【省水植物 】會自燃 花瓣像紙片的 “岩薔薇 ” [Water wise plant] “Rock Rose” (Cistus)

A tidy, compact, sun and heat-loving shrub

岩蔷薇,常绿灌木。耐乾旱 很適合加州種植。

Tolerates drought, poor soil, even some neglect!

below is the Crimson-Spot Rockrose,solitary papery white flowers blotched with crimson spots at the base of each petal.

They are evergreen shrubs with flowers “born for the moment”, opening early in the morning and dropping their crape-paper like petals , and are replenished with fresh new flowers the next day.

半日花科. 開半天的花

petals crinkled like crape paper



Rockroses generally perform best in full sun to part afternoon shade and, once established, can tolerate very dry conditions

喜歡全日照 或一點點的半陰的地方。

這種 趴地型的 很適合種在墻壁上 或有很多石頭設計的花園。

This pink one is Magenta Rock Rose: low spreading, evergreen shrub with eye-catching clusters of yellow-centered, rich cerise flowers.

Rock-rose is a “fire-follower”, one of many plants of the sage scrub and chaparral that have seeds that can remain dormant for many years and are stimulated to sprout by a wildfire. Thus “fire-followers” are extremely abundant for a few years following a fire, decreasing in abundance thereafter until another fire starts the cycle anew.



A beautiful but super easy to grow plant that can add in your rock garden or any place to brighten the spot.

很美麗 也很容易種植的花,在缺水 乾旱的加州 這花是很受歡迎的!

update 2/24/2022 below;

Miloh family planted another species rockrose last year.


pink small flowers that looks cute ~

pink rockrose


有點點在花瓣上的 顏色鮮豔 美極了

purple-flowered rockrose

with a few dotted dark red in the middle. the color is so vivid.

像不像在風中跳舞啊 Dancing in the wind ~~~

用檸檬做豆腐 豆花 Homemade Tofu with Lemon Juice

拿 檸檬 點 豆腐!果酸豆腐是利用水果本身所含的酸使大豆球蛋白凝集形成豆腐

Homemade Tofu with Lemon Juice…sounds too good to be true ?

食材 Ingridients:

黃豆,水,檸檬 Soybean, water, lemon

比例 Ratio

黃豆:水 : 檸檬汁 = 1 :6:1/6 = Soybeans :Water:Lemon juice

檸檬水 = 檸檬汁 再加入2 到 四倍的水

Diluted Lemon water = Add 2 -4 time water into lemon juice

點豆漿點的溫度 75 – 80C/175F 左右

做法 Steps:


Soak soybeans for at least 8 hours or until it’s sprouted. Put into blender then filter out the residue.


or Simply use soy milk machine to make soy milk.

或是更簡單的 用豆漿機煮好豆漿,過濾好豆渣。 (請看後記的注意事項)

一次多煮好幾罐 冰在冰箱, 有空時再拿出來做豆腐。拿出來後 加溫。

豆漿煮熟後 。等溫度降到 80C/175F ,或是 等鍋裏的泡泡不再滾的時候 –放入檸檬水

boiling the soy milk until it’s fully cooked. set aside until it drop to about 175F. pour in diluted lemon water.


豆漿會開始凝固 慢慢變成絮状 和水分離像豆花,稍微靜置幾分鐘 再涼一點時

you will see the soy milk start to curd. Wait for couple minutes to cool down.

No Tofu mold yet, so temporarily use mushroom container with lots holes on the bottom. you need cheesecloth too.

沒有做 豆腐模型,所以先拿家裏裝蘑菇的盒子。

放入過濾布(起司棉布)在放入模具中, 重量上壓 豆腐就會慢慢成型

大約 30 分鐘 – 1小時左右 就好了。

記得 不要把壓的豆腐模 泡水裏。 要用筷子 或另一個盒子 隔開哦

Pour into the mold, put heavy stuffs on top of it to press out the liquid/strain the curds. Tofu will be ready in half to one hour. Remember no to let the mold soak directly into the drain water.

The followings are different testing results:

做了好幾次的實驗,水 豆子 檸檬水 的比例。

half cup bean, 3 cups water. 1/8 cup lemon diluted with 2 times water only. press for one hour. It turn out medium soft.

