rose petal : sugar is 1: 1.5 or more.

鲜花和白糖的比例  1:1.5


Wash the petals and gently remove any excess water . lay the rose petals out on kitchen paper and leave to air dry

Put petal in a big bowl. Add in sugar between every 2-3 layer flowers. Until you run out of petals.

將花瓣放入大盆裏 每鋪上兩三層的花瓣 ,就撒上一層白砂糖,鋪上兩三層的花瓣,再撒上一層白砂糖。


用擀麵棍開始捣玫瑰花,捣到玫瑰花被碾出汁来,或用手慢慢抓。 直到玫瑰花成為醬,花汁把白砂糖染色。

Use hand to pitch and mix petal with sugar, or use a rolling pin to pound the petal until the juice come out.

將捣好的玫瑰花醬擺入瓶裏. Pour into a clean jar.

add a layer of honey on top of it before you cover the jar.

在口密封瓶里,上面淋一層蜂蜜,這樣更易於儲存 。

tighten the jar and let it ferment naturally in room temperature.


David Austin Rose

David Austin breed some roses that is special for culinary ! Miloh’s mom planted couple of them.  They are the most delicious roses in the yard.

What are you looking at ? Miloh


玫瑰酱發酵後溢出容器, 所以不該擺太滿。 三天後 打開看 已經開始發酵了。


Check it up 3 days later, and taste a spoon with cheese cake. Yum~~Yum~~~

先盛出一湯匙 擺在乳蛋糕上 一起吃, wow~ ⊙o⊙ 太好吃了。

The longer you preserve it, the better it will taste. Best suggestion is to wait for a month.

已經可以吃了 ,但是擺越久味道會越好。 擺上一個月後 讓它發酵更完全,再吃更好。

Miloh running around Rose Garden

After 15 Days~~ It’s ready.. or you can stir it again and store in cool place.

15 天後的玫瑰醬,打開瞬間 玫瑰花香撲鼻.  嗅覺的饗宴!!




update 5/22/2021,

Miloh’s mom start to make rose petal preserve again.


Let’s see what happened to the rose petal preserve one year later. The color turned darker and smell really good!

一年後 顔色變得很深,味道很香~~

Miloh, what are you doing there ….