濕潤又鬆軟的 酸奶油香蕉麵包 Sour Cream Banana Bread

This banana bread with sour cream make it super moist and fluffy that you will enjoy it.

這個香蕉麵包,加入酸奶油。 吃起來濕潤又鬆軟。


12 cup butter 奶油12

12 cup sugar 糖 12

2 eggs 蛋 2 個

1 12 cups flour 麵粉1&12

1 teaspoon baking soda 小蘇打粉 1茶匙

12 teaspoon salt 鹽 12 茶匙

1 cup mashed banana 香蕉一杯

12 cup chopped nuts 切碎的堅果12

12 cup sour cream 酸奶油12


Cream butter, sugar, eggs

把奶油,糖,蛋. 攪拌均匀。

Add dry ingredients

加進 乾的食材:麵粉,蘇打粉,鹽

then bananas, nuts and sour cream.

最後加入 香蕉,堅果,酸奶油。

Mix well. Pour into loaf pan.

攪拌均匀後,倒入 土司烤盤

Bake at 350 F for 1 hour.

烤箱350F, 烤一小時。

It’s delicious and so easy to make!