這塊小豆腐 只用半杯的豆子,3杯水。 1/8 杯檸檬 ,大約一顆檸檬,稀釋兩倍的水。 壓了1小時。—- 不是很嫩 卻也不老。

2nd Trial below 第二次的實驗:

2 cups beans, 6 cups water, 1/2 cup lemon juice – Diluted with 4 time water. Pressed for 2 hours. It turns out to be a firm tofu.

2杯豆子 ,6 杯水。 半杯檸檬汁 稀釋四倍的水。 重物壓了兩小時 — 老豆腐!

3rd Trial 第三次:

1 cup bean, 4 cups water. 1/4 lemon juice diluted with 4 times water. Pressed for 30 mins — turn out to be medium firm Tofu.

1 杯豆子,4 杯水,1/4 檸檬汁 稀釋四倍的水。 重物壓30分鐘 — 一般我們吃的豆腐 不是老的 也不嫩 比第一個豆腐 稍微老一點點。

4th Trial 第四個實驗:

1 cup bean, 6 cups water. 1/4 lemon juice diluted with 4 time water. Pressed for 30 mins. — soft Tofu. The perfect one! YES ~~~

1杯豆子,6 杯水。 1/4 檸檬汁 稀釋4倍。 重物壓半小時。– 最好吃 口感也好 的嫩豆腐!! 滿意 很滿意~~~

Conclusion and Tips 心得 和 結論如下:

*豆腐的硬度 其實和酸度 加多少檸檬汁 點豆漿 并無太大差別

The firm or soft tofu actually depends on the water ratio to bean,and the time you press the tofu with heavy stuff. How much Lemon water actually doesn’t matter that much.

**豆子和水的比例,壓豆腐模的時間 — 是決定的關鍵。煮豆子的水多一點,壓模的時間短一點, 這樣的豆腐比較嫩。

More water cooked with beans, less time to press down the molding process will give you more soft texture. vice versa.

***點豆漿時 鍋子的溫度要固定,所以這時用小火。 等倒完檸檬水後再完全關火

****在準備生豆漿煮熟時,可以先不要擺太多水打豆子。 可以在煮豆漿時再慢慢加入溫開水。 這樣縮短煮豆漿的時間 不粘鍋 不撲出斗泡。

*****豆漿煮好後 最好放置2小時 再喝 或開始點豆腐。這樣比較吃不出生豆味。

豆漿機 : 要注意豆子和水的比例,麥寳娘親 用的是 九陽豆漿機。 豆子擺的比建議的量還多快一倍 才有 豆子:水 6:1 的比例。

豆漿機一次打的豆漿的量 太少,所以要分開打好幾次 才夠做豆腐。至少三次的量 才夠哦~~

豆花的簡易做法 Simple way to make Silken Tofu:

在點豆漿時 凝固時就是豆花了。 但是 如果你有豆漿,只想吃碗豆花。可以把豆漿擺在杯子或碗,倒入一點檸檬汁。就會看到豆漿開始凝固。

豆漿:檸檬汁 比例 = 1 杯 :1茶匙

One cup of soy milk, add in one tsp lemon juice. wait to see the soy milk curd. Put into steamer after water boiling.. turn the heat to median and steam for 10 mins.

然後在蒸籠大火後,擺進去用中火蒸10分鐘。 冷了後 就是好吃的豆花了。想試試看嗎?

silken tofu!


寧經加熱至 80℃以上即可破壞毒素 【2】


以水果酸做為凝固劑,調整水果汁液的百分比來改變 pH 值,並找出最
適合的 pH 值,經研究發現 pH4.5~4.7 時最適合用來製造水果豆腐。【1】

檸檬汁的ph 大約在 2.



於豆漿溫度在 75~80℃時,對 1 ㎏大豆添加約 50g 的硫酸鈣,

Homemade tofu can be just eat as salad with some sauce or fry/cook with veggie or meat.

嫩豆腐 做 涼拌,老豆腐可以做家常豆腐 或椒鹽豆腐。 美味 可口!

It’s time to find a tofu mold !

是該動手做個豆腐木盒模型 或 買個好模型 來好好做豆腐~~

參考質料 Reference :



