關山櫻 Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

重瓣的 櫻花

Miloh Family planted couple Kwanzan Flowering Cherry in the yard. one of them at front bloom once with 3 flowers only.  This year, the one planted at backyard .. finally has cherry blossoms and so so beautiful!

麥寳家人 幾年前 種了幾株 關山櫻,只有一株開過3朵….. 今年 在後院的那株,在四月底終於開花了。而且一開 就不少 ,非常漂亮!

關山櫻的特徵:花與葉同行。 花開時,新的葉子也正好長出來。


It produces an extraordinary number of large clusters of bright pink double blooms that last for weeks.



With an upright, vase shape tree。

Plant it in full sun or give it a little afternoon shade.

The Kwanzan starts to grow bronze leaves while it’s still in bloom.

The Kwanzan Cherry Tree is a vibrant tree that would be an amazing addition to any yard.


Autumn leaves change color, so pretty too!

紀伯倫 黎巴嫩詩人說:



“In every winter’s heart there is a quivering spring, and behind the veil of each night there is a shining dawn.” — Kahlil Gibran

During this Corona Virus Pandemic, we appreciate the flowers are still blooming. The Birds are singing.  Hope everyone stay safe, stay healthy.

Tomorrow  will be better.

在這次新冠肺炎疫情下,我們待在家裏。 或許失去了些自由。 但是 大自然還是賦予我們許多美好。 花兒照樣開著,鳥兒唱著歌。

願大家都安好,相信 明天會更好。