穿蓬蓬裙跳舞的 吊鐘花 Dancing Ballerina “Fuchsia”


The fuchsia flower is a beautiful, exotic flower with striking two-tone colors.

而英文的俗名又叫做耳墬子Lady’s Eardrops

The traditional flower form on these blooming beauties features an outer skirt 。


Blossoms open in many hues, including purple, pink, red, white, lavender, yellow and orange.


They produce masses of delightful, pendant, bell-like flowers for months


fuchsia, have adapted to accommodate hummingbirds. Their blooms hang downward that hummingbirds can reach their sweet treat.

果實‎: ‎漿果.像小櫻桃一般可愛

all fuchsia plants produce berries. Not only that, they are all edible fruits.


這植物是17世紀末西方人在中美洲加勒比發現的,後來就以德國著名園藝學家Leonart Fuchs的姓氏命名。

Plant or hang your fuchsia flower in a semi-sunny area. They much prefer temperatures that are a little cooler and don’t like a lot of sunshine.


water during hotter weather, but do not over water them or their roots will rot. Make sure the pots they are in provide adequate drainage.

This fuchsia pot is from Miloh mom’s good friend when friend moved to Mid-West. Miloh’s mom put the pot in front of kitchen window so she won’t forget to water it; also she can enjoy the flowers while cooking.

這盆正在盛開著的 吊鐘花,是麥寳娘親好友 搬家時 交給她的。 怕忘了澆水,把它擺在厨房窗口。 也可在做菜時 欣賞這花在 窗口, 一個個像穿蓬蓬裙的舞娘 在你面前放肆地跳著舞!


They look like ballerina dancing in the air and put you into a lively atmosphere~~