自製水果酵母 免揉軟麵包 Fruit Yeast No Knead Bread

Miloh’s mom made couple fruit yeast, she use the yeast water to make a simple but delicious bread. 

Reference Yeast Water 參考酵母汁的做法:

自製百香果酵母 Passion Fruit Yeast


麥寳娘親自己動手做了幾罐 水果酵母汁,拿一些來做了一個簡單又好吃的免揉麵包。


  • 高筋粉 350克              3 cups all purpose flour
  • 鹽 1茶匙                      1 teaspoons salt
  • 水果酵母¼杯/4 茶匙   ¼ cups
  • 水 或 牛奶 300毫升    1 room temperature water


基本上把酵母汁 取代原本的1茶匙商用酵母粉和 原本水量的1/4杯 。

可以參考之前的食譜 Reference previous blog:

簡易免揉麵包 Simple No Knead Bread




高筋粉跟鹽和酵母水 拌勻。放入一大盤中。倒進暖水/牛奶,用大匙拌勻。麵團很濕黏。

In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour, salt, and yeast water together until mixed. Stir in the water until a chunky, thick dough forms.

蓋上盒蓋或鋪上保鮮膜。置室溫中發酵 放置一夜。

Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let it rest for 12-18 hours at room temperature .


隔天 拿出麵團。灑點高筋粉。此時麵團已發大,非常柔軟。表面有很多孔。不用搓揉麵團。只需把麵團捲成長桶形或滾成球形。


Add in some nuts if you like.

When you are ready to bake, take the dough and simply wrap to a long roll.  let it sit for 30 mins to one hour.

擺到烤盤上面, 置室溫中再次醒麵約30分鐘

Bake 375F for 30 mins. Before you close the oven, toss in couple ice cubes to create the steam result for Crispy Crust.

烤箱375F,烤30分鐘。 關上烤箱門之前,丟進去幾個冰塊。這樣烤出來 皮脆内軟!

You can see the texture inside the bread and It taste so good!!

皮脆内軟的麵包。 可以看到内部的口很大。嚼勁 口感 風味 特佳!


水果酵母液 百香果 Passion Fruit Yeast

Miloh’s family grow couple passion fruit vines.. and they harvest over hundred and hundred passion fruits last year.

麥寳家種了幾株 百香果,去年收成上千顆! 今年百香果又開始開花了。

They enjoy passion fruits almost all year round.  The flowers just started recently.

Passion fruit flowers

Miloh’s mom used raisin,date and apple to ferment the yeast before, she is going to use passion fruits this time.

雖然不是盛產季節,卻一直也都有得吃。 拿幾顆來試試看 做酵母。

食材比例 Ingredient ratio

水果:水:糖  1:1:1/6  fruit : water : sugar

No sugar is fine too, just take a little bit long time.

試了好幾次沒有擺糖的 水果酵母,結果麵糰也都還是發的很好。 不過酵母水好的時間會加長而已

製作 Steps


First Day: mix all 3 ingredients into a clean jar.  put in room temperature.


Open up the cover, shake it couple times per day.



Day 3: the seeds float up.

麵包酵母都是天然的: 外面賣的酵母粉也是,只不過有些加入了些 乳化劑。

做麵包饅頭 加入自己養的酵母 可以增加烘培 多層次的風味。

這也是爲何 酵母 是麵包師傅的鎮店之寶。

It’s bubbling!

Day 4: the liquid become darker and you can see the bubbles float.



Miloh love to enter this Passion fruit arch

It is ready when the lid makes a popping sound when you open the jar, and you hear fizzing.

看底部已有白色的沉澱物。 此時已經可以濾了哦!

After your yeast water is fully active, you can strain the fruit out of it, keep the liquid and store it in the refrigerator indefinitely.

Filter the yeast

過濾好的 酵母汁

Once you’d like to use your yeast water again you can top it off with some fruit or even sugar and keep it at room temperature before use to increase activity.


add fermented liquid to speed up the fermentation

做成功的味道、氣味從一開始的果汁味,慢慢熟成果汁味 、然後發酵的淡淡酒香味

crabapple honey yeast

這是用 野山楂和蜂蜜 做的水果酵母


除了看到每次搖晃後 會有很多氣泡聞起來有酒味,液體顔色變深色。還有就是 如果下一次再搖晃後,氣泡少了很多。那麽就是可以使用了! 希望這樣解説 清楚一些。


You can use yeast water directly in your bake

Yeast water can be added directly to your dough without creating a starter. Your yeast water is always ready for use, you don’t need to feed it like a sourdough starter to use it in a bake. 【1】

可以直接拿 酵母汁 發酵麵糰哦。 麥寳娘親 馬上做了一個歐巴。


The flavor of this bread is more wheat-forward: without the typical dominant sour notes, it tastes fresh and mild with a whiff of fermentation。

Create Your Starter 做 酵母酵種

In a separate container or bowl, combine yeast water with flour same amount.

Yeast water : Flour = 1 : 1


酵母汁:麵粉 = 1:1  

用高筋麵粉 效果會好一點。

let it rest for overnight.

隔夜發老麵, 分成幾個小的麵糰。 擺入冰箱 要用時 前一晚拿出來即可。

Separate them into couple small pieces, store in refrigerator.  Take it out a night before when you need it.


Using apple lemon Yeast water

這是用 蘋果檸檬酵母汁做的,顔色比較淡

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Miloh’s mom made another french bread by using the yeast water, it turn out really chewy, nice flavor bread!!

麥寳娘親 又拿酵母汁 做了一個核桃歐包,口感 嚼勁 都好吃的 無懈可擊!

完整食譜 recipe:

自製水果酵母 免揉軟歐包 Fruit Yeast No Knead Bread

Reference 參考文件:

(1)Baking bread with a yeast water starter


(2)Creating Fruit Yeast Water Starter

(3)麵包酵母都是天然的 只有自養與商用的差別



